Dublin City Directory, 1850 - P

AuthorSamuel Lewis
SourceNew City Pictorial Directory
SectionAlphabetical City Directory

PAGE, Mrs. 9 Mark street
   Mrs. 44 Queen square, East
   Samuel, 39 Dame street
Paine, Josias, 19 French street
Pakenham, Daniel, 57 Henry street
   Hon. and Very Rev. Henry, 40 Harcourt st.
   Thomas, 8 Love lane, South
Palgrave, William B. and Charles, 12 Eden quay
Pallin, Daniel, 21 Earl street. North
Palmer, Abraham Orpen, 44 Lower Dominick st.
   Mrs. 3 Thomas street
   Thomas, 9 Charlemont place
   William, 6 Peter's row
   Abraham, 43 Dominick street, Lower
   Brothers, 75 Thomas street
   Caleb, 30 Rutland street, Lower
   Edward Orpen, 43 Dominick street, Lower
   Thomas, 28 Talbot street
   Thomas, and Sons, 5 Peter's row
   William, 43 Dame street
Panormo, Constantine, 11 Queen square, West
Panter and Cassidy, 22 D'Olier street
Papworth, George, 109 Marlborough street, and Hinchogue, Raheny
Parken, Mrs. 11Pitt street
Parke, Patrick, 111 Thomas street
Parker, Arthur 14 Upper Camden street
   James F. Leinster Chambers, 43 Dame street
   John, 13 Duke street
   John, 35 Dame street, and 4 Wellington place, Upper Leeson street
   John and Co. 34 Lower Abbey street
   Mrs. 40 Grafton street
   Robert, 3 King's Inns street
   Samuel, 5 Malpas street
   Stephen, 2 Andrew street
   J. F. 10 Portland street, North
   and Large, 14 Gloucester street, North, Lr.
   William, 13 Exchange street, Upper
   William, 3 Chancery place, and Castleblaney
Parker, John William, 37 Temple bar
   Robert, 65 Prussia street
Parkes and Co. 25, 26, and 27 Chancery lane
   Samuel, 12 Little Ship street
Parks, Miss, 2 Lennox street
Parkinson, A. 3 Nassau street
   George, 5 Richmond cottages
   Joseph, 3 Talbot place
   John, 17 Arran quay
   Robert J. 12 William street
   T. Henry, 9 Richmond place, Mountjoy square, and 5 College street
Parnell, Edward, 75 Capel street
   Francis, 31 Prussia street
Parr, George, 44 Cork street
   Thomas William, 107 Stephen's green
Parsly, Anthony, 69 Stephen's green, south
, Henry, 1 Russell place
   Joseph, 3 Fownes's street
   Richard, 68 Lower Mount street
   William, Mount Sydney, 6 Wellington place, Upper Leeson street
Parvin, William, Marine view, Irishtown, and 22 Upper Ormond quay
Pasley, Henry, 16 Lower Camden street
   John, 14 Moore lane
Paterson, Henry, M.D. 77 Harcourt street
Patterson, George, Harrymount, 63 Upper Leeson street
   Miss, 8 Fitzgibbon street
   Mrs. 22 Lower Pembroke street
   Frederick George, 63 Upper Leeson street
   Robert, 46 Great Brunswick street
Pattison, Henry, 38 Thomas street
   William, 37 Capel street
Patridge, Robert, 92 Upper Leeson street
Patman, George, 3 Potter's alley
Paul, John, and Co. 105 Grafton street
Payne, Laurence, 33 Townsend street
   Mathew, 2 Little Ship street
Peakin, Esther, 11 Bull alley
Peacock, John, 49 Dorset street, Upper
Pearson and Pasley, 24 Capel street
   Patrick, 20 Charles street
Peat, Henry, 7 Lower Ormond quay, and 59 Rathmines road
Peates, Miss E. 2 Home terrace, Haddington road
Peebles, James, LL.D. 61 Eccles street
   John, M.D. 26 Dorset street, Upper
   William, 116 Gardiner street, Lower, and 4 Usher's quay
   William, 9 Frederick street, North, and Dungannon
Peet and Co. 1 Chatham row, William street
Peile, Henry, 42 Fleet street, and 2 Prince Edward terrace, Blackrock
   Robert M. 44 York street, and Ardbray, co. Wicklow
Peely, Mrs. 8 Mountjoy square, East
   Arthur, 8 Mountjoy square, East
Pendleton, E. C. 4 Upper Leeson street
