Index - A History of Irish Music

William H. Grattan Flood
Index A-D

A Handful of Pleasant Delites (1584), pages 165, 170.
Abbott, Rev. Dr., 135, 141.
Academy of Music, 267;
—revived institution, same name, 296, 298, 309.
Adams, Bishop, gets an organ for Limerick Cathedral, 212.
Adamnan (Eunan), St., 11.
Aengus, Brother, O.Cist., 80.
Aidan, St., of Lindisfarne, 55.
Ailill the Harper, 10.
Alfred, by Arne, first public performance of, 290.
Alfred the Great, 55.
Aldhelm, St., taught by Irish monks, 12, 54.
Alexander the Piper, 122.
"Ally Croker," 252-4.
Ambrosian Chant, 8.
Amergin mac Amalgaid, 3, 10.
An cnotadh ban ("The White Cockade"), 192-3.
An Cuilfhionn ("The Coulin"), 87, 108.
An Geadhna Fiadhaine, 206.
Antiphona de Morte (music), 17, 18.
Antiphonary of St. Gall, 13.
"Arethusa, The," composed by O'Carolan, 232.
Armagh Cathedral, see Culdees.
Arne, Dr., in Dublin, first productions, etc., 281-290.
Arne, Mrs., 281 ff.
Arne, Michael, 307.
Ars nova cantandi (1630), 210.
Art na Caoine (bard), 121.
Ashe, Andrew (flatuist), 309.
"I am asleep," date of, 16, 201.
Athenry, organ at, 100.
"Aughrim, Breach of," 203.

Bagpipe, 22, 28, 29, 49, 106, 114, 256 ff.
Bale's plays performed at Kilkenny, 157-8.
Balfe, M. W., 328-9.
Ballet's Lute Book, 167, 170, 172 ff.
"Ballinamona Oro," 216.
Bards, pre-Christian, 1;
—classification of, 2;
—conversion of, 7;
—their numbers at Dromceat, 10;
—persecuted by the Danes, 39;
—invited to Wales, 49;
—hospitality to, 71;
—persecuted by Sir John Stanley, 75;
—satirical poems of, 77;
—enactments against, 109 ff;
—alluded to by Spenser and Camden, 120;
—their power referred to by Shakespeare, 180;
—bardic sessions, 246.
Barker, George A., 335.
Barry, Gerald, see Cambrensis.
Barry, W. Vipond, 335.
Barry, William (harper), 190.
Barsanti in Dublin, 273.
Barton's "Psalms," 212, 226, 269.
Bateson, Thomas, Mus. Bac., 166, 210.
Bathe, Father William, S.J., Memoir of, 161 ff.
"Battle of Killiecrankie," 205.
Bennett, Thomas, endows choristers, 139,
Beethoven's arrangement of Irish airs, 207.
Beggar's Wedding, Anglo-Irish opera, 201, 203 ff.
Belfast Harp Festival, 317-8.
Beranger, Irish airs taken down by, 262.
Berlioz on Irish Music, 208.
Bewerunge, Rev. H., 7, 32.
Berry, Henry F., I.S.O., 99, 138.
Bicknor, Archbishop, founds a University, 133-4.
Bigger, F. J., M.R.I.A., 250.
Birkenshaw, John, 214, 219.
"Blackbird, The," an Irish air, 244.
"Blackbird's Song," in St. Gall MS., 15.
"Bonny Sweet Robin," 169, 174.
Book of Anthems (1662) for Christ Church Cathedral, 214.
"Boyne Water," 205.
Brenagh, Walter (harper), 119.
Brian Boru's Harp, 24, 25, 63-5, 113.
"Brian Boru's March," 39.
Bridge, Sir Frederick, Mus. Doc., 214.
Broadway, Richard (organist), 290.
Browne, William (organist), 153.
Bruidhean da dirga, 58.
Buinne, 22, 27.
"Bull's Head Society," 266 ff.
"Bumper's Squire Jones," 231.
Bumpus, J. S., 231.
Bunting, Edward, 187, 188, 318, 321 ff.
Bunworth, Rev. Charles, 242, 246.
Burden, Irish origin of, 176.
Burney, Dr., 67.
Burns, Robert, employment of Irish airs by, 187, 193, 202, 228, 247, 251.
Byrde, Dr. Wm., 158, 185.
Byrne, Gerald, 127.
Byrne, Patrick (harper), 323.

