Martin Cregan, Portrait Painter
(b. 1788, d. 1870)
Portrait Painter
From A Dictionary of Irish Artists 1913

Martin Cregan. Drawing, by Sir George Hayter; in National Gallery of Ireland.
Was born, according to his own account, in the county of Meath in 1788. He never, even to his own family, referred to his parentage, but he is said to have been brought up by foster-parents named Creggan, of Martinstown, near Summerhill, in Meath. He received the name of Martin Creggan, which he afterwards altered to Cregan. He was cared for by the Stewarts of Killymoon, County Tyrone, in whose service he was as a boy; and showing a remarkable aptitude for drawing he was sent to Dublin and entered as a student in the Dublin Society's School. He won medals for his drawings in 1806 and 1807, and showed such promise that he was sent to London and placed as a pupil in the studio of Sir Martin Archer Shee at the expense ot Henry Stewart of Trycallen, second son of James Stewart of Killymoon, who also financed him until he could earn for himself. He was highly thought of by Shee, whose first and only pupil he was, and numbered among his friends Constable, Hayter, Landseer and others of the principal artists of the day.
In 1812 he made his first appearance as an exhibitor in the Royal Academy. He remained in London until 1822, when he returned to Dublin, and in the following year, having already made a name for himself as a portrait painter, he was chosen as one of the original members o the Royal Hibernian Academy. He contributed to its first exhibition in 1826, and was a regular exhibitor until his retirement in 1859. On the resignation of William Cuming, Cregan was elected in October, 1832, President of the Academy, a position he occupied for twenty-three years. In 1856, when the dissensions among the Academicians culminated in a schism, Cregan, who had in vain urged the reform and efficient management of the institution and had sided with M. A. Hayes and those working for that end, incurred the hostility of the opposing party, chiefly of the older members, and was called on to resign the Presidency. This he refused to do; but on the termination of his year of office he was not re-elected, George Petrie being chosen in his place on the 17th October, 1857. He did not exhibit after 1859.

Martin Cregan. Chalk drawing, by Himself; in possession of Miss Cregan, Morehampton Road, Dublin.
Cregan, on his return from London in 1822, had his studio for a time in the house of his patrons, the Stewarts, at No. 6 Leinster Street; afterwards he resided for many years—from 1834 to 1849—at No. 4 Smith's Buildings, Ely Place, and subsesequently until 1854 at No. 26 Kildare Street. On his retirement he moved to 109 St. Stephen's Green, and later, when old age prevented him from making much at his profession, and he still had to support a large and burdensome family, he went to 22 Lennox Street. He practised his art until the last, and at the time of his death was engaged upon an altar-piece. He died in Lennox Street on the 10th December, 1870, aged 82 years, and was buried at Mount Jerome on the 14th.
During his long career Cregan occupied the foremost position as a portrait painter in Ireland until old age, failing sight, and the rivalry of a younger painter, Catterson Smith, gradually lessened his practice. He painted many persons of distinction, and held the post of Portrait Painter to the Lord Lieutenant. His portraits were esteemed as excellent and faithful likenesses, and though he never attained any brilliancy in his art his pictures are marked by feeling and refinement, and a good sense of colour.
Cregan married in London in 1816 Jane, daughter of Henry Schwertzel, a native of Hesse Cassel, employed in the Royal household. By her he had sixteen children. His fourth son, William Stewart Cregan, was a student in the Royal Dublin Society's School in 1846, and exhibited in the Royal Hibernian Academy, but did not ultimately adopt the profession of a painter. Mrs. Cregan died at 22 Lennox Street on 30th August, 1876.

Martin Cregan. Picture, by Sir Thomas A. Jones, P.R.H.A., in the Royal Hibernian Academy.
A portrait of Cregan, a small water-colour sketch by Sir George Hayter, showing him as a young man, is in the National Gallery of Ireland; another, done by himself in chalks, belongs to his grand-daughter, Miss Cregan, 37 Morehampton Road, Dublin; and an oil picture by Sir Thomas Jones is in the Council Room of the Royal Hibernian Academy.
Portrait of Himself. Chalk. [Miss Cregan, Morehampton Roap, Dublin.]
