Dublin City Directory, 1850 - S

AuthorSamuel Lewis
SourceNew City Pictorial Directory
SectionAlphabetical City Directory

SADLEIR, Rev. Dr. F. Provost T.C.D. Provost's house, Grafton street
   Rev. William Digby, F.T.C.D. 43 Fitzwilliam place, South
Sadlier, John, 5 Denmark street, Great, & Shrone hill, Tipperary
   Richard, 10 Clanbrassil place
   Nicholas, 70 Mecklenburgh street, Lower
Sall, William, 70 Grafton street
Salaman, Maurice, 7 North Gloucester street, Up.
Salmon, Rev. George, A.B.F.T.C.D. 2 Heytesbury terrace, Wellington road
   Rice, and Co. 3 Anglesea street
   James, 123 King street, North
   William, 148 Townsend street
   William, 159 do.
Samuels, John, N P. Seafield cottage. Glasthule,
Samuelson, Elias, 20 Fownes' street
Sanders, Frederick, 30 Lombard street
   Rev. Francis Alexander, 26 Lower Fitzwilliam street
Sandford, John, 21 Fleet street
   Charles, 19 City quay
Sandys, Thomas, 9 Wellington street
San, Giovani, Mary, 3 D'Olier street
Sankey, Major Samuel, 17 Mount street, Upper
Sargent, Rev John Paine, 48 Great George's street North
Sarmiento, Signor, 18 Cobourg place
Sarsfield, Patrick James, 4 Henry street
   Misses, 60 Montgomery street
Saul, Robert, 3 Lurgan street
   Thomas, 1 and 2 High street
Sault, Richard, 27 Clanbrassil street
Saunders, John, 6 Nicholas street
   James, 9 New Bride street
   Mrs. General, 8 Heytesbury terrace, Wellington road. Upper Leeson street
   Mrs. 5 Mount street, Lower
   News Letter Office, 62 Dame street
Saunderson, Edwin, 75 Dame street
Saurin, James, 32 Stephen's green, North
   Mrs. 23 Summer hill
   Mark Anthony, 32 Stephen's green, North and Carysfort house, Blackrock
   William, 6 Little ship street
   Mrs. 56 Baggot street, Upper Sausse,
   Mathew R. 5 Hume street
Savage, George, 1 Trinity street
   Marmion W. 44 Fitzwilliam place
   Misses E. and A. 13 Charlotte street
   Thomas, 11 Wormwood gate
Sawyer, James Hewitt, 38 York street
   Richard, 44 Fleet street, Marine villa, 14 Burdett avenue, Glasthule, Kingstown
Sayers, Michael, 7 Mercer street
   Mrs. 3 Hardwicke street
Scallan, James J, 8 Talbot street
   Richard W. and Son, 38 Ormond quay Lower
   Robert, 165 Great Brunswick street
Scally, James, 15 Church street
   John and Co. 29 Pill lane
Scanlan, Patrick, 26 Eustace street, and 3 Temple lane
   James, 51 Grangegorman lane, Upper
   Michael, 41 City quay
Scales, Robert, 32 North strand
Scarlet, John, 80 Dorset street, Upper
Scarlett, Frederick A. 43 New street
Schoales, George, 7 Hatch street
   John, 7 Hatch street
   Mrs. 103 Lower Gardiner street
School of Medicine, 31 Park street, East
Scots' Church, Female School, 135 Capel street
Scott, Bindon, 4 Kildare street
   David, 19 Upper Dominick street,
   James, 1 William street, North
   James, 3 and 4 Werburgh street
   James, 25 Merchants' quay
   John, 3 Merrion square, South
   Mrs. 16 James's street,
   Barnaby, Upper Queen's Inn Chambers, 10 Henrietta street
   David, 82 Talbot street, and Linen-hall
   George, 70 Gardiner street, Lower, and 51Abbey street, Middle,
   Henry and William, 31 Eden quay
   James, 32 Kevin street, Upper
   John, 73 Thomas street
   John, 32 South Frederick street
   Joseph, 30 William street
   Mary, 4 Exchange street, Lower
   Mrs. 3 Wellington place, Leeson street, Upper
   Mrs. 64 Lower Dominick street
   Ralph, 19 Dominick street, Lower
   Rev. Robinson, 79 Stephen's green, South
   Richard, 16 Gardiner street, Middle
   Richard, 19 Dominick street, Lower
   William, 31 Eden quay
   Richard, 6 Rutland square, East
   Robert, 65 Upper Abbey street
   Thomas, 44 Hardwicke street
   William, 48 Stafford street
Scriber, John, 20 Westmoreland street
   Joseph & Mathew, 34 Great George's street S.
