Mac Cába

Rev Patrick Woulfe

Mac CÁBA—IVM'Caba, MacCabe, Macabe; 'son of Cába' (probably a nickname; cf. 'cába,' a cap or hood); the name of a military family of Norse origin who came over from the Hebrides, in the 14th century, and settled in Breifney, where they became captains of gallowglasses to the O'Rourkes and O'Reillys. Their pedigree is given by MacFirbis, from which it appears that they are a branch of the Mac Leods (See Mac Leóid). The MacCabes are frequently mentioned in the Annals of the Four Masters, the earliest mention being at the year 1358. They are still numerous in Breifney (Leitrim and Cavan), and in the neighbouring counties of Monaghan and Meath.

Alphabetical Index to Irish Surnames