DRINAGH, or DREENY, a parish, partly in the Western Division of the barony of EAST CARBERY, but chiefly in the Eastern Division of WEST CARBERY, county of CORK, and province of MUNSTER, 3 miles (S.) from Dunmanway, on the road from that place to Clonakilty; containing 4231 inhabitants. This parish comprises 12,4495 statute acres, of which 5696 are applotted under the tithe act, and are valued at £4926 per ann.: there is about an equal portion of arable and pasture land,4000 acres are reclaimable bog and mountain, and the remainder rocky mountain and irreclaimable bog. Great improvements have been recently made in agriculture by the opening of new lines of road. There are two lakes, the larger of which forms a boundary between the two baronies.
The living is a vicarage, in the diocese of Cork, and in the patronage of the Bishop; the rectory is appropriate to the vicars choral of the cathedral of St. Finbarr, Cork. The tithes amount to £483, half of which is payable to the appropriators and half to the vicar. There is a glebe of 7 acres. The church is a small neat edifice, in the early English style, erected in 1818, by aid of a gift of £900 from the late Board of First Fruits.
In the R. C. divisions the parish forms part of the union or district of Dromdaleague, and contains a chapel. In the parochial school, principally supported by the vicar, and in another school, which has a grant of £26 per annum, about 80 children are educated, and in five private schools about 330. At Kilronan are some valuable lands granted by Charles II. to the see of Dublin. Here are the ruins of an old church, erected by the Knights Templars.