Ross-trevor (Rostrevor), County Down
The next object of interest visited by the artist on the east coast north of Dublin is the "Montpelier of Ireland," ROSS-TREVOR. This popular and lovely watering-place is situated on an acclivity, ascending gracefully from the margin of a land-locked bay, and backed by precipitous and lofty mountains; villas, noble mansions, rustic cottages, and every variety of rural dwelling, decorate the lovely scene—a happy combination of mountain and lowland, of wood and water. The rank of the inhabitants contributes to the neat and comfortable appearance of the place; and the public decorations are in character with the greatness and sublimity of the surrounding landscape. A handsome church and steeple are well placed at the upper extremity of the market-place, strongly relieved on the dark front of the mountain behind.
Ross-trevor is the united surnames of two respectable families, whose properties were here united by a marriage of their representatives. On the beach stands a slender and graceful obelisk, erected to the memory of one of the former name, who fell at the attack on Baltimore, the brave GENERAL ROSS.