Matthew Anketell. R.H.A., 1836.
General Archdale, M.P. [Edward Archdale, Castle Archdale, County Fermanagh.] R.H.A., 1840.
Mrs. Armit. R.A., 1820.
Miss Armit. R.A., 1820.
Captain Armstrong, Inniskilling Dragoons. R.H.A., 1841.
Miss Ashe. R.H.A., 1832 and 1835.
Miss Emma Ashe. R.H.A., 1829.
Mrs. John Atkinson. R.H.A., 1835.
Alderman Richard Atkinson. [Young Men's Christian Association, Dawson Street, Dublin.] A portrait of Atkinson was in R.H.A. in 1851, and another, painted for himself, in 1859.
Thomas Stephen Atwood, D.D. Engraved in stipple by C. Knight, 1825.
Arthur Baker. R.H.A., 1837.
Henry Aaron Baker, architect. R.H.A., 1828. Edward, 3rd Viscount Bangor. R.H.A., 1834.
John Barlow. R.H.A., 1847.
The Founders of the Barrington Hospital, Limerick. [Barrington Hospital, Limerick.]
Captain James Barry. R.H.A., 1841.
Mrs. Barry, née Drew. R.H.A., 1841.
John Bateson, son of Sir Robert Bateson, Bart. Crayons. R.H.A., 1841.
Richard Bateson, son of Sir Robert Bateson, Bart. Crayons. R.H.A., 1841.
Sir Robert Bateson, Bart. [Lord Deramore.] R.H.A., 1844. Engraved in mezzotint by S. Cousins, 1845.
Lady Bateson, R.H.A., 1842.
Robert Bateson, eldest son of Sir Robert. [Lord Deramore.] R.H.A., 1836.
John Bayley, Dean of Lismore. R.H.A., 1829.
J. H. Beaufoy. R.A., 1818.
John Bermingham. R.H.A., 1847.
Major Blackhall. R.H.A., 1834.
Lady Blaney. Signed and dated 1857. [F. Pakenham, 8 Clare Street, Dublin.]
Edward Bligh. R.H.A., 1826.
Master Daniel Booth. R.H.A., 1851.
George Bott. R.H.A., 1835.
Thomas Brodigan, of Piltown House. R.H.A., 1843.
John Brinkley, bishop of Cloyne. [Royal Irish Academy.] R.H.A., 1827.
Lt.-General Sir Arthur Brooke, K.C.B. [Sir George Brooke, Bart., Gardiner's Row.] R.H.A., 1838.
William Brooke, M.D. [Late W. G. Brooke, 14 Herbert Street, Dublin.] R.H.A., 1829.
William Browne. R.H.A., 1834.
Charles Kendal Bushe, in robes as Lord Chief Justice, [National Gallery of Ireland; lent by Mrs. Charles Percy Bushe.] R.H.A., 1828.
Charles Kendal Bushe. [King's Inns, Dublin.] R.H.A., 1843.
Arthur Bushe. [Surgeon Bushe, R.N.] R.H.A., 1847.
John Bushe. R.H.A., 1837.
Thomas Bushe. R.H.A., 1835.
Miss Butler. R.H.A., 1834.
Mrs. Campbell. R.A., 1817.
Captain, afterwards Lt.-Colonel, Christopher Dorchester Carleton, son of 1st Lord Dorchester.
John Chaine, Dean of Connor. R.H.A., 1844.
Children of Dr. Cheyne. R.H.A., 1849.
Dr. Clarke. Posthumous portrait painted or the Lying-in-Hospital. R.H.A., 1836. [Rotunda Hospital.]
Rev. William Cleaver. Lithographed by J. S. Templeton.
Colonel Henry John Clements. [Mrs. Clements, Ashfield Lodge, Cootehill.]
Dr. Cloves. R.A., 1818.
Rev. Latham Coddington. R.H.A., 1829.
Sir Josiah Coghill, R.N. R.H.A., 1838. Nothing is known of this picture by the family.
Owen Blaney Cole. R.H.A., 1836.
Abraham Colles, M.D. [Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin.] R.H.A., 1838. "An able likeness of an able man" ("Evening Mail," 4th July, 1838.) Engraved by D. Lucas and published by Hodges and Smith, Dublin, in January, 1850.
