KILBRIDE, a parish, in the barony of LOWER TALBOTSTOWN, county of WICKLOW, and province of LEINSTER, 4 ¾ miles (E.) from Blessington, on the road from that place to Wicklow; containing 1207 inhabitants. This parish is in a very mountainous district, and comprises 12,295 statute acres, of which about 8000 are mountain land; and there is much bog, particularly at Shankhill. The land is chiefly in pasture. The granite used in building Nelson's pillar, and the Post-office and other edifices in Dublin, was brought from the Golden Hill granite quarry; and there is iron-ore in Butter mountain. The principal seats are Kippure Lodge, the residence of G. Moore, Esq., who has an extensive farming establishment; Ballywood, of J. Finnemore, Esq.; and Butter Mountain, of R. Bennett, Esq. The parish is in the diocese of Dublin and Glendalough; the rectory is partly impropriate in Colonel Allen, and partly appropriate to the dean and chapter of St. Patrick's; the vicarage forms part of the union of Blessington. The tithes amount to £122. 18. 3., of which £22. 0. 2. is payable to Colonel Allen, £59. 18. 3. to the dean and chapter, and £40. 19. 5. to the vicar. The church, for which a grant of £900 was made by the late Board of First Fruits, was built in 1834, and is in the later English style of architecture, with an embattled tower. In the R. C. divisions, also, it forms part of the union or district of Blessington, and has a neat chapel, which was enlarged in 1835. About 100 children are educated in three private schools. Here are two old burial-grounds, several raths, and some large unhewn blocks of granite on the mountains.