Scully, John, 12 Jervis street
   Mrs. Eliza, 68 Talbot street
   B. 178 Great Brunswick street
   Vincent, 15 Merrion square, South
   James, 8 Clarence street
   John Joseph, 16 Gardiner street, Middle
   John, 54 Clarendon street
   J. M. 82 Great Britain street
   Patrick, 36 James's street
   Patrick, 24 Meath street
   Robert, 39 Stoneybatter
Seale, William, 60 Eccles street
Searle, William Janaway, 50 Great Denmark street
Searson, Henry, 29 Capel street
Seaver, Patrick, 66 Moore street
Seed, Stephen, 28 Mount street, Upper
   Thompson, 10 De Grey terrace
Seery, Thomas, 15 Cook street
Segrave and Son, 114 Dorset street, Upper
   Mrs. 6 Harcourt street
Sellers, James, 14 New row, Thomas street
Semple, William, 98 Abbey street, Middle
Sewell, James, 60 Mount street, Lower, and 8 Prince William terrace, Grand Canal street
Sexton, Mathew, 2 Charlemont place
Seymour and Webb, 4 Kildare street
   Edward, Wigh 4 Kildare street
   John, M.D. 30 Hardwicke street
   William, 42 Lower Camden street
   Mary Anne, 99 Bride street
Shade, Henry L. 1 Parliament street
Shalvey, Patrick, 39 Francis street
Shanahan, Count de Kavanagh, M.D. 148 Great Brunswick street
Shanklin, Mrs. 28 Charlemont street
Shanly, James D. 7 Portland place
   Mrs 233 French street
Shannon, Christopher, 35 James's street
   Cornelius, 2 Mountbrown
   George William, 19 Upper Ormond quay
   Isaac, 108 Thomas street
   James, Charlemont terrace, 91 Ranelagh rd.
   James, 5 Mountbrown
   Oliver, 4 Mountbrown
   Oliver, jun. 3 James' street
   Peter, M.D. 51 Camden street
   Peter, and Son, 6 Mountbrown
   Richard, Laburnam cottage, Newcomen bridge North strand
   Robert, and Co. 57 Camden street
   Thomas, 121 Upper Abbey street
   James, 13 Peter's row
   Thomas, 9 Queen street
   Thomas, 22 Charlotte street
   William, 33 Denzille street
Shane, Eliza, 15 Upper Pembroke street
Sharkey, Lewis G., A.B. 30 Gardiner street, Lower, and 3 Portland row, Summerhill
Sharp, Charles, 31 Anglesea street
   John, 17 Power's court
   Mrs. 4 Anne street, North East
   P. 6 Protestant row
   Robert, 4 Leinster street
   George, 16 Wentworth place
   Richard, 36 Westmoreland street
Sharpe, Frederick, 100 Amiens street
Sharpley, Arthur, and Co. 59 Capel street
Shaw, Anne, 70 Dame street
   Christopher, 11 Earl street, North
   Charles, 63 Lower Mount street
   Charles, 3 Wellington place, near Clanbrassil street
   Henry, 40 Lower Ormond quay
   James, 13 Meath street
   James, 84 and 85 George's street, South, Gt.
