TANEY, or TAWNEY, a parish, in the half-barony of RATHDOWN, county of DUBLIN, and province of LEINSTER, 3 ½ miles (S.) from Dublin, on the road to Enniskerry; containing 4020 inhabitants. It is beautifully situated on a sheltered declivity near the base of the Dublin and Wicklow mountains, and comprises 3691 statute acres, as applotted under the tithe act.
The land, which is of good quality, is principally in demesne; the surrounding scenery is richly diversified, and the parish thickly studded with handsome seats and pleasing villas, most of them commanding interesting views of the city and bay of Dublin and the adjacent country. Of these the principal are Mount Merrion, the residence of Mrs. Verschoyle; Merville, formerly the residence of the late Judge Downes, who greatly improved the demesne, and now the seat of R. Manders, Esq.; Mount Anville, of the Hon. Charles Burton, second justice of the Court of Queen's Bench, situated on elevated ground commanding fine mountain and sea views, and remarkable for its richly cultivated gardens and extensive conservatories; Taney Hill, of W. Bourne, Esq.; Seafield, of T. Beasley, Esq.; Bellefield, of T. Wallace, Esq.; Bellevue Lodge, of the Rev. C. Wolsley; Runnimede, of J. Fitzpatrick, Esq.; Moreen, of D. Mc Kay, Esq.; Drummartin Castle, of Mrs. Dawson; Campfield House, of S. Boxwell, Esq.; Anneville, of Sir George Whitford, Bart.; Woodbine Lodge, of T. Sherlock, Esq.; Laurel Lodge, of G. Meyler, Esq.; Ludford Park, of G. Hatchell, Esq.; Priest House, of J. Robinson, Esq.; Greenmount, of J. Turbett, Esq.; Stonehouse, of J. Benton, Esq.; Drummartin House, of J. Curry, Esq.; the residence of the Rev. Dr. Singer; Holywell, of W. Walsh, Esq.; Bessmount, of T. M. Scully, Esq.; Farmley, of J. T. Underwood, Esq.; Rockmount, of T. Courtenay, Esq.; Dellbrook, of E. G. Mason, Esq.; Eden Park, of L. Finn, Esq.; Milltown, of Major Palmer; Mount Anville, of E. Butler, Esq.; Ballinteer Lodge of Major W. St. Clair; Churchtown House, of J. Busby, Esq.; Dundrum House, of John Walshe, Esq.; Wickham, of William Farran, Esq., who has here a museum containing a large collection of curious and rare articles; Sweetmount, of W. Nolan, Esq.; Churchtown, of N. Corbett, Esq.; Churchtown House, of D. Lynch, Esq.; Sweetmount Villa, of James Burke, Esq.; Sweetmount House, of M. Ryan, Esq.; and Belleville, of W. A. H. Minchin, Esq. At Windy Harbour is a silk-throwing factory belonging to Mr John Sweeny, jun., employing about 80 persons; and in the village of Dundrum is an iron-foundry.
The living is a rectory, in the diocese of Dublin, forming part of the union of St. Peter's, and of the corps of the archdeaconry of Dublin: the tithes amount to £415. 7. 85. The church, towards the erection of which the late Board of First Fruits granted a loan of £4300, in 1818, is a spacious and handsome cruciform structure, in the later English style, with a square embattled tower; the interior was thoroughly renovated in 1835, for which purpose the Ecclesiastical Commissioners granted £256. The old church is still remaining; one portion of it is used for reading the funeral service, and another is appropriated to the parochial school. In the cemetery are some interesting monumental inscriptions, among which is one to William Halliday, Jun., Esq., who died in 1812, aged 24; he was distinguished for his eminent proficiency in Irish literature and his critical knowledge of his native language.
In the R. C. divisions the parish forms part of the unions of Booterstown, Sandyford, St. Mary Donnybrook, and St. Mary and St. Peter's Rathmines; there is a chapel at Dundrum, and a place of worship for Wesleyan Methodists. About 400 children are taught in four public schools, of which the parochial school is partly supported by the rector; there is an infants' school.—See DUNDRUM.