Conclusion to The Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland

J. Stirling Coyne & N. P. Willis
c. 1841
Volume II, Chapter XIV-5 | Start of chapter

We must here bring our rambles to a close; we have been somewhat discursive in our remarks, but have endeavoured to combine, as far as our space would admit, the results of our own sight-seeing with the historical and antiquarian researches of our predecessors. It is not at all times easy to adapt the labours of the pen to those of the graver; many of the most beautiful subjects for illustration have little to recommend them in a literary aspect, while events of the most exciting interest to the reader are not susceptible of realisation from the pencil of the artist. We must plead this difficulty as an excuse for our shortcomings upon many topics where our readers may look for more extended information; and at the same time make it our apology for what others may deem unnecessary prolixity. We are, however, in hopes that the beauty of our engravings will propitiate the goodwill of our friends, and secure for our pen-and-ink sketches of the Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland a reception to which their own merits will not entitle them.