Abraham Colles, M.D. A small copy done by the artist for the engraver. [Miss Cregan, 37 Morehampton Road, Dublin.]
Henry Colles. R.H.A., 1849.
Mrs. Henry Colles. R.H.A., 1849.
Martin Colquhoun. R.H.A., 1840.
Rev. Wm. Conway. R.H.A., 1845.
Richard Coote, of Bellamont Forest. R.H.A., 1852. James Corry. R.H.A., 1826.
P. Courtney. R.H.A., 1826.
Lt.-Col. Sir Michael Creagh, 86th Regt. R.H.A., 1838.
Mrs. Cregan, the artist's wife. Painted in 1818. [Miss Cregan, 37 Morehampton Road, Dublin.]
Mrs. Cregan, the artist's wife. Chalks. [T. Smith, Broughton Road, Chardelow, Derby.]
Master Crewe. Copy of portion of the picture by Sir Joshua Reynolds. [National Gallery of Ireland.]
Colonel Crichton. R.H.A., 1842.
Mrs. Crichton. R.H.A., 1842.
Lt.-Colonel John Cullen, Leitrim Militia. [Mrs. H. P. Ringwood, 27 Northbrook Road, Dublin.]
Mrs. Cullen. [Mrs. H. P. Ringwood, 27 Northbrook Road, Dublin.]
Surgeon J. W. Cusack. [The late Sir Ralph Cusack.] R.H.A., 1843. A copy, by Scott, is in the Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin.
Colonel D'Aguilar. [The late General Sir Charles D'Aguilar, 4 Clifton Crescent, Folkstone.] R.H.A., 1838. "One of the President's most felicitous portraits. Colonel D'Aguilar looks in the picture, as in life, the accomplished gentleman" ["Evening Mail," 4th July, 1838.]
Rev. Robert Daly. R.H.A., 1828.
Miss Dance, in the character of "Mrs. Haller." R.A., 1821.
Lieut. W. Townsend-Dance, R.N. R.A., 1822.
Lt.-Col. Sir William De Bathe. R.A., 1831.
Lady De Bathe and her son. R.A., 1829.
Rev. G. M. Dennis. [— Jeeves, Coolnamona, Moate.] Painted in 1846.
Colonel Dillon. R.H.A., 1852.
George Dobbin. R.H.A., 1851 and 1856.
Leonard Dobbin. R.H.A., 1851.
Robert Dobbin. R.H.A., 1856.
John Doherty, Chief Justice. [Colonel Johnston, Kilmore, Armagh.] R.H.A., 1836.
Rev. Archibald Douglas. R.H.A., 1833.
William, Lord Downes, Chief Justice. [King's Inns, Dublin.] R.H.A., 1827. Engraved in mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds, 1827, and dedicated by the painter to the Honourable Society of the King's Inns.
Robert Doyne. R.H.A., 1848.
William Duckett. R.H.A., 1836.
William Dudgeon. R.H.A., 1843.
Theresa, Countess of Eglinton. [J. M. Kavanagh, R.H.A.]
Theresa, Countess of Eglinton, and her mother. [Goold Verschoyle, Manor House, Dunkineely.]
A. E., Earl of Eglinton and family. This picture was cut up and the figures sold as separate portraits.
Hercules Ellis. Painted for the Grand Chapter of the Rose Grand Croix Freemasons. R.H.A., 1841.
Thomas Ellis, M.P. [Friendly Brothers' House, Dublin.] R.H.A., 1826.
Rev. Charles R. Elrington. [F. Elrington Ball, Booterstown House, County Dublin.] R.H.A., 1829.
Rev. Henry Erwin. R.H.A., 1832.
Mrs. Francis Evans. R.H.A., 1844.
Mrs. W. H. Fielde. R.A., 1818.
Rev. Daniel Flynn of Harcourt Street, R.H.A., 1851 and 1853.
Mrs. Daniel Flynn and daughter. R.H.A., 1852.
Walter and Thomas, sons of Dr. Flynn. R.H.A., 1852.
Michael Fox. R.H.A., 1846.
