TEIGHSHINOD, a parish, partly in the barony of ABBEYSHRULE, but chiefly in that of MOYDOW, county of LONGFORD, and province of LEINSTER, 3 miles (N.) from Ballymahon; on the road to Ardagh; containing 2553 inhabitants. In the reign of King John a priory for Regular Canons, dedicated to St. Peter, was founded at Deirg by Gormgall O'Quin; at the dissolution its possessions were granted to Nicholas Aylmer.

The parish comprises 5713 statute acres of land, which is in general good and chiefly in tillage; limestone is in some places found on the surface, and there is a small quantity of bog.

The seats are Park, the residence of Jno. R. Robinson, Esq.; Loughin, of Mrs. Jessop; and Richmont, of Jno. Huggins, Esq., M.D., on an elevated situation commanding extensive views of the surrounding country. The parish is in the diocese of Ferns; the rectory is partly impropriate in the Countess Dowager of Rosse and Messrs. Ponsonby and Palliser, partly appropriate to the rector of Tashinny, and partly with the vicarage constitutes a portion of the union of Moydow.

The tithes amount to £230. 0. 3., of which £32. 5. 9 ¼. is payable to the impropriators, £14. 19. 0 ¾. to the rector of Tashinny, and the remainder to the incumbent; the glebe, comprising 30 acres, is valued at £42. 15. 10. per annum.

In the R. C. divisions the parish forms part of the union or district of Carrickedmond, comprising also the parishes of Abbeyshrule and Tashinny, and containing the chapels of Carrickedmond and Abbeyshrule, of which the former is in this parish. About 50 children are educated in a school supported from a fund at the disposal of the rector; and there is a private school of about the same number of children. There are some remains of the old castle of Mornine; and the ruins of the church and of the ancient abbey of Deirg or Darig are still in existence.

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