Boulogne-Sur-Mer: St. Patrick's Native Town

Rev. William Fleming

The cross marks the ruins of the fortifications built around Caligula’s Tower by Henry VIII., King of England.

Boulogne-sur-Mer: St. Patrick's Native Town - Paperback Edition

Boulogne-sur-Mer: St. Patrick's Native Town - Kindle Edition

St. Patrick’s Birthplace: A Summary of Proofs that the Apostle of Ireland was a Native of Boulogne-sur-Mer, France - Paperback Edition

St. Patrick’s Birthplace: A Summary of Proofs that the Apostle of Ireland was a Native of Boulogne-sur-Mer, France - Kindle Edition

The Epistles and Hymn of Saint Patrick, with the Poem of Secundinus, translated into English - Paperback Edition

The Epistles and Hymn of Saint Patrick, with the Poem of Secundinus, translated into English - Kindle Edition