Lisburn, County Antrim
From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910
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7 miles from Belfast.
An important centre of the linen trade, and is famed for its damasks. Linen thread and muslins are also manufactured
Market Day—Tuesday
POST OFFICE, Railway St.—Wm. Croker, postmaster; sub-post office, Bow street—Miss Anderson
Savings Bank and Telegraph Office, Railway street
T. D. Gibson, R.M., Portadown; G. H. Clarke, Roseville; J. Theo. Richardson, Lissue; Victor Coates, Dunmurry; N. W. Grimshaw, Armagh; Jas. Crossin, Lisburn; E. J. Charley, Seymour hill; John Doran, Dunmurry; John Rogers, Belfast; Sir Hugh Mack, Dalboyne; M. B. Mackenzie, M.D.; W. J. Frazer, Rathvarna; F. W. Capron, Lisburn; John Laird, Belfast; W. R. M'Call, Belfast; P. R. O'Connell, M.D., Belfast; W. H. H. Lyons, Belfast; Felix O'Hagan, Belfast; James M'Connell, Belfast; Wm. Higginson, Dundrod; Robert Griffith, Hugh G. Larmour, Dr. J. J. Clarke, and J. Rice
Clerk of Petty Sessions—T. J. English
Member for South Antrim, of which Lisburn is centre—Charles Curtis Craig
Urban District Council—Messrs. Barbour, chairman; Wilkins, Clarke, Pelan, Wilson, Davis, Ferguson, Patterson, William Mayes, Sloan, Sinclair, Griffith, St. George, Lockhart, and M'Murray
Town Solicitor—Wellington Young
Town Surveyor—James Johnston, C.E.
Town Clerk—Thomas M. Wilson
Medical Officer of Health and Consulting Sanitary Officer—James G. Jefferson, M.D. Sub-Sanitary Officer—W. J. M'Bride
Stationmaster—John Gillespie
Superintendent of Water—J. Johnston, C.E.
Captain of Fire Brigade—Wm. Megran, Courthouse
Rate Collector, Clerk of Markets and School Attendance Officer—R. M'Creight
Distributor of Stamps—John Ritchie
Registrar of Marriages—Isaac Neill
Church of Ireland—The Cathedral—Rev. Canon Pounden, A.M., rector; Rev. G. R. Bell, curate. Christ Church—Rev. R. Ussher Greer, M.A., incumbent; Rev. W. M. Graham, B.A., curate. St. Matthew's, Broomhedge—-Rev. John Leslie, incumbent. All Saints', Eglantine—Rev. F. W. Hogan, incumbent. Derriaghy—Rev. C. E. Quin; Rev. J. A. Stewart and Rev. R. Fraser, curates. Kilwarlin, Rev. C. W. Harkness. Drumbeg—Rev. A. R. Ryder. Lambeg—Rev. B. Banks, M.A. Ballinderry—Rev. J. W. Minchin. Drumbo—Rev. G. P. Mitchell. Stoneyford—Rev. Richardson. Magheragall—Rev. Dundas, incumbent
Presbyterian Churches—Market square—Rev. J. J. C. Breakey, B.A.; Railway street—Rev. R. W. Hamilton. Sloan street—Rev. J. W. Gamble. Hillhall—Rev. Gilmore Neill. Legacurry—Rev. William Brown. Maze—Rev. T. Dunn. Anahilt—Rev. J. Mitchell
United Free Presbyterian Church, Dublin road—Vacant
Congregational Church—Rev. S. Stanton
Methodist Church, Seymour street—Rev. Hazleton, Rev. Savers, and Rev. Cairns, Broomhedge
Roman Catholic Church—Rev. Mark M'Cashin, P.P.; Revs. Fullen and Monaghan
Friends' Meeting-house—Railway street
The Gospel Hall, Market street—11-15 a.m.
Salvation Army Hall, Castle street—Capt. H. Curtis, 11, 3, and 7 p.m.
Welcome Mission Hall, Tanyard lane
Banks—Northern, Market square—John Preston, manager. Ulster, Bow street—Thomas Malcomson, manager
Constabulary Barracks, Smithfield, Railway street, and Largymore—County Inspector Morrison and District Inspector Sharpe
Thompson Memorial Home for Incurables, Magheraleave road—Lady superintendent, Miss Pringle
County Infirmary, Seymour street—George St. George, M.D., surgeon. Lady superintendent, Miss Melville
Dispensary—James G. Jefferson, M.D.
Gas Works, Bridge street—J. Brodie, manager; John M'Clure, secretary
University & Intermediate School—Patron, Sir J. Murray Scott; headmaster, Hugh Maybin; lady teacher, Miss Rowan
Female Free School, Seymour street—Miss Clarke and Miss Barclay
Infant School established and endowed by Miss Stewart, Longstone—Miss Wilson, J. Powell; teachers of music, Miss F. Powell and Miss Ida Powell
Belfast Gate School—Mrs. Jefferson
National School, First Presbyterian Church—F. Hull, principal; female, Miss Hull, Miss E. Hull, and Miss A. Hull
National School, Seymour street—A. S. Mayes, principal
National School, Railway street (Presbyterian Church—Thomas Lamont, principal; female, Miss M'Kittrick
National Schools (R.C.), Chapel hill—John Fitzpatrick, principal; female, Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary. Largymore—W. A. Mitchell, principal. Warden—A. M'Clelland
Society of Friends' School, Prospect hill—W. D. Braithwaite, principal
Nicholson Memorial National School—T. R. M'Cluggage, principal; infant, Miss A. Green
Lisburn Convent School, Castle street
Lisburn Free National School—Teachers, Miss Menown and Miss M'Clune
Cathedral School, Dublin road—Richard Milligan, principal
Newsroom, Assembly rooms—George B. Wilkins, secretary
Co-operative Working Men's Club, Castle street
Temperance Institute and Cafe, Railway st.
