Illustrations to 'A Smaller Social History of Ancient Ireland'
From A Smaller Social History of Ancient Ireland 1906

Portion of a Bell shrine found in the River Bann (From Miss Stokes’s Christian Inscriptions)
« Preface | Contents | Map of Ireland »
1. Frontispiece to the Epistle of St. Jerome in the Book of Durrow, Frontispiece2. Cormac's Chapel on the Rock of Cashel, xxiv
3. Ruins on Inishcaltra in Lough Derg, 8
4. Specimen of ancient Irish Bookbinding, 10
5. Aill-na-Meeran, 14
6. Irish Kings and Archers, thirteenth century, 24
7. Dun-Dalgan, Cuculainn's residence, near Dundalk, 40
8. Rath-Keltair at Downpatrick, 41
9. Flint Arrow-head, 50
10. Do. do., 50
11. Do. do., 50
12. Bronze head of Battle-mace, 51
13. Bronze Spear-head, 52
14. Do. do., 52
15. Do. do., 53
16. Do. do., 53
17. Do. curved Sword, 53
18. Ancient bronze Sword, 55
19. Bronze Scabbard, 55
20. Metallic Celt or Battle-axe, 56
21. Do. do., 56
22. Celt on handle, 57
23. Do. do., 57
24. Dermot Mac Murrogh, 58
25. Two Galloglasses, 58
26. Front of bronze Shield, 61
27. Back of bronze Shield, 61
28. Soldier receiving charge, 67
29. Two Galloglasses on tomb, 68
30. Capital L from Book of Kells, 70
31. Facsimile of Senchus Mor, 74
32. A Fairy Hill, 105
33. A Fairy Moat, 107
34. Amulet, 123
35. Killeen Cormac in Wicklow, 134
36. Doorway of St. Erc's Hermitage, 137
37. Ancient Baptismal Font of Clonard, 138
38. St. Columb's House at Kells, 140
39. Irish Shrine, 147
40. St. Dicuil's Holy Well at Lure, France, 131
41. Gougane Barra in Cork, 154
42. St. Mac Dara's Church, 155
43. St. Doulogh's Church near Dublin, 156
44. Ancient Church Doorway, 157
45. Kilmallock Abbey, 159
46. Round Tower, Clonmacnoise, 161
47. Round Tower, Devenish, 162
48. Round Tower, Drumcliff, 163
49. St. Patrick's Bell, 166
50. Shrine of St. Patrick's Bell, 167
51. Mac Ailello's Bell, 168
52. Ogham Alphabet, 170
53. Ogham Stone, 170
54. Two Irish-Roman Alphabets, 173
55. John Scotus Erigena, 176
56. Tombstone of the "Seven Romans," 177
57. Alphabet cut on Stone, 183
58. Astronomical Diagram, 192
59. Scribe writing, 204
60. Facsimile of part of Book of Dun Cow, 210
61. Dysert Aengus in Limerick, 221
62. Noah's Ark, 223
63. Tubbrid Church in Tipperary, 231
63A. Illuminated page of Book of Mac Durnan, facing 241
64. Outlines of illuminated page, 241
65. Ornamented page, Gospel of St. John, 243
66. The Ardagh Chalice, 247
67. The Tara Brooch, 248
68. The Cross of Cong, 250
69. Harp-player, 255
70. Irish Piper, 256
71. Harp and Pipe-players, 257
72. Group of Irish Trumpets, 258
73. Ornamental bronze Trumpet-plate, 259
74. Sweating-house, 279
75. Trim Castle, 291
76. Coloured Glass Ornament, 294
77. Coloured Porcelain Pin-head, 294
78. Coloured Glass Circular Disk, 294
79. Carrickfergus Castle, 296
80. King John's Castle, Limerick, 297
81. Plan of Irish Homestead, 299
82. Plan of Irish Dwelling-house, 301
83. Castle of Athlone, 304
84. The Moat of Kilfinnane, 307
85. Staigue Fort in Kerry, 308
86. Dun-Aengus in Aranmore, 309
87. Carlow Castle, 311
88. Dundrum Castle, Co. Down, 312
89. Stone Drinking-cup, 314
90. Bronze Drinking-vessel, 315
91. The Kavanagh Horn, 315
92. Ancient wooden vessel, 316
93. Figure of a Man drinking, 317
94. Wooden Mether, 318
95. Do. do., 318
96. Wooden Bucket, 318
97. Earthenware glazed Pitcher, 319
98. Plan of Tara, 322