   John, 29 Ormond quay, Lower, and Erin terrace, 44 Leinster road, Rathmines
   John, 2 Eldon terrace, Clanbrassil street
   John, and Co. 57 William street
   James, 90 Thomas street
   James, 8 Mary's lane
   Ralph, and.R. Hall, 1 White's lane, and George's quay
   Thomas Kenworthy, 32 Dame street
   Thomas Kennedy, 20 Ely place
   William, and Son, 8 Bachelor's walk
Shea, Eliza, 2 New Bride street
   Daniel Francis, Grantham street
   John, 28 Capel street
   John, 14 Montpelier hill
Shean, Daniel, 29 Upper Abbey street
Sheffield, Nicholas, 49 North strand
Sheehan, Judith, 34 Frederick street, South
   Peter, 4 Cook street
   Thomas, Mespil house, Upper Leeson, street and 27 Parliament street
Sheehy, Patrick, 40 Exchequer street
   Roger, 1 D'Olier street
Sheeky, Michael, 38 South King street
Sheerin, Michael, 3 Copper alley
   Joseph, 11 Francis street
   Thomas, 106 North King street
   John, 22 Lower Temple street
Sheil, Thomas, 23 Constitution hill
   Samuel, 47 Patrick street
   Mary, 2 Dawson circus
   Robert, 17 Peter street
Sheils and Scott, 28 Castle street
Shekleton, Mrs. 15 Russell place
   Joseph, 5 Campbell's place
Shelly, Daniel, 160 Great Britain street
   Edward, 5 Lower Abbey street
Shepherd, William, 34 Ormond quay, Lower
Sheppard, Miss, 1 Lower Leeson street
   Richard, 97 Upper Leeson street
Sheridan, Henry and John, 46 and 47 Bridgefoot street
   James, Eden hill, Killester, 26 Arran quay, and Church street
   John, 2 Charlemont parade
   John, 29 Wexford street
   John, 95 Britain street, Great
   Nicholas, 23 Wellington street
   Peter, 22 Parliament street
   William, 8 Westland row
   William, 35 Ormond quay, Lower
   Bryan, 10 Aldborough court
   Christopher, 38 Bull alley
   Eliza, 28 George's place, North
   J. 141 King street, North
   Jane, 47 Fishamble street
   John and William, 27 Pimlico
   James, 112 Mecklenburgh street, Upper
   John, 45 Golden lane
   John, 3 Britain lane
   John, 2 Mecklenburgh street, Lower
   John, 31 Exchequer street
   John, 16 do
   Patrick, 3 Meath street
   Mathew, 4 Luke street
   Mrs. 15 Phibsboro'
   Mrs. 28 Stoneybatter
   Patrick, 40 South King street
   Thomas, 82 Townsend street
Sherlock, Edward, 21 Watling street
   Luke, 97 King street, North
   Mrs. Matilda, 17 Warrington place
   Thomas, 103 Abbey street, Middle, and 13 Seville place
   John, 122 Townsend street
   William A. 59 Lower Gardiner street
   Jonathan W. do
   James, T. Mountjoy square, West
   John T. do
Sherrard, David Henry, 88 Dorset street, Upper
Sherrock, Mrs. Ellen, 6 Grenville street
Sherry, Michael, 36 Usher's quay
   John, 7 Carman's hall
   John, 29 Upper Dorset street
   Miss Charlemont row
   Michael, 74 Cork street
   Mrs. 48 Upper Dorset street
   Peter, 42 Meath street
Sherwin, William, 126 Church street, and Anna villa
Sherwood, George, 28 Wexford street
   Jason, 22 Earl street, North
   Thomas, 24 Lower Liffey street
   Patrick, 72 James's street
   Richard, 3 Grattan street
Shields, Joseph A. 32 Gardiner street, Middle
   Miss, 41 Great Brunswick street
   Thomas, 23 Constitution hill
   D. 13 King street, South
   Catherine, 9 Anglesea market
Shirtsinger, John, 47 Capel street
Shire, Rev. Loftus, 13 Royal Canal terrace
Shore, Rev Thomas R. D.D. 87 Dorset street, Up
   Robert, 6 Summerhill parade
Short, John, 6 Anglesea street
   Bryan, 16 Mercer street
   Martin, 158 Townsend street
   John, 49 York street
Shortall, John and Co., 21 Camden street, Lower
   William, 26 Cross Kevin street
Shorten, James, 6 Catherine street
Shortt, Mrs. 38 Lennox street
Sibthorpe, Charles, 32 Leeson street, Upper
   H. and Son, 11 Cork hill
   John, 29 Leeson street, Upper, and 11 Cork hl
Sibbald, William, 8 Gordon's place 67 Meath street
Sidford, Mrs. 17 Nassau street
Sidney, Frederick John, 19 Herbert street
   James W. 19 Hardwicke street
   and Ward, 10 Dame street
   and Jackson, 15 Lower Ormond quay
Sillery, Marmaduke, 112 Abbey street, Middle
Silvercock, Henry, 35 Grafton street
Simmons, James, 2 Pembroke quay, and 33 Parkgate street
Simmonds and Cornwall, 17 Frederick street, Sth
Simmons, Michael, 2 Pembroke quay
Simonton, James, 1 Jervis street
Simpson and White, 1 College green
   David, 23 Eden quay
   John Jones, 54 Dame street
   Maxwell, 1 Brougham place Wellington road
