Dublin City Directory, 1850 - I

AuthorSamuel Lewis
SourceNew City Pictorial Directory
SectionAlphabetical City Directory

IGOE, Michael, 29 Park street, East
Imperial Hotel, 21 and 22 Lower Sackville street
    Life and Fire Insurance Company, 85 College green
Ince, Thomas, 71 Camden street, Lower
    Mary, 30 Nicholas street
    Thomas, do.
    Richard Cunningham, 118 Gardiner st. Lr.
Incorporated Society, 55 Angier street
Ingham, Charles D. 25 Gardiner street, Lower
    John, do.
    Miss Florence, 22 George's place, North
Ingram, Hull, 58 York street
    Mrs. 17 Portland street, North
Inland Department, City Dublin Steam Packet Co. 1 Marlborough street
Insolvent Debtors' Court, Office, 3 Lower Ormond quay
Ireland, John, 11 Ellis's quay,
    Richard D. 20 Upper Fitzwilliam street
    Richard Stanley, M.D. 121 Stephen's green, W.
    Samuel Gardiner, 13 Great Charles street, Mountjoy square
    William, Esq. 13 Great Charles street, Mountjoy square, and Robertstown house, county Kildare
    William Milton, 13 Great Charles street, Mountjoy square
    Eliza, 143 Church street, Old
    William, 13 Church street, Great
Irish Homeopathic Society
    Railway Gazette 7 Abbey street, Lower
    Clergy's Daughters School, 2 Kildare place
    Reform Club, Dawson street
    South East Railway Company, 9 Kildare st.
Irishman News Paper, 4 D'Olier street
Irvine, Hans, M.D. 1 Rutland square, East
    Henry, 7 and 30 Gardiner's place
    James, Esq. 10 Hardwicke place
    Edward, C. Esq. 9 Fitzwilliam street, Lower
    Edward, 9 Fitzwilliam street, Lower
    Edward, 31 Frederick street, North
Irwin, Edward John, 102 Lower Gardiner street
    Edward W., 4 Eccles street, and Up. Queen's Inns Chambers, 10 Henrietta street
    Edward, 4 Eccles street
    Edward S. Potter's alley, Marlborough street, and 1 Northumberland square
    Edward William, Esq. Tritonville avenue, Sandymount road
    Hugh, 58 Eccles street
    John, 14 Prussia street
    Mrs., 31 North Frederick street
    Richard, 18 Heytesbury street
    Richard, 207 Great Brunswick street
    Thomas, 2 Royal Canal Bank
    Thomas S., 60 Lower Charlemont street
Isaacs, Bernard, 56 Nassau street
Ivers, H. S , 9 Spring Garden parade
    John, 32 Exchange street, Lower
    Henry, 30 Usher's quay
    John, 32 Exchange street
Ivie, Miss, 21 Summer street North