Lodge Raymond, 2nd Viscount Frankfort de Montmorency. R.H.A. 1851.
William Furlong. R.H.A., 1826.
Vice-Admiral Gardiner. R.A., 1815.
Samuel Garnett. R.H.A., 1847.
Rev. Thomas Glanville. R.H.A., 1856.
George Glendinning. Painted for the Marquess of Sligo. R.H.A., 1842.
Thomas Goold, Master in Chancery. R.H.A., 1835. T. M. Gresham. R.H.A., 1835.
Arthur Guinness. R.H.A., 1827.
Hajee Baba. R.A., 1819.
Rear-Admiral Halstead. R.A., 1814.
Rev. E. Hamilton. [James Hamilton, Brown Hall, County Donegal.]
Mrs. Hamilton, née Stewart, wife of John Hamilton of Brown Hall. [James Hamilton, Brown Hall, County Donegal.] An early picture of the artist. Engraved in mezzotint by C. Turner.
Master George Alexander Hamilton. R.H.A., 1849.
Henry Hamilton, son of Rt. Hon. Sackville Hamilton. R.A., 1821.
Henry Hamilton. R.H.A., 1826 and 1832.
John Hamilton, of Brown Hall. [James Hamilton, Brown Hall, County Donegal.]
Mrs. John Hamilton, née Rose. [James Hamilton, Brown Hall, County Donegal.] R.H.A., 1827.
James Hans Hamilton. R.H.A., 1838.
Mrs. James Hans Hamilton. R.H.A., 1840.
Mrs. James Hamilton, of Ravensdale. R.H.A., 1841.
Sackville Hamilton; crayon drawing; belonged to Miss Hamilton, Fitzwilliam Square, in 1844.
William Hanna, Q.C. [Colonel William Hanna, 11 Palace Mansions, Kensington.] R.H.A., 1826.
Harberton.—See Pomeroy.
Thomas Hastings. R.H.A., 1842.
R. Haughton. R.H.A., 1826.
Wife and Children of Captain J. Hawkins, Bombay Engineers. R.A., 1819.
R. Hawkins. R.A., 1819.
Surgeon James Henthorn. [Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin.] R.H.A., 1826.
Surgeon James Henthorn. R.H.A., 1853.
Rev. Edward Henry Hoare. R.H.A., 1830.
Miss Hopkins. R.H.A., 1837.
Colonel Howard/Mrs. Howard: Both these pictures belonged to Mrs. Howard, 12 Merrion Square, in 1847.
George Hudson, of Mountjoy Square.
Mrs. William Humphreys. R.H.A., 1840.
John Hutchinson. R.H.A., 1830.
Kingston James, Inniskilling Dragoons, R.H.A., 1840.
Andrew Johnston. [George Johnston, Bellevue, Malone Park, Belfast.] R.H.A., 1827.
Francis Johnston, architect. [Royal Hibernian Academy, Abbey Street, Dublin.] R.H.A., 1826. Presented by the painter to the R.H.A. in 1827.
Mrs. Francis Johnston. [Royal Hibernian Academy, Abbey Street.] R.H.A., 1838. Presented by the painter to the R.H.A. in 1857.
Francis Johnston and his wife and two nephews. [Colonel Johnston, Kilmore, Armagh.] R.H.A., 1827.
William Kemmis, junr. R.H.A., 1834.
Francis Kirchhoffer. R.H.A., 1827.
Francis Blake Knox, 5th Dragoons. R.H.A., 1853.
Captain William Knox, 13th Light Dragoons. R.H.A., 1841.
John Lawder. R.H.A., 1845.
Augustus Frederick, 3rd Duke of Leinster. R.H.A., 1833.
Edward Litton, M.P. R.H.A., 1838.
Edward Litton, Master in Chancery. R.H.A., 1852.
Rev. Edward Arthur Litton. R.H.A., 1843.
John Litton. R.H.A., 1837.
Bartholomew Lloyd, Provost of Trinity College, Dublin. [Royal Irish Academy.] R.H.A., 1838. "The likeness tolerable, but the expression far too sickly and sentimental for the late Provost" ("Evening Mail," 4th July, 1838).