Pemberton, Benjamin, 22 Christ Church place
   Charles, 4 Heytsbury terrace, Upper Baggot street, and Crown office, Tullamoore
   John B. 26 Wellington street
   Mrs. 66 Upper Baggot street
Pennefather, Edward, 4 Nottingham street
   Edward, 6 Fitzwilliam place
   John, 5 Merrion square, South
   Hon. Richard, Merrion square,South Penny,
   John W. 51 Stephen's Green, East Pentland,
   Robert, 18 Pill lane, and 14 George's hill Pentony,
   Daniel, 14 George's street, South, and 20 Pleasants street
Peppard, John, 16 Mary street, Little Pepper,
   Rebecca, 20 Bride street
   James, 3 Chancery place, & 4 Pleasant view, Ball's bridge
   Wellington John, 3 Chancery place
   Walter, 17 Copper alley
Perceval,Charles,13 Heytesbury terrace, Wellington road
   Alexander, 99 James' street
   Miss, 27 Hatch street
   John, 6 Phibsborough
   Misses, 4 Mespil parade
Percy, Rev. M. 21 Queen street
   Miss, 24 Hardwicke street
Perrin, Jane and Son, 32 Chancery lane
   Paul, 25, 26, and 27 Coleraine street
   Richard, 36 Richmond street, and 65 Abbey street, Middle
   Right Hon. Louis, 42 Rutland square, West, and Seapark, Clontarf
   Louis, jun., 42 Rutland square, West
   William, 90 Harcourt street
   William Henry, 35 Seville place
   and Wright, 65 Abbey street, and 30 Lotts
   Frederick, 46 Lower Sackville street
Perkins, George, 15 Clarence place
Perrott, Samuel W. 55 Eccles street
Perry, Jeremiah, 40 Lower Sackville street
   John, 11 Grafton street, and 54 Fishamble st
   James, 13 Ryder's row
   Henry, 25 Pill lane
   John, 11 Grafton street
Persie, Mrs. 26 Nelson street
Persia, William, 19 Portland place
Persse, George, 26 Nelson street
   Misses, 3 Durra villa, Upper Leeson street
Peter, Misses, 84 Harcourt street
   Richard, 109 Grafton street, and 2 Clanwilliam place
   Rev. M D., 12 Adelaide road
Petrie, George, R.H.A., 21 Great Charles street
Pettigrew and Oulton, 1 St. Andrew street
   Misses, 13 Summerhill parade
Peyton, Randle, 50 York street
Phair, John, 48 Fleet street and Parliament row
   Robert and Co., 18 Abbey street, Upper
Phayre, John, 63 William street
Phelan, Anne, 173 King street, North
   Denis, M.D., M.R.C.S.I., 11 Leeson street, Up.
   Michael, 21 Anglesea street
   Daniel, 8 New street
   Patrick, 2 Meath street
   Walter, 50 Henry street
   Mrs. 55 Thomas street
   Richard, 38 Wellington road
   Thomas, 3 Liffey street, Lower
   Mary, 28 Usher's quay
Phelps, Mrs.Sarah, 2 Harrington street
   William, do
   Mrs. Elizabeth, 96 Capel street
Phepoe, Mrs. Mary, 17 Hardwicke street
Phibbs, Harlow T. 50 York street
   John, 82 Leeson street, Lower
   Owen, 28 Merrion square. South
Philpot, John, 12 William place, South
Phillips, John, 18 Ellis's quay
   Thomas, 11 William place, South
   William, 59 Meath street
Phillipson, Abel, 25 Stafford street
Phipps, Edward, 14 Trinity place
Pickering, Charles, 11 Upper Ormond quay
Pidgeon, Samuel, 11 Camden street, Upper
   James, 5 Aldborough place
   Michael, 45 Montgomery street
Pierce, Miss E. 1 Frederick street, South
   Captain, 37 Mecklenburgh street, Lower
   John, 62 Prussia street
Piers, Edward, 145 Gloucester street, Lower
   Robert King, 145 Lower Gloucester street, North
   M. 6 Catherine villa
Piesse, Charles A. J. 1 Haddington road
Pigot, Right Hon. David Richard, 89 Lower Leeson street
   David Richard, 89 Lower Leeson street
Pigott, James, 22 Watling street
   Joseph, 10 do.
   Mathias, 3 Lower Kevin street, and Townsend street
   Samuel James, 112 Grafton street
Pike, Mrs. Deborah, 32 Richmond street, South
   James, do.
