Robert Craggs

Craggs, Robert, Earl Nugent, a minor poet, was born in Ireland, in 1702. After filling some offices in England, he was, in 1759, made one of the Vice-Treasurers of Ireland, and in 1766 a Lord of Trade. In 1767 he was created Baron Nugent and Viscount Clare, and in 1776 Earl Nugent. He was thrice married. He published a volume of odes and epistles in 1739. Lord Orford says of him: "Earl Nugent was one of those men of parts whose dawn was the brightest moment of a long life, and who, though possessed of different talents, employed them in depreciating his own fame and destroying all opinion of his judgment, except in the point of raising himself to honours. He was first known by the noble ode on his own conversion from Popery; yet, strong as was the energy and reasoning in it, his arguments operated but temporary conviction on himself, for he died a member of the church he had exposed so severely." Earl Nugent died in Dublin, 13th October 1788, aged about 86. He left a large fortune to his son-in-law, the Marquis of Buckingham, then Lord-Lieutenant.


146. Gentleman's Magazine. London, 1731-1868.
Gilbert, John T., see Nos. 110, 335.

349. Worthies of Ireland, Biographical Dictionary of the: Richard Ryan. 2 vols. London, 1821. Wyse, Thomas, see No. 73.