Richard Carmichael

Carmichael, Richard, an eminent surgeon, was born in Bishop-street, Dublin, 6th February 1779. After serving with the Wexford militia, and graduating at the College of Surgeons, he settled down in 1803 as a practitioner in his native city. He soon became distinguished by his researches concerning scrofula, cancer, and syphilis — tending considerably to lessen the use of mercury by the medical profession. He was more or less connected with all the medical and literary institutions of the city; and it was mainly through his exertions that in 1826 the Richmond (now the Carmichael) School of Medicine was founded. This institution he munificently aided during his lifetime, and endowed by will with £10,000. He also bequeathed £3,000 to the College of Surgeons, and £4,500 to the Medical Association of Ireland. Mr. Carmichael's published medical writings number about thirty-one. His honourable and useful career was brought to a melancholy close on 8th June 1849, in his 71st year. He was drowned while crossing on horseback Sutton strand, near Dublin, on his way to his marine residence at Howth.


39. Biographical Dictionary, Imperial: Edited by John F. Waller. 3 vols. London, N.D.

115. Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science (9). Dublin, 1846-'77.

233. Manuscript and Special Information, and Current Periodicals.