Caerwys, Eisteddfod at, 48-9.
"Callino Custurame," 108, 165,167, 170.
Callech (Coileach), St., see Gall, St.
Cambrensis Eversus, 190-1.
Cambrensis, Giraldus, 52, 58, 61 ff, 66.
Campion, B. Edmund, 66, 179.
Cantus Gregorianus, 13.
"Captain Tyrell's March," (1597), 129.
Carey, Henry (composer), 272.
Carmen Paschale, 9.
"Carman, Fair of," 25, 138, 142.
"Carolan's Concerts," 234; see O'Carolan.
Carols, Christmas 89, 102-3.
"Carolan's Old Irish Tunes," 308.
Cashel, Synods of, 138, 142.
"Castle Hyde," 207.
"Castle Otway" Harp, 242.
Castrucci, Pietro, ends his days in Dublin, 294-5.
Ceis, 10, 23, 50, 66.
Ceol-sidhe, 174.
Chappell, William, 38, 108.
Church, John (conductor), 286.
Christ Church Cathedral, 57, 85 ff, 91, 132-8, 151, 154 ff.
Cibber, Mrs., sings at first production of the Messiah, 279.
Cithruadh (bard), 82.
City Music (Corporation Band), 158, 265, 297.
Clagget, Charles (violinist), 303.
Clairsech, 13, 98.
Clancy, Cosney mac (piper), 182.
Clancy, Maire ni (rhymer), 121.
Clavichord, 98.
Clegg, John (violinist), 283.
Clement V., Pope, issues a Bull for founding an University in Ireland, 133.
Clinch, Patrick (organist), 146, 152.
Clive, Kitty, 292.
Cloncraff, church of, 31.
Clyn, Friar, 68-9, 73, 88.
"Coelia's my foe," see "Since Coelia's my foe."
Coffey, Charles, 201, 205, 207.
Colgan, Father, O.F.M., the Irish hagiologist, 5.
Cogan, Dr., organist and pianist, 306-7.
Colgan, James, bass singer, 291.
"Colly, my cow," 195.
Colgu, St., the Wise, teacher of Alcuin, 55.
Colman mac Lenain, St., 67.
Columcille (Columba), St., 10, 11, 59.
Columbanus, St., 12.
"Come o'er the bourn," 169, 177.
Comyn, Cormac dall, 73.
Comyn, David, 173, 194.
Concannon, Matthew, 183, 272.
Conellan, see O'Connellan.
Cong, Vicar of, 66.
Coneely, Paddy (piper), 263.
Conmee, see Mac Conmidhe.
"Contented I am," 196.
Cooke, Bartlett (oboe player), 208, 310.
Cooke, Tom, 312, 325-6.
Cormac an Eigeas, 55.
Cormac mac Cullenain, 16.
Cormac the Piper, 110.
Cormac's Glossary, 59.
Cork, Earl of, sends an Irish Harp, 192.
Cormac mac Art, 2.
Corn, Cornaire, 22.
Cornemuse, 98.
Courtney, see Mac Cuarta.
Cornpipe, 27.
Cousser, J. S., Choir Master in Dublin, 265.
Coussemaker, 60, 94.
Crabten [Craftine]," 35.
Credan, see Mac Crydan.
Cronan, 67.
Crook, John, early Dublin painter, 214-5.
Crossan, see Mac Crossan.
"Crotty's Lament," 261.
Crow-street Music Hall, inauguration of, 271;
—converted into a theatre, 298.
Crump, John (piper), 264.
Cruise, incomparable harper, 161.
Cruit (crotta, crwt), 10, 15, 22, 23, 25, 52.
Cuisle, Cuislennach, 29, 30.
Culdees, 57, 132, 154, 212.
Culwick, Dr. J. C., 32, 279.
Cumberland, Earl of (1589) and the Irish harp, 125.
Cummings, Dr. W. H., 7.
Curran, Sarah, square pianoforte belonging to, 306.
Cuskelly (Mac Gillacuskelly), 185.
Cusle (cuisle), a pipe, 29, 251.
Cuvellie, Master, organ builder, 271.

Dallan Forgail, 10, 35.
Da Derga, see Bruidhean da Derga.
Dalriada, 52.
Dallis's Lute Book, 167.
"Dalway" Harp, 181, 191.
Dances, allusion to, 159-60, 174 ff.
Dancing Master, Playford's, 175, 183, 189, 201.
Danes in Ireland, see Norsemen.
Darcy, John (organist), 141.
Dante, quoted by Galileo, 68.
Dardis Nicholas, 151, 154.
Davey, Henry. 12, 79, 94, 95, 97, 101, 164, 178.
Davey, John, a Welsh minstrel, 108.
Davies, Sir John, 188.
Dauney's Scottish Melodies, 83.
Davis, Miss (child pianist), 288.
Davis, Thomas, 1, 231.
De Divisione Naturae, quotation from, 59, 60.
Dease, Bishop, a timpanist, 196.
Derrick's Image of Ireland, 116, 121.
Dermot mac Fergus, 10.
Desmond, Earl of, 130-1.
D'Exeter, John, Anglo-Irish composer, 93-4.
Devereux, Earl of Essex, 160, 175.
Dillon, Sir Lucas, 117.
Dickinson, Professor, 42.
Dicuil the Geographer, 9, 55.
Dineley, Thomas, the tourist, 115, 176, 217.
Dinneen, Rev. P., 193, 198, 201, 244.
Di Lasso, Orlando, 156, 177.
Discant, of Irish origin, 10, 11, 42, 43, 59.
Diuma, Abbot of Ratisbon, 44.
Dix, E. R. M'C., 222.
Doggett, Thomas, 195, 203, 223.
Donal buidhe, 185.
Donogh, the harper of Queen Elizabeth, 113.
Donnchadh ruadh, see Mac Conmara.
Donnelly, Dr., Bishop of Canea, Dean of Dublin, 41.
Dorian mode, 33, 35.
Dowland, John (lutenist), 167, 178-9.
Doyle, Dr. Langrishe (organist), 311.
Drogheda Harp Society, 323.
Dromceat Convention of, 10, 35.
Drury, Sir William, hangs a priest and a brehon, 118.
Dubhthach, arch-poet, 7.
Dublin University, 166;
—degrees conferred by, 210;
—centenary celebration, 225;
—chair of Music founded, 300.
Dublin Harp Society, 320-1.
Dublin Philosophical Society, Society, 219.
Dubourg, Matthew, 273, 283, 298 ff.
"Ducdame," explanation of, 170-1.
Ducket (diuca tu), 170-1.
Dufay, a Walloon Celt, 98.
Duffet, Thomas, 172, 218, 221.
Duffy, Sir C. Gavan, on Anglo-Irish poetry, 271.
Duigenan, Jerome (harper), 23.
Dumpe, the; quoted by Shakespeare, 173-4.
Duncan, James (harper), 314-15.
Dungal, a famous Irish monk, 13.
Dungan, James, of Granard, 316.
Duiske, Abbey of, 80, 99.
Durer, Albrecht, 29, 105.