O'Toole (No.1) family genealogy
Anciently Chiefs of Hy-Muireadaigh, County Kildare; afterwards Kings of Leinster and Princes of Imaile
[1] The Armorial Bearings [2] are—Arms: Gu. a lion pass. ar. Crest: A boar pass. ppr. Motto: Virtute et fidelitate.
COMMENCING with Cathair Mór, King of Leinster, who was the 109th Monarch of Ireland, and who is No. 89 on the (No. 1) "O'Connor" (Faley) pedigree, the following is the genealogy of this family:
89. Cathair Mór, Monarch of Ireland: son of Felim Fiorurglas. Had amongst other children: 1. Ros Failgeach, from whom descended the O'Connor (Faley); 2. Daire, ancestor of O'Gorman; 3. Comthanan, ancestor of Duff, of Leinster; 4. Curigh, who was slain by Fionn MacCumhal (Finn MacCoole); 5. a daughter, Landabaria, who, according to the Ogygia, p. 315, was the third wife of the (110th) Irish Monarch Conn Ceadcathach (or Conn of the Hundred Battles), who succeeded Cathair Mór in the Monarchy; 6. Fiacha Baicheda.
Curigh, No. 4 here mentioned, who was slain by Fionn MacCumhal, had a son named Slectaire; and a daughter named Uchdelbh (or Uchdamhuil), who was wife of Fionn Fothart, a son of Conn of the Hundred Battles. This Slectaire, son of Curigh, had a daughter Corcraine, who was the mother of Diarmid Ua Duibhne,[3] and of Oscar, son of Oissin.
90. Fiacha Baicheda: youngest son of Cathair Mór; d. 220.
91. Breasal Bealach ("bealach:" Irish, large-lipped): his son; a quo O'Bealaigh, anglicised Bailey, Bailie, Baily, Bayly, and Bewley. Was the second Christian King of Leinster.
92. Enna Niadh: his son. Had a brother Labhradh.
93. Dunlong: son of Enna Niadh. This Dunlong slew the Royal maidens at the Claenfert of Tara: in revenge of which twelve Leinster Princes were slain, and the Boromha tribute exacted. He had eight sons; and a brother named Brian [4] Leth-dearg a quo Ui Briuin Cualan (or O'Brien of Cualan). Some of the children of this Dunlong were:—1. Olioll (or Ailall); 2. Maonach, a quo O'Mooney of Cualan; 3. Dubhtach; 4. Fergus, from whom descended Justus, the Deacon, and his brother Daire.
94. Muireadach: son of Dunlong.
95. Alioll (or Olioll), the fifth Christian King of Leinster: his son. Baptized at Naas by St. Patrick, A.D. 460; was at the battle of Ocha, where Olioll Molt, the 129th Monarch, was slain; d. 526. Had: 1. Cairbre; 2. Cormac; 3. Felim, who was baptized by St. Patrick at Naas; 4. Mugan.
96. Cormac: second son of Olioll. Was King of Leinster for nine years; abdicated A.D. 515, and d. a monk at Bangor, 567. Had: 1. Cairbre Dubh, King of Leinster, who d. in 546; 2. Felim, from whom descended Cormac, of Tullac; 3. Iolladon, priest of Desert Iolladoin (now "Castledillon"), who had St. Criotan (11th May), of Magh Credan and Acadfinnech (on the river Dodder), and of Crevagh Cruagh, co. Dublin.
97. Cairbre Dubh: eldest son of Cormac. Had: 1. Mainchin, a quo Ui Mainchin (between Cineal Nucha and the river Liffey); 2. Cillen Mór, a quo Ui Nemri; 3. Cillen Beg, a quo Siol Aedha; 4. Colman, King of Leinster for thirty years, who d. 576; 5. St. Coman, bishop (8th March); 6. St. Sedealbh (10th Nov.); and 7. St. Cumaine (8th March); these last two were called "daughters of ardent charity" (29th March) at Domnach-Inghen Baithe (now "Donabate"), in the county Dublin.