   William Patrickson, 21 Gardiner street, Mid.
   John, 9 King's Inns street
   White, Commercial buildings
Pilkington, Frederick, 89 Abbey street, Middle and 9 Princes's street North
   George, 53 Rutland square, West
   Henry M. 13 Gardiner's place
   Joseph, 13 Seville place
   Mrs. 31 Lower Rutland street
   William, 60 Stephen's green, East
Pillar, William, 72 Lower Camden street
Pilson, Lucius, Charlemont terrace, Ranelagh road
Pilsworth, P. and C. Broadstone
   Anthony, 7 James' street
   Francis, 30 Eccles street
Pim, Brothers and Co. 75 to 82 Great George's street, South
   Brothers and Co. 22 and 23 William street
   Brothers, Grand Canal docks, Great Brunswick street
   James and Co. 11 Burgh quay
   Joseph, Robinson, Son and Co. 11 Eden quay
   George, 16. and 17 Usher's island
   Mrs. 4 French street
Pitcher, Charles Edward, 13 Russell street
Pittman, Laurence, 56 Grafton street
Place, Laurence, 16 Clarence place
Plant, John, 1 Sussex terrace
   James, 9 Mary's lane
   James, 2 Edward terrace, Summer hill
Pleasant Asylum, 75 Camden street, Lower
Plunket, Charles, 5 Camden buildings
   Garrett, 5 Camden villa
   Charles, 17 Castle market
   Edward, 33 South Great George's street
   Christopher, 6 Heytesbury terrace
   Hon. David, 12 Fitzwilliam street, South
   Bernard, 3 Earl street, North
   James, 98 James's street, and 90 Camden street, Lower
   James, 19 Bridge street, Upper
   James, 20 Wellington street
   Jane, 9 Mary's street
   John, 65 Jervis street
   John, 67 Queen square. East
   Oliver, 14 Great George's street, North
   Peter, 26 Winetavern street
   George, 16 Bull alley
   Elizabeth, 8 Upper Sherrard street
   John, 6 Mountjoy square, South
   John, 90 Lower Camden. street
   John, 15 Portland street, West
   Mathew, 90 Mecklenburgh street
   Mathew, 37 Castle market
   Patrick, 96 Townsend street
   Thomas, 10 Mark's alley
Pointon, George, 51 Thomas street, and 21 Dolphin's barn lane
Poirotte, Marie, 12 Suffolk street
Pollard, John, 135 Abbey street, Upper
   John, 55 Queen square
   John, 24 Fishamble street
   John, 7 King's Inns street
   Thomas and Henry, 9 Summer hill, Lower
Pollen, Thomas, Grand Canal docks
Pollock, John, 15 Charlotte street
Police Office, 9 Bridewell lane
Poison, Alexander, 69 Mountjoy street
Pomfret, Henry H. 2 Royal Canal terrace, Phibsborough
Pooljoy, Charles, 4 Aldboro' Court
Ponder, George, jun. 11 Temple street, Upper
Ponsonby, Edward, 116 Grafton street
   Hon. Frederick, 36 Kildare street
Pontet, Mark, 8 Sackville street, Upper
   Monsieur Desire, 25 Lower Sackville street
Pontyz, Benjamin, 106 Grafton street
Pook, Mrs. 69 Great Brunswick street
Poole, Bridget, 26 Fleet street
   Mrs, 1 Durra ville, Upper Leeson street
   Richard, 5 Angel alley
   Mrs. 13 Pembroke road
Pooley, John Mason, 3 Eblana terrace, North Circular road
Pope, Rev. Thomas, S3 Marlborough street
Popple, Thomas, 9 Capel street
Porte, George, 43 Great Brunswick street
Porter and Du Bedat, 40 Dame street
   Eliza, 111 Bride street
   George H. 21 Kildare street
   John, 40 Dame street
   Joshua, 72 Grafton street
   Miss, 3 Warrington place
   Mrs. 29 North Summer street
   Mrs. Isabella, 53 Summerhill
   William Henry, 21 Kildare street
   Mark, 4 Lower Dorset street
   Richard, 101 Lower Dorset street
   William, 26 Strand street
Porteous, William, 18 Wicklow street
   John, 19 Moore street
Potter, Emma, 70 Grafton street
   Francis, 12 Andrew street
   Maria and Co. 14 Andrew street
   James, 20 Jervis street
   Rev. Frederick Augustus, 4 Cavendish row
