TELTOWN, or KILLALTON, a parish, in the barony of UPPER KELLS, county of MEATH, and province of LEINSTER, 3 ¾ miles (S. E.) from Kells, on the mail road from Dublin to Enniskillen; containing 1308 inhabitants. This place, under the name of Taltion, is celebrated in traditional history for the periodical assemblage of vast numbers from all parts for the purposes of traffic, sports, and social intercourse; the custom is said to have been established or revived by King Tuathal. It appears to have derived its name from St. Teallean, who founded the church called Teachtelle, or "Teallean's House." The parish, which is situated on the river Blackwater and on the Carlanstown or Rosmin river, which joins the former at Bloomsbury, comprises 4060 statute acres, as applotted under the tithe act; about one-third is in tillage, and the remainder, with the exception of 200 acres of bog of inferior quality, is excellent pasture and meadow land.

The seats are Bloomsbury, the residence of J. Barnwall, Esq.; Teltown, of Hamlet Garnett, Esq.; and Hurdlestown, of Mrs. Rothwell. It is a rectory, in the diocese of Meath, entirely impropriate in Dominick O'Reilly, Esq., and the representatives of James C. Vincent, Esq: the tithes amount to £217. 17. 2.

In the R. C. divisions, it is part of the union or district of Kilberry and Teltown, and contains a chapel, situated at Oristown. There are two R. C. schools, one of which, held at Oristown and aided by subscription, is partly free; the other is at Bloomsbury: in these schools, on an average, are about 160 children. The old burial-ground remains.

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