98. Colman (or Columan): the fourth son of Cairbre Dubh. Had: 1. Faolan; 2. Cobhthach, a quo "Rathcoffey" in the county Kildare; 3. Felim, 13th Christian King of Leinster; 4. Ronan,[5] the 11th King of Leinster; on the resignation of Aedh Dubh;[6] 5. Aedh Dubh, King of Leinster, who in 591 retired to Kildare, where he d. a bishop, in 638; 6. Aedh Fionn, from whom descended Aengus (or Æneas), abbot of Kildare; 7. Crimthan Cualan, 12th Christian King of Leinster, from whom descended Dalthach of St. Kevin's, slain at Ath Goan (now "Kilgowan"), in Iachtir Liffé, A.D. 628; 8. Molumba, who had Maelandfidh, who had Aedhroin, who had Dunmaduind, who had Berchan. Colman d. 676.
99. Faolan: eldest son of Columan; was King of Leinster; educated by St. Kevin at Glendalough; d. 663.
100. Conall: son of Faolan.
101. Bran Muit ("muit:" Irish, dumb): his son; 14th Christian King of Leinster; d. 689. Had four sons: 1. Moroch (or Murchadh) Mór; 2. Congal, who defeated the men of Cualan at Inisbreoghan, in 727; 3. Faolan, d. 733; 4. Iomcadh.
102. Moroch Mór: eldest son of Bran Muit; was the 16th King of Leinster. Had three sons:—1. Muireadach; 2. Doncha, the 17th King of Leinster, slain A.D. 727, and a quo Ui Donchada or O'Donoghue of Cualan; 3. Faolan, the 18th King of Leinster, who d. 734, and a quo Ui Faolain or O'Felan of Cualan.
103. Muireadach: son of Moroch Mór; d. 755; and a quo Ui Muireadaigh or O'Murry of Cualan.
104. Bran Ardcean: his son; m. Eithne, dau. of Domhnal Mideach; she and her husband were slain, A.D. 780, by Finachda Catherdere, son of Ceallach, at Cill Cuile-duna (now "Kilcoole"), near Newtown Mount Kennedy, in the co. Wicklow.
105. Muireadach: son of Bran Ardcean; d. 818, according to the "Chronicon Scotorum." Had four sons—1. Bran, Tanist of Leinster, who was defeated at Dunbolg, by Cearbhall, King of Ossory, in 808; 2. Dunlong; 3. Arthur, who d. in 845, and from whom descended Garbith, Tanist of Leinster, who d. 881; 4. Maelbrighid, father of Tuathal, the 31st King of Leinster.
106. Dunlong, the 32nd King of Leinster: second son of Muireadach; d. a Monk in Kildare, 867. Had: 1. Ailill; 2. Cairbre,[7] the 34th King of Leinster, who was a hostage to Cearbhall, King of Ossory, and who died 881; 3. Donal, Tanist of Leinster, d. 862.
107. Ailill: eldest son of Dunlong; slain by the Danes in 809. Had: 1. Ugaire; 2. Ceallach, who was abbot of Kildare and Hy, 854-865; d. in "Pictland" (Scotland).
108. Ugaire (or Angaire), King of Leinster: son of Ailill; slain, 915. Had: 1. Tuathal; 2. Art (or Arthur), d. 934.
109. Tuathal [8]: ("tuathal:" Irish, a man's name; left-handed), King of Liffé: son of Ugaire; a quo O'Tuathail, anglicised O'Toole, Toole, Tootal, Tuohill, Tuthill, etc.; d. 956. Had: 1. Dunlong; 2. Donal; 3. Doncadh, Tanist of Leinster, who died 964; 4. Angaire;[9] Tanist of Leinster, who was slain by the Danes at Bithlin ("Belin," in the co. Kildare).