Thomas, 2nd Earl of Longford. [Earl of Longford, Pakenham Hall.] R.A., 1821; R.H.A., 1827. A copy, or replica, belongs to the Dowager Countess of Longford at 24 Bruton Street, London.
Georgina Countess of Longford. [Earl of Longford, Pakenham Hall.] R.A., 1821.
Mrs. Lopdell. R.H.A., 1836.
Miss Lytton. Crayons. R.H.A., 1851.
Colonel McAlpine. R.H.A., 1834.
Mrs. McAlpine. R.H.A., 1834.
Cunningham McAlpine. R.H.A., 1826.
Robert McAlpine. R.H.A., 1827.
Arthur Chichester Macartney, K.C. [Ellison Macartney, Royal Mint.] R.H.A., 1826.
Rev. Robert D. McGhee, of Harold's Cross. R.H.A., 1849.
Daniel McKay. R.H.A., 1826.
Sir Beresford MacMahon, Bart. R.H.A., 1841.
Maria (Bateson) Lady MacMahon and children. R.H.A., 1842.
Sydney Anne Madden, wife of Colonel John Madden. Painted in 1839. [Lt.-Colonel Madden, Hilton Park, Clones.]
John Magher. R.H.A., 1828.
Lord Mahon. R.A., 1815.
Master Manders. R.H.A., 1832 and 1835.
Hon. J. T. Manners-Sutton. R.H.A., 1826.
Richard Mant, Bishop of Down, Connor and Dromore. Painted for the clergy of Down and Connor. R.H.A., 1842. Engraved by G. R. Ward, 1843.
Rev. B. W. Mathias, chaplain of Bethesda, Dublin. Engraved by C. Turner, and published in Dublin by Allen, Dame Street, 1821, and by Colnaghi, London; also by J. Horsburgh, 1837.
Captain (afterwards Sir) Murray Maxwell, R.N. [1868, Admiral Maxwell.] R.A., 1818.
Mr. Meade. R.H.A., 1827.
Meerza Jiafer Tabert. R.A., 1819.
Rev. Dr. Miller of Armagh. R.H.A., 1826.
Mr. Miller. R.H.A., 1827.
Mrs. Miller. R.H.A., 1847.
Captain Moffatt. R.H.A., 1833.
Alexander Montgomery. R.H.A., 1838. "A fine picture as well as a spirited likeness" ("Evening Mail," 4th July, 1838.)
Hon. Mrs. Montgomery, R.H.A., 1833.
Hugh Lyons Montgomery. R.H.A., 1833.
Mrs. Lyons Montgomery and child. R.H.A., 1846.
William Montgomery, M.D. R.H.A., 1826.
Arthur Moore, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. R.H.A., 1829.
Ponsonby Moore. R.H.A., 1834 and 1853.
Mrs. Ponsonby Moore and child. R.H.A., 1834.
Colonel Robert Moore. R.H.A., 1838.
Rev. William Morton. R.H.A., 1841.
J. C. Moutray. Painted for the Grand Jury of the County Tyrone. R.H.A., 1841.
Daniel Murray, R.C. Archbishop of Dublin. R.H.A., 1841.
William Murray, architect. [Mrs. F. J. Murray, Ashchurch Park Villas, Shepherd's Bush.] R.H.A., 1844.
Mrs. William Murray and her son. [Mrs. F. J. Murray, Ashchurch Park Villas, Shepherd's Bush.] R.H.A., 1844.
Miss Murphy. R.H.A., 1846.
H. G. J., 2nd Earl of Norbury. R.H.A., 1840.
Hugh, 3rd Duke of Northumberland, Lord Lieutenant. [Dublin Castle.] R.H.A., 1830.
Charlotte, Duchess of Northumberland. [Duke of Northumberland, Alnwick Castle.] R.H.A., 1831.
Captain Nourse, R.N. R.A., 1814.
Mrs. Joseph Oldham. R.H.A., 1835.
Colonel O'Malley. Painted for the Friendly Brothers' Society in Corfu. [Friendly Brothers' House, Dublin.] R.H.A., 1831.
John O'Neill. R.H.A., 1836.
John, 3rd Viscount O'Neill. [Lord O'Neill, Shane's Castle.] R.H.A., 1836.