   Robert, 3 Moore lane, 42 Sackville street, Upper, and 34 Rutland square, West
   Richard A. 2 Gloucester street, Lower, and Elmgreen house, County Dublin
   James, 49 Moore street
   Richard, 5 Clarence street
   Thomas, 1 Foster place
Simpson's Hospital, Mary street
Sinclair, John, 20 Percy place
Singer, Paulus Aemilus, 1 Temple street, Upper
   Rev. Dr., 40 Fitzwilliam place, South,
Singleton, Edward, 48 Cork street
   James R. 41 Prussia street
   James and Joseph, 8 Mercer street
   John, 4 Aungier street, and 73 Stephen's green South
   John, 24 Westmoreland street
   Miss, 35 Frederick street, South
   Miss A. 78 Cork street
   Robert, 42 Cork street
   William, 10 Cork street
   Benjamin, 3 Cork street,
   Mrs., 38 Cork street
   Edward, 45 Cork street
   Richard, 8 Mercer street
   R. 21 Wicklow street
Sinnott, James, 43 Queen street
   John, 1 Mountjoy street, Lower
   Morgan, 6 Clarendon market
   Mary T. 35 Ellis's quay
   Michael, 7 Portland street, West
   Nicholas, 1 Watling street
   James, 26 Lower Ormond quay, and Rathmines
   Mathew, 51 North wall quay
   James, 53 Patrick street
Sir Patrick Dunn's Hospital, Grand Canal street
Sircumbe, William, 13 Albert Court, East
Siree, John, 1 Gloucester street, North, Upper
   Mrs,. 10 Westland row
Sisk, Matthias, 4 Newcomen place, North strand
Sivel, Conrad, 27 Grafton street
Skeldmg, Maria, 26 Capel street
Skelly, James 30 Stonybatter
Skene, Mrs. 90 Harcourt street,
Skellem, - , 19 Nassau street
Skelton Wat. Butler, 22 Middle Gardiner street
Skyne, Peter, 43 Denzille street, and 3 Chancery place
Skerrett, Mrs. 4 Summer hill parade
Slack, Thomas, 31 Grenville street
Slater, Charles, 5 Grantham street
   Richard, 10 King's Inns street
Slattery, Mrs. 30 Summer street, North
   William, 2 Harcourt street
   William and Co. 47 Great Britain street
Sleater, James, 54 Smithfield
   John William, 5 Seville place
   John, 57 York street
   Slevin, Dennis, 8 Rogerson's. quay
   Patrick Holmes, 50 Charlemont street
   Peter, l Luke street, and 65 Townsend street
   and Byrne, 1 Luke street
Sloan, Bashford and Co. 2 Stephen's green, North
   James, do.
Sloman, Samuel, 22 Erne street, Upper
Slow, Thomas, 14 Mespil parade
   Thomas, 36 Kildare street
Smallhorn, Thomas, 84 New street
Smart, George, 50 Amiens street
   John, 58 Great George's street, South
Smith, Anne F. 13 Upper Granby row
   Alexander, 34 Prussia street
   Arthur, 32 North Frederick street, & Waterford
   Brabazon Pearson, 32 Kildare street
   Brett, 4 Haddington road
   Brent, 18 Frederick street, South
   Captain Leicester V. Pembroke house, 25
   Pembroke place, Upper Baggot street
   Archer S. 22 Great Charles street
   Anne, 26 Stonybatter
   Brothers and Co 1 Duke street
   and Co. 13 St. Andrew street
   Catherson, R H.A. 42 Stephen's green, East
   Edward John, A.M. 31 Rutland square, West, and 39 Lower Ormond quay
   Edward, and Son, 49 Lower Sackville street
   George, 35 Dame street, and 2 Corrig terrace, Corrig castle, Kingstown
   Henry, 15 Lower Pembroke street
   Henry, 43 Eccles street
   Henry, 11 Merrion row, and 25 East Arran st.
   Henry Michael, 28 High street
   John Pearson, 14 Granby row, and Martello house, Killiney
   John, 53 Prussia street
   John, 31 Sackville street, Lower
   Joseph Huband, 2 Holles street
   Malcolm, 35 Grafton street
   Mary, 14 Usher's quay
   Michael, 3 Fishamble street
   Michael, 21 Andrew street
   Charles, 14 Stephen street
   Charles, 24 Pembroke road
   Croker, 20 Pembroke street, Lower
   Edward, 1 Synge street
   E. Egg market
   Edward John, 31 Rutland square, West
   Edward, 45 Power's court
   G. William, 15 York street
   Henry, 10 Temple street, Upper
   James, 1 Smith's cottages
   Henry, 17 New row, West
   Henry, 3 Phibsborough avenue
   Henry, 62 Summerhill
   Henry, 33 Merchants' quay
   Hugh, 27 Meath street
   Laurence, 68 Summerhill
   John, 20 Palmerston place
   John, 74 Capel street
   John, 13 Granby row, Upper
   John J. W. 6 Nassau street
   John, 13 Phibsborough road
   John, 14 Stephen street
   J. 83 New street
   John, 107 Old Church street
   John, 70 Old Church street
   John, 79 North King street
   John, 13 Phibsborough
   Mary, 14 Exchequer street
   Michael, 35 Little Denmark street.