110. Dunlong: eldest son of Tuathal; fought at the battle of Clontarf, 1014, and was slain there. Had: 1. Donal; 2. Murcadh, who in 1042 was slain by the King of Ossory; 3. Gillacamghin, who in 1019 was slain by the men of Leix; 4. Duncuan; 5. Angaire, who defeated Sithric the Dane at Delgany in 1021; 6. Doncadh, who in 1037 was blinded at Castledermott by Dunchadh MacGillapatrick, King of Ossory; 7. Muirceartach, who was slain by the Ossorians in 1026; 8. Dunlong; 9. Eachdun, Tanist of Leinster, slain, 1042; 10. Boclan, slain at Clontarf, in 1014; and 11. Longseach, who was also slain at Clontarf in 1014.
111. Duncuan, "the Simpleton:" fourth son of Dunlong. Was made King of Leinster by Malachy II., Monarch of Ireland, and slain by the King of Ossory in 1018.
112. Gillacomghall: son of Duncuan. Was, in 1041, by violence taken by his uncle Murcadh from the Church of Kildare; and "the successor of Bridget was violated;" died 1041) first that assumed this family sirname.
113. Gillacaemghin: son of Gillacomghall. Was in 1056 slain by Murcha, who is No. 112 on the "MacMorough" genealogy, who was the 50th Christian King of Leinster.
114. Duncuan Baccach: son of Gillacaemghin; who in 1075 slew Doncadh and Gillacaemghin, sons of Angaire Ua Lorcain, of the Ui Doncadh. In 1076 his people were slain by the Ui Lorcain, and sixty-three of their heads were carried to a hill south of Castledermot.
115. Gillacomghall Baccach: his son; lord of Ui Muireadaigh: slain in 1119. Had: 1. Gillacaemghin; 2. Ugaire, slain in 1131 by the Ossorians; 3. Gillacomghall, abbot of Glendalough, who in 1127 was slain by the Foghmhartaigh (Foharta [10]), of the barony of Forth, in the county Carlow; 4. Murcadh, who in 1141 was blinded by Diarmaid na-nGall, King of Leinster, who is No. 113 on the "MacMorough" pedigree; 5. Muirceartach,[11] King of the Ui Muirceartaigh, who in 1154 slew the King of Ui Enachglais, and d. "after penance" in 1164.
116. Gillacaemghin Faitche: eldest son of Gillacomghall Baccach; died 1160.
117. Bhaltair (Walters or Walter): his son; slain 1200.
118. Gillacaemghin na Ficheall ("ficheall:" Irish, a buckler); his son; a quo MacFicheaill, anglicised Buckley. Had: 1. Felim (by some called "Faolan"); 2. Bathair, whose son Adam Dubh O'Toole was in Easter week, A.D. 1326, burnt in "Hoggin Green" (now College Green), Dublin; 3. Dunlong,[12] who settled in the Island of Omey, in Iar Connaught, and was the ancestor of O'Toole of Connemara.
119. Felim (or Faolan): son of Gillacaemghin na Ficheall.
120. David: his son; taken in 1327 by John Wellesley, and in 1328 was hanged at Dublin. Had: 1. Aedh (or Hugh); 2. Donal; 3. David, slain in 1368; 4. John, killed by a clown in 1328.
121. Aedh, Prince of Imaile: son of David; slain by the English, in 1376. Had 1. Dermod; 2. Felim, died 1404; 3. Aed, who died of the plague, 1404; 4. Shane (or John) Ruadh, who had: Ruadh, lord of Imaile, who was the ancestor of O'Toole, of Toole's Castle (now called "Talbotstown"), of O'Toole of Coillsi, of O'Toole of Balleyedan, of O'Toole of Knight's Castle (or Castleruddery, in Imaile), O'Toole of Ballyhubbock, of Newtown, and of Rathdangan. Shane Ruadh, the fourth son of Aedh, had:
I. Edmond.
II. Shane, who was slain by Gerald, Earl of Kildare. This Shane had:
III. Shane (died 1571), who in 1526 m. a dau. of Sir James Fitzgerald of Leixlip, Knight of Rhodes, and had:
IV. Tirlogh, who was slain in rebellion, and forfeited his estates in Imaile to the Crown: these estates were given to Lord Chichester (see the State Papers for the year 1608). Tirlogh had:
V. Felim(slain in battle), who had:
VI. Cahir, of Castleruddery, who had:
VII. Dermot, who d. in 1622.—See his will, which is one of the oldest in the Record Office. Dermot had:
VIII. Cahir (or Charles) of Ballyhubbock, in Imaile, who forfeited his lands to Cromwell. Hoping to regain his estates he joined the Standard of King James II., and fought at the battle of the Boyne, where he shot the Duke of Schomberg, while crossing the river; d. 1702. Charles had:
IX. Patrick, of Newtown and Oldmill, in Imaile, who died 1770, and had:
X. Patrick, of same place, who d. 1830, and had—1. Michael, of whom presently; 2. John; 3. Laurence; 4. Thomas; 5. Christopher.
XI. Michael, of Newtown, the eldest son of Patrick, d. 1846, and had: 1. Patrick, of Hollypark, Rathfarnham,co. Dublin; 2. Mary; 3. James; 4. Bridget; 5. John of Raheen, in Imaile.
XII. Patrick, the eldest son of Michael, m. Sarah Grehan, of Donard, and had:
XIII. 1. Thomas (a student in Terenure College); 2 Patrick; 3. Jane; 4. Mary; all living in 1883.
Castlekevin Branch.
122. Dermod: eldest son of Aedh; slain in 1445, at the age of eighty years.
123. Theobald: his son; d. 1460.
124. Edmond: his son; slain in 1488 by the sons of Teige O'Byrne.
125. Art: son of Edmond; died 1499. Had: 1. Art Oge, of Castlekevin; 2. Felim; 3. Tirlogh, slain in 1542. This Art Oge, of Castlekevin, was slain in 1517. He had:
I. Aedh (or Hugh), who in 1523 was slain by the O'Byrnes; and Luke (died 1578) who m. Rice Basnett, and had:—1. Felim; 2. Donoch; 3. Hugh; 4. Alexander; 5. Barnaby, who died 17th January, 1597.
II. Barnaby, the fifth son of Luke, who m. Honor O'Moore and had:—1. Luke (died 1652); 2. Arthur; 3. Cahir; 4. Margery.
III. Luke, the eldest son of Barnaby, who, at the age of 75, d. in 1652 in prison in Dublin Castle. Had: 1. Barnaby (d. 1691), of Harold's Grange; 2. Donogh, who was a Lieut.-Col. in the Irish Confederate Army of 1642; 3. Christopher, a Major in the same Confederate Army, and slain in the Wars of the Revolution; 4. Tirlogh, who was also a member of the Irish Catholic Confederation of that period, and from whom the present O'Tooles of Castlekevin and Glendalough are descended.
IV. Barnaby (d. 1691), of Harold's Grange: son of Luke. Had: 1. Luke, of Fairfield, county Wexford; 2. Arthur; 3. Francis, M.P. for Wicklow in 1688, and who d. 1720.
V. Luke O'Toole, of Fairfield: the eldest son of Barnaby, who d. 1750. Had:
VI. Laurence (d. 1794), who had:
VII. Laurence (d. 1782), who had:
VIII. Laurence (d. 1820), who had;
IX. Joseph Laurent (living in 1883); President de la Chambre du Commerce de I'lle de la Reunion France. Had:
X. Thomas O'Toole, living in 1883.
Powerscourt Branch.
126. Tirlogh O'Toole, of Powerscourt: third son of Art; slain in 1542 by Shane O'Toole of Imaile. Had: 1. Luke; 2. Tirlogh, slain ante 1542; 3. Brian an Cedach ("cedach:" Irish, a mantle), who in 1547 defeated the Fitzgeralds at Three Castles, near Blessington; 4. Felim (slain, 1599), lord of Powerscourt, in the co. Wicklow, who in 1590 forfeited his lands, which in 1603 were granted to Sir Richard Wingfield, an ancestor of the present Lord Powerscourt, of Enniskerry; 5. Dermod, who had:
I. Donoch O'Toole, who had:
II. Garret O'Toole, of Powerscourt, who had:
III. Kate, who was m. to Art O'Neill, alias Payne, who is No. 129 on the (No. 2) "O'Neill" (Princes of Tyrone) genealogy.