General The Hon. Sir E. M. Pakenham, G.C.B. [James Hamilton, Brown Hall.] Perhaps the same picture as that belonging to Rev. Arthur Pakenham in 1888. R.A., 1822; R.H.A., 1827. A copy belonged to the late Lt.-General T. H. Pakenham, Longford Lodge, Co. Antrim.
Hon. Henry Pakenham, Dean of St. Patrick's. [Earl of Longford, Pakenham Hall.] R.H.A., 1851 and 1853.
H. S. Pakenham. Crayons. R.H.A., 1846.
Hon. Mrs. Charles Bertie Percy and child. [Lord Algernon Percy, Guyscliff, Warwick.] R.H.A., 1830.
William C., 1st Lord Plunket. [Lord Plunket.]
William C., 1st Lord Plunket. [King's Inns.] These portraits were exhibited in R.H.A. more than once, viz., in 1843, 1845, 1847, and 1853.
Henry Pomeroy. Crayons; done in 1811. Was in possession of the family in 1844.
Hon. and Rev. J. Pomeroy, afterwards 4th Viscount Harberton. [Mrs. Eastwood, Leigh Court, Taunton.] Ex. Dublin, 1821.
George Collins Poore. R.A., 1818.
John Grey Vesey Porter. [J. Porter-Porter, Belleisle, Co. Fermanagh]. R.H.A., 1840.
Mrs. Power. R.H.A., 1826.
Samuel Pratt. R.H.A., 1826.
Henry S. Monck, Earl of Rathdowne. [Viscount Monck, Charleville, Enniskerry.] R.H.A., 1844.
Mrs. Redington. R.H.A., 1848.
Mrs. Redmond. [Mr. Redington, Kilcornan, Co. Galway.] R.H.A., 1829.
Mrs. Reilly. R.H.A., 1834.
Richard Robinson. R.H.A., 1837.
Mr. (afterwards Sir) David Roche, M.P. [Sir Standish Roche.] R.H.A., 1837.
Lady Roche. R.H.A., 1840.
Samuel Romilly. Engraved in mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds.
Alexander Rutherford. R.H.A., 1838.
Master Sandes. R.H.A., 1836.
Miss M. Sandes. R.H.A., 1836.
William Saurin, K.C. Engraved by S. Freeman for Wills' "Lives of Illustrious Irishmen."
Rev. Thomas Scott. R.H.A., 1847.
Thomas Seymour. R.H.A., 1838.
R. Shedden. R.A., 1818.
Miss Anna Maria Smith. R.H.A., 1853.
Edward J. Smith. R.H.A., 1844.
Mrs. Edward Smith. R.H.A., 1837.
Hon. R. Smith. R.A., 1815.
Thomas Dodd Smith. [T. Cathcart, Cathcart Road, London, S.W.] R.H.A., 1836.
Mrs. Stannus. R.H.A., 1840.
Mrs. James Sterling. R.H.A., 1842.
Edward Stewart. R.A., 1822.
Isabella Stewart, see Mrs. Hamilton.
Sir James Stewart, Bart. [Sir H. Stewart, Fort Stewart, Co. Donegal.] Painted for the Grand Jury of the County of Donegal.
James Stewart of Killymoon, M.P. [Mrs. Clements, Ashfield Lodge, Cootehill.] Engraved in mezzotint by C. Turner.
Children of James Stewart. Three portraits in crayons. R.H.A., 1842.
Hon. Mrs. James Stewart. [Mrs. Clements, Ashfield Lodge, Cootehill.]
John Stewart. [George Stewart, 6 Leinster Street, Dublin.]
William Stewart. R.A., 1816.
Rev. William Stewart. [George Stewart, 6 Leinster Street.] R.H.A., 1826.
J. H. Talbot, D.L. [Mr. Redington, Kilcornan, Co. Galway.] R.H.A., 1847.
Three Children of J. H. Talbot. [Mr. Redington, Kilcornan.] A study for the picture in R.H.A., 1847.
Mrs. Talbot. [Mr Redington, Kilcornan.]
Lloyd Thomas. R.H.A., 1836.
