Rory O'Tunny, Sculptor
(fl. c. 1541-1552)
From A Dictionary of Irish Artists 1913
Three tombs carved by him are in Kilcooley Abbey: 1st, Tomb of William Cantwell and his wife Margaret, inscribed, Et ego Ruoricus Otyuny filius Patricii scripsi; 2nd, Tomb of John Cantwell (d. 1532) and Ellen his wife, a floor-slab, Roricus Otwyne scripsit; 3rd, Altar Tomb of Peter Butler, Roricus Otuyne scripsi. In Grace's chapel, Tullaroan, Co. Kilkenny, is the tomb of Sir John Grace of Courtstown, and his wife Honora Brenach, erected about 1552, an altar tomb with effigy and with figures of the apostles in niches on the sides, the crucifixion at one end and a lion rampant at the other. The edge of the top slab is inscribed, Roricus Otunne fabricavit Istã tũbã. In Jerpoint Abbey is a slab which covered the grave of Robert Walsh, of Castlehoyle (d. 1501) and Katherine Poer his wife, Roricus Otuyne scripsit hoc. Other work bearing his name is the tomb in Callan church of John Tobyn, rector, who died in 1541; and a mutilated slab with carved cross and other ornament, part of an altar-tomb formerly in Kilmodalla church, inscribed, Roricus Otyyne, is now preserved in Bessborough House.