Union Workhouse (Counties of Antrim and Down). Board meets on Tuesdays. Chairman, G. B. Wilkins; deputy vice-chairman, Mrs. Keightley; chaplains—Church of Ireland, Rev. R. Ussher Greer; Presbyterian, Rev. R. W. Hamilton; Roman Catholic, Rev. M. M'Cashin; William Woods, master of workhouse
Guardians—County Down—Annahilt—Jos. Gilliland, jun., Aughnaleck, Lisburn; John M'Bride, Ballykeel-Lougherne, Hillsborough. Ballykeel—Robert S. Doloughan, Drumlough, Hillsborough; Andw. Tweedie, Backnamullagh, Hillsborough; John Skelly, Freestone Hall, Clintagh, Ballynahinch. Ballymacbrennan—James Morrow, Ballymacbrennan, Lisburn; Alexander Patterson, Bailiesmills. Ballyworphy—William Graham, Ballyworphy, Hillsborough; R. Brownlee, Magheradartin, Hillsborough. Blaris—Patrick Gardiner, Ballentine, Lisburn; Charles Scott, Largymore, Lisburn. Breda—William Magee, Teeton, Newtownbreda, Bel- fast; John Thompson, Ballylesson, Belfast. Dromara—Robt. Rogers, Derry, Dromara; John Chapman, Dromara. Drumbeg—Robert M'Comb, Tullnacross, Lisburn; Arthur Maxwell, Hillhall, Court, Lisburn. Drumbo—Wm. J. Johnston, J.P., Carr, Drumbo, Lisburn; Alexander Spence, J.P., Karaka park, Newtownbreda. Glassdrummond—Thomas Armstrong, Glassdrumman, Ballynahinch; Chas. H. Brown, Glassdrummond, Ballynahinch. Hillsborough—Philip Jordan, Aughandunvarran, Hillsborough; Stephen Carlisle, Corcreeny, Hillsborough. Killaney—Jas. R. Morrow, Brookvale, Lisbane, Saintfield; John Gill, Killaney, Boardmills, Lisburn. Maze—Humphrey Jamison, Hillsborough; R. Thompson, Maze, Hillsborough; W. J. M'Gifford, jun., Hillsborough. Oughley—J. Ireland, Lessons, Saintfield; S. Davidson, Lissans house, Saintfield. Saintfield—R. Martin, Lisbane, Saintfield; Thomas B. Morrow, Ardhurst, Tullywest, Saintfield. Co-opted members—Major Blackwood Price, D.L., Saintfield house, Saintfield. County Antrim—Ballyscolly—Wm. Henry Quinn, Ashfield, Ballinderry; Wm. John Frazer, Lisburn. Derryaghy—-A. Kirkwood, Magheraleave, Dunmurry; Thomas Murdoch, Mosside, Dunmurry. Glenavy—Joseph G. Patterson, Roses Lane Ends, Lurgan; Francis Wm. Reid, Crewe, Glenavy, Lurgan. Islandkelly—Wm. Campbell, Aughnahoagh, Lisburn; Robert Armstrong, Knocknadona, Lisburn. Knockdona—Geo. Dawson, Ballywave, Magheragall, Lisburn; John M'Harg, M.A., Moneybroom, Magheragall, Lisburn; G. Dawson, Ballymave, Magheragall, Lisburn. Legateriff—E. Mockler, J.P., Ballinderry, Lurgan; James Beckett, Aghnaliss, Ballinderry, Lurgan. Lissue—Henry Bestall, Lurganure, Lisburn; Henry Buchanan, Lisburn. Lisburn—Mrs. Keightley, Fort house, Lisburn; Edward Donaghy, Market sq., Lisburn; H. M. Barbour. Magheragall—John Hall, Broomhedge, Moira; James A. Richey, Moyrusk, Magheragall. Magheramesk—John E. Hull; Wm. James Hull, Lisnabella, Moira; John Walsh, Creenagh, Moira. Malone—Isaac Sloan, Dunmurry; Harold A. M. Barbour, Strathearn, Dunmurry; co-opted, Wm. Martin, Ballyfinaghy, Balmoral. Tullyrusk—Alexander Kennedy, The Hollow, Dundrod; David Patterson, Budore, Dundrod; co-opted, Wm. Higginson, J.P., Sycamore hill, Dundrod. Officers of Lisburn Union—Clerk, Wm. Sinclair, Rosslyn, Antrim road, Lisburn; master, Robert Woods; matron, Miss Arabella Crory; nurse, Miss H. M. Ferris; medical officer, Matthew B. Mackenzie, M.D., J.P.
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