George Thompson. R.H.A., 1827.
Mrs. Loftus Tottenham. R.H.A., 1837.
Lord Robert Ponsonby Tottenham, Bishop of Clogher. R.H.A., 1837. The Portrait of Lord Robert Ponsonby Tottenham belongs to Major Tottenham, at Plas Berwyn, North Wales.
Rev. Frederick S. Trench. R.H.A., 1840.
Mrs. Trulock. [Geo. Marshall Harriss, St. John's Road, Sandymount.] R.H.A., 1853.
Colonel (afterwards Sir) William Verner. R.H.A., 1830. Lent to Dublin Ex., 1872, by Edward Wingfield Verner, M.P.
Mrs. (afterwards Lady) Verner, and her son, Edward Wingfield Verner. R.H.A., 1842.
Family of General Sir Hussey Vivian. R.H.A., 1833.
Lady Vivian. R.H.A., 1835.
Patrick Waldron, of Merchant's Quay, [Right Hon. L. A. Waldron, Marino, Ballybrack.] Painted in 1838. R.H.A., 1840.
Lt.-Col. Walton, Coldstream Guards. R.H.A., 1833.
Richard Ward. R.H.A., 1827.
Mrs. Ward, R.H.A., 1827.
Robert Ward. R.H.A., 1827.
Mrs. Ward. R.A., 1814.
Robert Warren. R.H.A., 1856.
Mrs. Warren. R.H.A., 1856.
Isaac Weld. [Royal Dublin Society.] R.H.A., 1843. Painted for the Society.
Mrs. Henry White and son. R.H.A., 1831 and 1838.
Samuel White, M.P. R.H.A., 1831.
Mrs. Samuel White. R.H.A., 1838.
Mrs. Wichelo and Miss Campbell. R.H.A., 1826. Arthur Williamson. R.H.A., 1826.
Mrs. Arthur Williamson and niece. R.H.A., 1853.
John Williamson, architect. R.H.A., 1826.
Frederick Willis, Queen's Royal Lancers. R.H.A., 1833.
Rev. James Wills. R.H.A., 1844. Lent to Dublin Ex., 1872, by Mrs. Wills.
Mrs. Wilson. R.H.A., 1851.
Mrs. Wolseley, called 'The Star of the North,' wife of Admiral Wolseley. [Lt.-Colonel Madden, Hilton Park, Clones.] Ex. Guildhall, London, 1904.
Admiral William Wolseley. [Lt.-Colonel Madden, Hilton Park, Clones.]
Mrs. Wolstenholme. R.H.A., 1833.
Mrs. Henry Woodroffe. R.H.A., 1836.
Thomas Worthington. R.H.A., 1844.
Stephen Woulfe, Lord Chief Baron. A copy by Catterson Smith is in the King's Inns.
Captain Jackson Wray. R.H.A., 1856.
A Family Group, painted for a public Institution. R.H.A., 1835.
Head of a Child. [Pierce Finucane, Pembroke Road, Dublin.]
Portrait of a Lady. A Sketch. [Capt. Durham Mathews.] Formerly belonged to E. Tracey, 13 Heytesbury Street, Dublin.
The Crusader. R.H.A., 1826.
Christ bearing His Cross. R.H.A., 1829.
Portrait of Pilot, a water spaniel, who by awakening his master, Viscount Forbes, enabled him to escape when Castle Forbes was on fire. [Earl of Granard, Castle Forbes.] R.H.A., 1827.
The Infant Hannibal. Brocas sale, 1869.
The Cottage Girl. British Gallery, 1820. Sale, Jones, Dublin, July, 1857.
The Pet Hawk. R.H.A., 1847.
The Four Evangelists. B.I., 1818; R.H.A., 1827.
Begging for the Bow. B.I., 1851; R.H.A., 1852; Dublin Ex., 1853. Lent by the artist.
The Lavender Girl. B.I., 1819.
The Ambassador. R.H.A., 1853.
Hebe. R.H.A., 1859.
Whiteboys lying in Wait. [The late Sir Ralph Cusack.] R.H.A., 1849; B.I., 1850.
Portrait of a Girl. Black chalk, tinted. [National Gallery of Ireland.]