   Mary, 46 Prussia street
   Miss, 31 Grafton street
   Mrs. 17 Eccles street
   Mrs 18 South Frederick street
   Mrs. 2 Peter place
   Mrs. Amelia, 17 Prussia street
   Mrs. 14 Granby row, Upper
   Patrick, 15 Anglesea street
   Richard, 88 Harcourt street
   Richard, 147 and 148 Capel street
   Robert Bramston, 31 Fitzwilliam street, Upper
   Robert William, A.M. 63 Eccles street
   Thomas D. 1 Smith's buildings, Ely place
   Right Hon. Thomas Berry Cusac, 8 Merrion square, East
   Thomas B. 1 Pleasants street
   William, 15 Merrion square, South,
   William, 203 Great Brunswick street
   William, 60 Capel street
   Mr. 53 Queen square, East
   Mrs. 29 Great Britain street
   Mrs. 43 Gardiner street, Middle
   John, 1 Bride street
   Edward, 86 Great Britain street
   Mrs. 9 Mary street, Little
   Nicholas, 124 Francis street
   Owen, 10 Granby row, Upper
   Peter, 7 Charles street, West
   Peter, 21 Mary's lane
   Patrick, 13 Paradise place
   Patrick, 2 Thomas court
   Richard, 14 Granby row
   Richard, 10 Mountjoy square, West
   Terence, 2 Parkgate street
   Thomas, 96 Great Britain street
   Thomas, 153 James' street
   R. T. 28 Lower Ormond quay
   Thomas, 43 do.
   T. 1 Lisburn street
   William, 7 Brunswick street, North
   William, 1 Clanbrassil terrace
   William, 88 Upper Leeson street
Smithson, John, 24 Lower Bridge street
Smily, John, 12 Mercer street
Smylie, Samuel, 66 Upper Sackville street
Smyly, John George, 23 Merrion street, Upper
   Josiah, A.B.F.R.C.S.I. 13 Merrion square, Nh 
Smyth, and Co. 37 Lower Abbey street
   Anthony, 9 Kevin street, Upper
   Frederick Leopold, 58 Upper Gardiner st.
   James, 22 Essex quay
   James,, R. 3 Gordon's place
   John, 36 Francis street
   Archibald, 37 Mary street
   Bernard N. 19 Upper Dominick street
   Beresford B. 24 Leeson street, Lower
   Charles F. 7 Stephen's green North
   Constantine J. 9 Warrington place
   George, 38 Lower Gloucester street
   Henry, 15 William street, North
   F. H. 8 Essex bridge
   John, 22 Upper Temple street, and 40 Dame street
   John, Halston street
   John, 39 Upper Sackville street
   John, 2 George's quay
   Mrs. Captain, 8 Fitzgibbon street
   Owen, 14 Winetavern street
   Ralph Montague, 3 Harrington street,
   Richard J.P. 27 Harcourt street
   Nicholas, 17 Montgomery street
Smyth, John, 10 Whitefriar street
   Robert, and Sons, 7 Stephen's green North, and 1 Westland row
   Thomas, 12 Lower Gloucester street
   Thomas, 4 Frederick lane, South
   William, 9 Halston street
   William, 46 Henry street
   John, 1 Mountrath street
   John, 25 Princess street, North
   John, 13 Wellington quay
   Mrs. 37 William street, North
   Miss, 6 Hawkins's street
   Mrs. 122 Gloucester street, North, Lower
   Mrs. 160 James's street
   Mary, 128 Old Church street
   Mrs Mary, 58 Upper Gardiner street
   Mathew Blood, 33 Frederick street, South
   Owen, 27 Mary's lane
   Owen, 51 do.
   Patrick Anna, 17 Hume street
   Patrick, 86 Francis street
   Richard, 13 Nassau street
   Terence, 1 Arbour hill
   Thomas Sydney, 58 Upper Gardiner street
   Terence, 73 King street, North
Smythe, Hamilton, 16 North Great George's st.