   Robert, 90 Stephen's green, South
Pottin, Thomas, 10 Richmond cottages
Potts, Richard, 37 Poolbeg street
Potts, William, 3 Henrietta street
Pounden, Mrs. J. 9 Percy place
Powell and Co. 111 Britain street, Great
   Jacob, 5 Frederick street, North
   John Henry, 88 Grafton street
   Michael, 13 Fitzwilliam square, East
   William, 2 Peter street
   William, 68 Thomas street
Power, Alfred, 7 Fitzwilliam square, East
   James, 20 Harcourt street, and Roebuck house, Clonksea
   Sir John, Bart., J.P. 20 Harcourt street, and Roebuck house
   Sir John, Bart, and Son, John's lane, West
   John, 22 Fownes' street, and 4 Adelaide road
   John Hatch, MD. 95 Harcourt street
   John, 43 Mary street
   Martin, 4 Trinity street
   Mrs. 27 South Anne street
   Patrick, 32 and 42 Henry street
   Patrick, and Jeffreys, 24 Townsend street
   Patrick, 3 James' terrace, Dolphin's barn
   Catherine, 12 Whitefriar street
   Bridget, 1 Lower Liffey, street
   Edward, 11 Portland street, North
   James, 3 Canon street
   James, 15 Liffey street, Upper
   John, 3 Chambre street
   John, 4 Adelaide road
   John, 5 Denzille lane
   John, 24 Clarendon street
   Peter, 110 Thomas street, and 24 Synnot place
   Robert, 11 Capel street
   William, 19 Pembroke place
   Thomas, E. 14 Middle Gardiner street
   William, 17 Francis street
   William, 16 Liffey street, Upper
Poyntz, John, 4 Eustace street
Pratt, Miss Anne, 161 Gloucester street, North, L.
   Rindall, H. S. 74 Upper Dominick street
Prendergast, Arthur, Peter's row
   Leonard, 98 Lower Gardiner street
   Michael, 13 Tighe street
   James, 98 Lower Gardiner street
   John P. 17 Hume street
   John, 26 Sackville street, Lower
Prendeville, Thomas, 46 Mabbot street
Presscott, John, 11 Stafford street
Prescott, William, 91 Camden street, Lower
Preston, Alexander, 19 Westmoreland street
   Michael, 14 Pembroke quay
   Miss, 18 Lower Sherrard street
   Owen, 17 Christ Church place
   George, 14 Gloucester street, Upper
Price, Francis, 37 Wellington quay
   John Robert, M.D. 3 Harcourt place
   George, 23 and 24 Nicholas street
   John, 16 Richmond cottage
   Samuel, 7 Mary street, Little
   Thomas, 12 Anne street, North
   William, 55 New street
Pride, Jane, 180 Great Britain street
Priestly, Robert, 93 Townsend street
Pring and Co. 30 Westmoreland street
   Elijah, do.
   Elijah James, do.
   Prosper, Lowe, 162 Capel street
Proudman, Charles, 32 Pimlico
Pugh, Mrs. 15 Fitzwilliam square, South
Pryce, Mrs. 55 Upper Sackville street
Purcell, Edward, 6 Upper Dominick street
   Francis and Son, 59 Thomas street, and Rathgar villa, Upper Rathmines road
   James, 21 Upper Abbey street
   John, 21 Mercer street
   John, 68 Prussia street
   Michael, 12 William street, North
   John, 20 Pill lane
   Margaret, 99 Francis street
   Patrick, 48 James's street
   and Hartford, 3 Merrion street, Lower
   John, Theobald, 20 Charlemont place
   John, 99 Great Britain street
   Kenny, 3 Lower Merrion street
   Laurence, 112 Thomas street
   Mrs. 78 Great Brunswick street
   Patrick, 24 Rutland street, Lower
   Theobald Andrew, 63 Camden street, Lower
   Thomas, 4 Frederick street, South, and Albert place, 59 Upper George's street Kingstown
   Thomas, jun. 4 Frederick street, South
Purdue, William, 10 Trinity street, and 11 Mountpleasant avenue
Purdy, Hugh, and Co. 10 King's Inns' quay
   Richard, 30 Ormond quay, Lower, 8 Westmoreland street, and Temora, Booterstown avenue
Purfield, Christopher, 21 Constitution hill
Purser, John, Tertius, 82 James' street, James' gate