William Knox
Knox, William, politician and author, was born in Ireland in 1732. In 1756 he received an appointment in the American colonies, and after his return in 1761 recommended the creation of a colonial aristocracy and colonial representation in the British Parliament. He was soon afterwards appointed agent for Georgia and East Florida, a post which he forfeited by writing in favour of the Stamp Act. His principal political work, the Present State of the Nation, published in 1768, drew forth a reply from Burke. He held the office of Under-Secretary of State for twelve years succeeding 1770. Through the Revolutionary War his pen was untiring in support of the American loyalists, and at the conclusion of peace he submitted a plan for making New Brunswick a refuge for such of them as desired to leave the United States. He secured a pension of £1,200 for losses incurred by himself and his wife in the War of Independence. In 1789 he published the valuable Extra-Official State Papers. Mr. Knox died at Great Ealing, 25th August 1810, aged about 78.
37a. Biographical Dictionary—American Biography: Francis S. Drake. Boston, 1876.