127. Felim O'Toole: the fourth son of Tirlogh; slain in 1599.
128. Garrett: his son; slain in 1582.
129. Tirlogh [13]: his son; m. Miss Kavanagh; slain at Dublin Castle in 1625. Had a sister, Winefrid, who was married to a son of Feagh (MacHugh) O'Byrne, a celebrated Chieftain in the county Wicklow, who is No. 130 on the "O'Byrne" (Lords of Ranelagh) pedigree.
130. Donoch, of O'Toole's Castle, near Kiltegan, son of Tirlogh; slain in battle, 1690.
131. Tirlogh (or Terence): his son; who, refusing to conform to the Protestant religion, forfeited his estate, and migrated to Drumquin, near Kiltegan, in Imaile: d. 1725.
132. Patrick (d. 1790), of Ballytoole and Ballymooney, in Imaile: his son; m. Mary Donohoe. Had:
I. Terence, of Ballymooney and Donard, of whom presently.
II. Denis (d. 1850), who removed to Slieveroe, near Blessington, co. Wicklow, and m. Miss Finn, by whom he had:
I. John (died 1879), of whom presently.
II. Mary.
III. Terence.
IV. Patrick.
V. Denis.
VI. Sarah.
VII. Edward.
VIII. James.
IX. Timothy.
X. Catherine.
John, the eldest son of John, son of Denis, had: I. John, II. Patrick, III. Henry, IV. Thomas, V. Kate, VI. Jane, VII. Eliza, VIII. Sarah.
III. John (d. 1812), the third son of Patrick, had:
I. Patrick (living in 1883), who had:
II. John, also living in 1883.
IV. Mary, who d. 1815.
V. Sarah, who d. 1812.
133. Terence (or Tirlogh), of Ballymooney and Donard: eldest son of Patrick, who died 1790; m. Mary Headon; d. 1817. Had: 1. Terence, who d. s.p.; 2. Mary, wife of William Mooney; 3. Anne, died 1826; 4. Denis, of whom presently; 5. Patrick, d. 1832; 6. Sarah.
134. Denis: fourth son of Terence; married Anne Byrne, died 1849. Had: 1. Terence; 2. Mary, who d. 1863; 3. Anne, who died 1862; 4. Anthony, who died 1834; 5. Rev. Patrick Laurence O'Toole, O.C.C., living (in Dublin) in 1883; 6. Anthony, of Mountpleasant Square, co. Dublin, living in 1883 (who married Alice O'Donohoe, and had: I.Kevin, II. Alice, III. Anne, IV. Lawrence, V. Eva (died young), VI. Cathleen, VII. Arthur—all, except Eva, living in 1883): 7. Denis, who d. 1879; 8. Sarah, wife of James Meythen, Merchant, 35 South King Street, Dublin (living in 1883); 8. Lawrence, d. young.
135. Terence: eldest son of Denis; d. in 1872 in St. Louis, United States, America. Was married to Margaret Barry, of Buttevant, county Cork, and had:—1. Denis, 2. Anthony, 3. Mary, 4. Sarah, 5. Margaret—all of whom living in St. Louis, in 1883.
136. Denis O'Toole, of St. Louis, United States, America: eldest son of Terence; b. 1862; and living in 1883.
[1] O'Toole or Ui Tuathail: The O'Tooles were Kings of Leinster and Princes of Imaile (now the counties of Wicklow and Kildare), Chieftains of Hy-Murray, Castle Kevin, Glendalough, and Powerscourt; and Omey in West Connaught. We are indebted to the Rev. Patrick Laurence O'Toole, O.C.C., Whitefriar-street Church, Dublin, for permission to inspect an elaborate genealogy of this family in that gentleman's possession; from which we here trace the genealogy more fully than we gave it in our Third Edition of "IRISH PEDIGREES."
