Ó Sirideáin
Ó SIRIDEÁIN—I—O Shiridane, O Sheridane, Sheridan, Sherridan, &c.; 'descendant of Sirideán'; the name of an ecclesiastical family who were erenaghs of Granard, in Co. Longford, but appear to have afterwards removed to Co. Cavan, where at the end of the 16th century they were followers of O'Reilly and are still numerous. The family rose to eminence in the 17th and 18th century by the ability and learning of some of its members. Thomas Sheridan who was Secretary of State under James II, Sir Thomas Sheridan, tutor to Prince Charles Edward, and the Right Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, orator, statesman, and dramatist, belonged to this family. MacFirbis mentions a family of the name among the Siol-Muireadhaigh in Connacht.
Alphabetical Index to Irish Surnames