Saint Ita
Ita, Saint, so called "from the ita (thirst) of the love of God which she had,"[234] flourished in the 6th century. "Deirdre was her first name," she was also known as Mide. She was born in the present County of Waterford about 480, and became one of the most venerated of Irish saints. O'Hanlon devotes five chapters of his great work to the particulars of her life, and gives an engraving of the ruins of her church of Killeedy, in the County of Limerick, where she is chiefly venerated. She died in 570: her festival is the 15th January.
119. Ecclesiastical History of Ireland: Rev. John Lanigan. 4 vols. Dublin, 1822.
192. Irish Saints, Life of the: Rev. John O'Hanlon, vol. i. Dublin, N.D.
234. Martyrology of Donegal: Edited by J. H. Todd, D.D., and William Reeves, D.D. (I.A.S.) Dublin, 1864.