   Mrs. 16 Eccles street
Snagg, Thomas, A.B. 32 Upper Dorset street
Sneyd, Henry W. 48 and 49 Sir John Rogerson's quay
Snowe, Thomas, 62 Middle Abbey street, 42 Lotts, and Erith lodge, Irishtown
Society of St John the Evangelist, 12 King street, North
Solomon, Elizabeth, 62 Mary street
   Henry, 163 Capel street
Somers, Patrick, 29 Wexford street
Southwell, Elizabeth, 10 Dawson circus
   James, 6 Mercer street
   Mary, 6 Mercer street
Spain, John, 33 North Gloucester street, Lower
Sparks, Richard William, 25 Suffolk street
   Thomas H. 196 Brunswick street, Great
Sparrow, Jacob, 11 Sackville street
Spear, Mrs. 3 Wesley terrace, Clanbrassil street
Spears and Co. 28 College green
Speary, William, 28 Moore street
Speer, Miss, 17 Richmond place, North
   Oliver, 32 Lower Gardiner street
Spelman, George J. 33 Usher's quay
   Mrs. 33 Usher's quay
Spilman, John, 68 Patrick street
Spence, Mary, 102 Phibsborough road
Spencer, Michael, 7 Flag alley
   James, 1 New Bride street
   Alexander, 66 Gardiner street, Upper
   Eleanor, 121 and 122 Coombe, Lower
Spiller, Miss, 13 Fitzwilliam street, Lower
Spowart, William C. 20 South Frederick street
Spring, Edward, 11 Granby row, Upper
   James, 12 Eccles street, and 25 Dorset street, Upper
   John, 73 and 74 Francis street, 11 Meath street, 141 Thomas street, and 7 Harrington street
   Patrick M. and Co. 56 Middle Abbey street
   James and Richard, 81 King street, North and 25 Dorset street, Upper
St Audeon's. R.C., Female School, Chapel alley
St. Browne, William, 8 Suffolk street
St. Catherine's Female Penitent Asylum, 7 Brown street, South
St. Clair, Mrs. 19 Anne street, North Circular rd
   William, 23 Lower Abbey street
St. George, Archibald, 12 Grenville street
   Charles M. 8 Fitzwilliam place
   John, 34 Upper Leeson street
   Thomas, 18 Great Charles street
St. George's Dispensary, 13 Dispensary lane
St. George, Thomas B. 7 Dawson street
St. Giorgio, John N. 4 Frederick street, South Epworth terrace, and 34 Leeson street, Up
St. Leger, John G. 9 Merrion street, Lower
   Mrs. 13 Upper Mount street
   Rev. John, Chapel, Upper Gardiner street
   Rev. Robert, R. C. Chapel Upper Gardiner street
Stuart, M.D. 96 Leeson street, Upper
Stack, George Hall, 80 Leeson street, Lower
   John S. 10 Seville place
   Robert S. do.
   William S. do.
   Mrs. 2 Herbert street
   Mrs. 71 Lower Mount street
   Mrs. 11 Russell place
   Rev. Richard, 10 Mespil parade
   Richard, 2 Herbert street
Stackpoole, James, 3 Northumberland square
Stafford, Christopher, 86 Lower Mecklenburgh street, Great
   John, 40 Denzille street
   William, 30 Thomas street
Stamer, Miss, 5 Mespil parade
Stamers, William, 9 Durra ville, Upper Leeson st.
Standish, Colonel Henry, 28 Nelson street
Stanford, Edward, 86 Great George's street, South
   John James, 39 Stephen's green, East
Stanhope, Mrs. Charles, 70 Lower Mount street
Stanley, Captain William E. 1 Stanles terrace
   Edmund. 10 Summer street, North
   Samuel Charles, 35 and 36 Poolbeg street, and Rathmines road
   Mrs. 26 Cork street
   Henry, 29 Summerhill
   John, 46 Lotts
   Thomas, 17 Exchange street, Lower
Staples, Sir Thomas, bart, Q.C. 11 Merrion sq. E.
Stapleton, Edward Thomas, 28 Westmoreland st.
   Michael Harry, 1 Mountjoy place
   Mrs. 11 Buckingham street, Upper
Star and Ridgeway, 21 Eustace street
   John, 27 Ormond quay, Lower
Stark, Archibald G. 7 Richmond street, North
   Malcolm, 10 D'Olier street, and 15 Fleet st.
   Brothers, 16 Lower Sackville street
Staunton, Alderman Michael, 84 Marlboro' street, and 7 Windsor terrace, Kingstown
   Mrs. Mary, 52 Summerhill
Stavely, Joseph, 3 Grantham street
Stavenhagen, Samuel, 67 Grafton street
Steele, Miss Harriett, 73 Gardiner street, Upper
   Mrs. 16 Camden street, Upper
   Sir Richard, bart. 58 Stephen's green, East
   D. 20 Adelaide road
Stedmond, Mrs. 5 Summerhill parade
Stephens, Benjamin, 31 Gloucester street, N. Up.
