The Fitzsimons Family

Fitzsimons family crest

(Crest No. 17. Plate 69.)

THE Fitzsimons family is of Norman origin, and came to Ireland in 1171. Various branches of it settled in the present Counties of Down, Cavan, Dublin, Cork, Limerick, and Tipperary. Many members of this family acquired distinction in Ireland and other countries. The Most Rev. Walter Fitzsimons, Archbishop of Dublin, 1484, was one of the most learned men of his time. He joined the Earl of Kildare in crowning Simnel in 1487, but was subsequently pardoned by Henry the Seventh, who bestowed many favors on him.

Rev. Henry Fitzsimon, a learned Jesuit, born in 1569, was a participant in the great Rebellion of 1641, which he encouraged and supported with zeal and ability. He published many works on religious and controversial subjects.

Thomas Fitzsimons, born in Ireland in 1741, was a rich merchant in Philadelphia during the Revolutionary War, and subscribed a large amount of money for the support of the army. He was a senator of the First Congress and a delegate to the Federal Convention in 1787.