Ó Longargáin

Rev Patrick Woulfe

Ó LONGARGÁIN, Ó LONNARGÁIN, Ó LONNRAGÁIN—IO Lonergane, O Lonregan, O Londregan, O Lorrigane, Lonnergan, Lonergan, Londregan, Londrigan, Landregan, Ladrigan, Lorrigan, &c.; 'descendant of Longargán' (diminutive of lonngarg, strong-fierce); the name of a Dalcassian family who were seated in the east of Thomond until after the year 1318, when they were driven out by the O'Briens and MacNamaras, and settled in Co. Tipperary. This family produced several distinguished ecclesiastics. Three of them are mentioned by Ware as Archbishops of Cashel in the 12th and 13th century, two as Bishops of Killaloe, and one as Bishop of Cloyne. The name is now very common in Tipperary, Kilkenny and Waterford.

Alphabetical Index to Irish Surnames