[2] Armorial Bearings: According to other authorities the Armorial Bearings of the O'Tooles are:
Arms—A white lion on red grounds (signifying a course without relaxation);
Crest—Two palms, a Cross surmounted by a laurel branch over a princely crown;
Supporters—The shield accompanied by two battle axes and two Irish pikes; under the shield, two branches of shamrock—the national symbol of Ireland;
Motto—"Virtute et Fidelitate." One Branch of the Family has "Spero;" another: ''Semper et Ubique Fideles."
The War Cry was: "Fianae Abu," and sometimes "Ui Tuathail Abu:" the former meaning "Victory to the Fenians;" and the latter, "Victory to the O'Tooles."
[3] Diarmid Ua-Duibhne: See Note "Fiacha Suidhe," in p. 359, ante.
[4] Brian: This Brian Leth-dearg had a son Feidhlimidh (or Felim), who had three sons: Conal, a quo Ui Elgenaigh; 2. Fiachra Caech, who had Ronan, who had Foranan; and 3. Cohhthach, a quo Ui Ernine.
[5] Ronan: This Ronan had: 1. Maelfoghartach, slain by his father's orders; 2. Maeltuile, a quo Ui Maeltuile; 3. Maelochtrach, who had Maelcaech (who had Maelgarbh of Naas) and Ailechda. This Ailechda had Monach, who had Fianamhail (d. 694), who had Ceanfela, who had Ceallach, Abbot of Kildare, living in 720. This Maeltuile, the second son of Ronan above mentioned, had two sons—1. Maelfoghartach, anker. at Inishofin, slain in 732; and 2. Fianamhail, King of Leinster, who was baptised by St. Moling, and mortally wounded by Foisechan, one of his own people.
[6] Aedh Dubh: This Aedh Duhh had two sons: Crimthan Cael, and Erc (who had Nessan). This Nessan had: 1. Braon, Bishop (8th August) of Fidhcullin ("Feighcullen," in the county Kildare); 2. Cairrell (13th June), Bishop of Tir Rois; 3. Flann (4th Jany.); 4. Muireadach (15th May); 5. Dichuil, abbot of Cluain Mór Dicholla; 6. Munissa, who had Nadsluadh (15th March), of Inis Mac Nessain, now known as "Ireland's Eye," Howth, co. Dublin.
[7] Cairbre: This Cairbre had: 1. Donal (d. 864), Tanist of Leinster, who had Muireadach, Tanist of Leinster (slain, 906); 2. Dunlong, who also d. in 906.
[8] Tuathal: Some derive this name from the Irish "tuatha," territories: meaning one possessed of large landed property.
[9] Angaire: This Angaire had Tuathal, who A.D. 1014, was wounded at the battle of Clontarf; died same year at Glendalough, and is there buried. And Tuathal had Aedh, living in 1034.
[10] Foharta: See the "Nowlan" genealogy, in pp. 605-606 ante, for the meaning of this term.
[11] Muirceartach: This Muirceartach had: 1. Gillacomghall, lord of Ui Muireadaigh; 2. Tuathal; 3. Ruadh; 4. Aodh; 5. Conchobhar; 6. Mór, wife of Diarmaid MacMorough (or Diarmaid na-nGall), the last King of Leinster; and 7. Lorcan (Saint Laurence O'Toole), Archbishop of Dublin, who, on 14th Nov., 1180, died at Eu, in France, where his relics are still preserved and revered. It was at the instance of St. Laurence O'Toole that Earl Strongbow added a steeple and two chapels to Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. With five other Irish prelates, St. Laurence O'Toole attended a Council at Rome in 1179, a promise having been first exacted from him by King Henry II., that he would there urge nothing detrimental to the King's interests in Ireland; because, after the Anglo-Norman invasion, he (St. Laurence O'Toole) exerted all his influence to urge his countrymen to united resistance to the English invaders, and, in the enemy's assault on Dublin, braved every danger—encouraging the defenders of the city, and administering spiritual consolations to the wounded. When all hope of successful resistance was over, he gave in his adhesion to the Anglo-Normans, and in 1172 attended Henry II.'s Synod of Cashel, where many new canons were enacted for the government of the Irish Church. In 1180, Archbishop O'Toole was entrusted with the delivery of the son of the Monarch Roderick O'Connor, to Henry II., as a hostage. He followed the King to Normandy; but taking ill almost immediately after his arrival there, died at Eu, as above mentioned.