   Captain Nassau, 12 Holles street
   George D. 43 Gardiner street, Lower
Stephens, Patrick, 17 Lower Liffey street
   Joseph, Jones, and Son, 44 Dame street, and 43 Gardiner street, Lower
   Thomas William, 64 James's street
   John, 15 Buckingham street, Upper
   Thomas, 107 Dorset street, Upper
Stephenson, John, 54 and 55 Meath street
   John, 15 City quay
   Mrs. Jane, 11 Gardiner street, Middle
   Elizabeth, 25 City quay
   George, 24 Great Brunswick street
   Michael, 12 Coburgh place
Stepney, Rosin, 3 Belville avenue, Rathgar
Sterling, Wardle Ivy, 57 Rutland square, West
   William Rafter, M.D. 6 Royal Canal terace,
   William, do
   Hall, 41 Eccles street
Stevens, William, 21 Rutland street, Upper
Stevenson, John, 6 Summerhill
Steward, Alexander, 6 Amiens street
   Mrs. 148 Gloucester street, North, Lower
Stewart and Hopes, 3 King's Inns quay
Stewarts and Kincaid, 3 Leinster street
Stewart, Captain James, 70 Eccles street
   Charles Frederick, King's Inns, Henrietta st.
   Henry H. M.D. 71 Eccles street
   Catherine, 45 Jervis street
   Francis, 70 Eccles street
   Garson, 13 South Great George's street
   Henry, 21 Erne street, Upper
   James, 35 Usher's quay
   James, 40 Usher's quay
   John, 15 Dominick street, Lower
   John Thomas H. do.
   William A. 4 Sallymount avenue, Ranelagh
   John, 9 Peter street
   Miss A. 18 Wellington quay
   Mary, 83 Upper Leeson street
   Mrs. A. 40 New street
   Rev. William, 93 Stephen's green, South
   Richard, 18 Mabbott street
   Robert, 23 Pembroke street, Lower
   Thomas, 30 Lower Liffey street
   Thomas, 28 Frederick street, North
   Thomas, 5 Yarnhall street
St. John's Parochial School, and Widows' Alms house, Deaneary court,
St. James' Infant School, 144 James' street
St. Luke's Church, Coombe
St. Luke's Parochial School, 108 Coombe
Stinton, James, 71 Pill lane,
Stickney, Thomas, 32 Harcourt street
Stirling, James, 19 Fitzwilliam place
   James B. 9 Gardiner's place, & 19 Fitzwilliam place
   Rev. John B. do.
Stock Exchange Company, Commercial buildings
   Joseph, 13 Henrietta street, and 5 Fitzwilliam square, South
   Joseph, 4 Temple street, Upper
Stocken, Henry, 3 George's place, North Circular road
Stockham, William, 20 Essex street, East
Stobbs, Alexander, 14 Jervis street
Stodder, John, 16 North Frederick street
Stoker, Edward Alexander, 49 Rutland square, West
Stokes, Edward Day, 3 Gloucester street, Upper and Tralee
   Elizabeth, 10 Earl street, North
   Gabriel, 27 Dame street
   James and Son, Commercial buildings
   John, 5 Cope street, and 50 Leeson street, Upper
   John. 38 Northumberland avenue, Kingstown
   John, 95 Upper Leeson street
   William, 4 Hanover street, East
   William, 5 Merrion square, North
   William, 13 Heytesbury street
   William, 6 Gloucester terrace
   Rev. Mr. 17 Dominick street
   William, 11 Windmill lane
Stone, George, 15 Cobourg place
   Susan, 18 Upper Rutland street
Stoneham, Laurence, 60 Mecklenburgh street, Lower
Stopford, Edmund, 3 Mullinahack
   John, 1 Bridge street, Upper
   Mrs. Elizabeth, 10 Merrion street, Upper Stormont,
   Mrs. Alicia, 114 King street, North Story,
   George, 15 Robert street
   Robert, 15 Robert street and School street
   Robert, 47 Mountjoy street, Lower, and Swanlinbar
Stowell, Richard, 6 Wellington place
Strahan, Francis, 18 Stafford street, and 4 North King street
Strain, William, 1 Hardwicke street
Stratford, Thomas, 62 Lower Dominick street
Stranger, William, 12 Little Denmark street
Stritch, - , 49 Lower Dominick street
   William S. 19 Lower Gardiner street
Strong, George, 1 Windsor terrace, Canal Bank, Portobello
   John Guy, 7, 8 and 9 Hammond lane
   -, 103 Cork street
   James, 42 Newfoundland street
   Joseph, 1 Frederick lane