99. The Forrad Mound, Tara, 324
100. Dinnree Fort, 333
101. North Moat, Naas, 335
102. Carbury Castle, Kildare, 336
103. The Rock of Cashel, 338
104. Caher Castle, 339
105. Small ancient Table, 346
106. Bronze Strainer, 349
107. Bronze Caldron, 352
108. Do. do., 353
109. Ancient Butter-print, 359
110. Firkin of Bog-butter, 360
111. Bronze Figures of Ecclesiastics, 378
112. Ancient Ornamented Comb, 379
113. Do. do., 379
114. Do. do., 379
115. Bronze Razor, 380
116. Small gold Box, 382
117. Angel: from Book of Kells, 386
118. Evangelist: from Book of Kells, 387
119. Group showing Costume, 389
120. Figures showing the Kilt, 390
121. Figures showing Trews or Trousers, 391
122. Enamelled bronze Button, 392
123. Decorated bronze Pin, 392
124. Do. do., 392
125. Do. do., 392
126. Do. do., 392
127. Do. do., 392
128. Do. do., 392
129. Gentleman of high class in costume of 1600, 393
130. Lady of high class in costume of 1600, 393
131. Lady of middle class in costume of 1600, 393
132. Gentleman of middle class in costume of 1600, 393
133. Peasant Man in costume of 1600, 393
134. Peasant Woman in costume of 1600, 393
135. Portion of a Veil, 395
136. Ornamented Shoe, 396
137. Feet on Panel, showing Sandals, 397
138. Pair of connected Shoes, 398
139. Gold Bracelet, 400
140. Bronze Bracelet, 400
141. Gold Finger-ring, 401
142. Bead or Stud of Jet, 402
143. Do. do., 402
144. Do. do., 402
145. Gold Bead, 402
146. Do., 402
147. Gold Torque, 403
148. Do., 404
149. Gold Crescent, first type, 405
150. Do., second type, 406
151. Do., do., 407
152. Gold Boss of Crescent, 408
153. Gold Crescent, third type, 409
154. Bunne-do-at or Fibula, 411
155. Do. do., 411
156. Do. do., 411
157. Small Bunne-do-at, 412
158. Do. do., 412
159. Great Bunne-do-at, 413
160. Circular gold Plate, 413
161. Bronze Brooch, 414
162. Crowned Irish King, 416
163. Fillet or Ray of a Crown, 417
164. Gold Earring, 418
165. Gold Ball for the Hair, 419
166. A Holed-Stone, 423
167. Bronze Reaping-hook, 426
168. Goldsmith's Anvil, 437
169. Inlaid enamelled Hook, 438
170. Spear-head, 438
171. Mould for bronze Celt, 439
172. Mould for bronze Spear, 439
173. Plan of Smith's Bellows, 442
174. Mould for Forge Furnace, 444
175. Bronze Adze, 446
176. Bronze Chisel, 448
177. Do., 448
178. Do., 448
179. Do., 448
180. Bronze Gouge, 449
181. Round Tower of Devenish, 451
182. Window of Castledermot Abbey, 452
183. Doorway of Rahan Church, 454
184. Upper Stone of Quern, 459
185. Quern, 460
186. Grain-Rubber, 461
187. Specimen of Wool-weaving, 464
188. Do. do., 464
189. Two bronze Needles, 469
190. Ancient Steelyard, 475
191. Bracteate Coin, 476
192. Do., 476
193. Small Bunne, used as Money, 477
194. Ancient Irish Chariots, 486
195. Horseman, 488
196. Horseman using Horse-rod, 489
197. Skeleton of Irish Elk, 507
198. Pronged Fishing-spear, 512
199. Bone Chessman, 515
200. The Twelve Winds, 528
201. Cinerary Urn of Stone, 535
202. Cinerary Urn of baked Clay, 535
203. New Grange Mound, 538
204. Burial Mound near Clonard, 541
205. Sepulchral Chamber with Sarcophagus, 542
206. Sepulchral Stone Enclosure, 543
207. Great Cromlech at Kilternan, 544
208. Phoenix Park Cromlech, 545
209. King Dathi's Grave and Pillar-stone, 547
210. Lugnaed's Headstone, 548
211. Strongbow's Monument in Christchurch, 549
212. Tomb of Felim O'Conor, King of Connaught, 550