[12] Dunlong: This (119) Dunlong of Omey in Iar Connaght had: (120) Tuathal. who had: (121) Doncuan, who had: (122) Diarmid Sugach, who had: (123) Diarmid Oge, who had: (124) Amhailgadh, who had: (125) Aedh, who had: (126) Tuathal, who had: (127) Tuathal Oge, who had: (128) Felim, who had: (129) Tiboid (or Theobald), of Omey, who was hanged in 1586 by Sir Richard Bingham, and whose Estates were confiscated to the Crown. This Tiboid had: (130) Edmond, who had: (131) Fergnan, who had: (132) Cornelius or Connor O'Toole, who fought for King James II. at the Battle of the Boyne, and then settled at Kilcogny, in the co. Cavan. This Cornelius had: (133) Connor, who had four children, namely—1. Mathew, 2. Richard, 3. Margaret, 4. Mary. This (134) Mathew had four children, namely—1. Cornelius, 2. Richard, 3. Catherine, 4. Margaret (died 1876). This (135) Cornelius O'Toole, a merchant in Dublin, and living in 1883, has had: (136) Cornelius O'Toole; Joseph O'Toole; Rev. Mathew B. O'Toole, O.C.C., Carmelite College, Terenure, co. Dublin: Eliza; Rosanna; Josephine (dead); and Mary, wife of Mr. Farrelly, merchant, living in 1883.
[13] Tirlogh: Deprived of almost all his family patrimony this Tirlogh lingered amongst his friends and kinsfolk on the western side of the mountains near Kiltegan, county Wicklow; expecting to be able to muster a sufficient number of his clansmen and friends to retake his family Castle and Estates of Powerscourt; as may be seen by reference to the State Papers of A.D. 1608. Writing to the Earl of Salisbury, the then Lord Chancellor of Ireland says:
"... Has received advertisement of stirs to be raised in Leinster during the absence of the Lord Deputy, by some of the O'Tooles, Kavanaghs, and others. Has been careful to discover their purposes. And first, for the O'Tooles: Has heard that that base uncle plotted with a nephew named Tyrlagh O'Toole, to surprise the Castle of Powerscourt, within eight miles of Dublin, possessed by Mr. Marshall, to kill his ward there, to gather forces, and to enter into action of rebellion. The said Tyrlagh has also used his credit to gather lately some companies of the O'Moores out of the Queen's County (which Sept will prove a dangerous one, ready to be entertained for mischief upon all occasions), and to allow some confederates of the Kavanaghes, and other loose persons of these mountains near Dublin to take his part; who have all given him promise of assistance. As yet, however, he sees no fear of danger. Tyrlagh lurks secretly amongst his friends; the want of arms and munitions and powder is some stay to him and the rest, but the principal thing that stayed them is their expectation of foreign forces, the return of Tyrone, and the uncertainty of severe chastisement in the return of the Lord Deputy.
St. Sepulcre's, near Dublin,
7th August, 1608."
This Tirlogh O'Toole and his descendants never recovered Powerscourt; on the contrary, they forfeited to the Crown whatever remained of his estates in Imaile; and, as above shown, he was slain at Dublin Castle in 1625. His descendants were reduced to the position of farmers, compelled to labour, and till those lands their fathers once held in fee:
"Alas! that might could conquer right."