   Richard, 16 1/2 Great Brunswick street
   Venerable Charles, 6 Cavendish row
Stuart, Catherine, 32 Fleet street
Stuart, Walter, 51 Golden lane
Stubbs, Thomas, 27 Richmond street, Portobello
Studdert, George, 45 Sackville street, Upper
   Launcelot, 61 Harcourt street
Styles, John, 109 North King street
   Edward, 60 Bridgefoot street
Sugton, John, 19 Albert place, East
Sullivan, Daniel, 5 Mountjoy square, West
   James, 55 South King street
   James, 128 Summer hill
   John, 1 Albert court, West
   Mrs. 60 Upper Gardiner street
   Ambrose, 113 Stephen's green, West
   Cornelius, J.P. Mount Merrion house, Stillorgan road, and 22 Merrion street, Upper
   Daniel, 33 Winetavern street, and Drimna mills
   Daniel P. 32 Winetavern street, and Golden bridge
   Denis, 65 Britain street, Great
   Mathew, 65 Charlemont street
   Peter, 40 James's street
   Richard, 25 Werburgh street
   Timothy, 34 Anglesea street
Summerfield, Mrs. 17 Upper Bridge street
Sunday and Daily Female Schools, 40 Lower Gloucester street, North
Supple, Marcus, 57 Hardwick street
   Thomas, 9 Newcomen terrace, North strand
   William, 12 Mary's abbey
Surridge, Daniel, 44 Mecklenburgh street, Lower
Sutherland, E. 17 Richmond street, South
   Mrs. 15 Synge street
   Mrs. A. 47 Brunswick street, Great Sutter,
   Robert, 3 Sherrard street, Lower Sutton,
   Arthur, 3 Chatham street
   Francis, 2 Christ Church place, and Copper alley
   Frederick, 19 Kildare street
   James, Greenfield, Harold's cross, and 12 Mary's abbey
   James, 76 Great Brunswick street
   Miss, 191 do.
   Mrs. 63 Manor street
   George, 33 Mabbot street
   William, 5 Phibsborough avenue
Swaine, John, 4 Aldborough place, North strand
Swallow, John, 48 1/2 Patrick street
Swan, Major, 111 Stephen's green, West
   William, 31 Frederick street, North
   Francis, 1 Elephant lane
   Richard, W. 7 Frederick street, North
Swanzy, John, 12 Hardwicke street
Sweny, Abraham Jones, 18 Kildare street
   Eugene, 5 Camden street, Lower, and Cromwell's fort, Crumlin
   Henry Cope,6 Gardiner's place
   Mark, M.D. 7 City quay
   Misses, 12 Mountjoy square, North
   William, 51 Golden lane
   Robert, 18 Kildare street
Sweeny, Charles, 5 1/2 Redmond's hill
   John, 51 Moore street
   Andrew, 6 Church street, Old
   James, 41 North Great George's street
   J., 23 Essex street, East
   James, 34 Stoney batter
   Michael, 1 Exchange court
   George, 2 Windsor terrace, Canal bank, Portobello
   Hugh, 10 Brunswick street, Great
   Miss, 58 Lower Camden street
   William, 18 Golden lane
Sweeney, Denis, 62 Townsend street
Sweet, George, 4 Preston street
Sweetman, Patrick and John, 24 Francis street
   Michael, 11 Fitzwilliam square, North
   Walter, 4 Mountjoy square, North
Swerer and Hug, 12 South Great George's st.
Swettenham, George F. Lower Queen's Inn Chambers, 3 Henrietta street, and Charlemont terrace, 84 Ranelagh load
Swift, Edward, 17 Upper Gloucester street, North
   James, 2 Clanbrassill street
   John, 2 Brougham place, Wellington road, and 17 Henrietta street
   Patrick, 8 Hawkins' street
   William, 13 Digges street
   Rose, 30 Cross Kevin street
Swinburn, R. W. and Co. 94 Middle Abbey street
Switzer, and Co. 91 Grafton street
   Jeremiah, 78 Dame street,
   Wellington, 2 Sheriff street, North lots
Sykes and Hull, 8 Castle street
Symes, James, 20 Rutland square, North
   Abraham, 58 Dominick street, Lower
   Robert, 20 Rutland square, South
   Robert, 21 Upper Merrion street
   Sandham, 58 Lower Dominick street
   Thomas, 58 Dominick street, Lower, and Camolin, county Waterford
Symmers, Alexander, 28 George's street, Great, North
Synge, Colonel Charles, 16 Mount street, Lower
   John H. Queen's Inn Chambers, 3 Henrietta street
Synnott, Thomas, 95 Francis street