Robert Cane
Cane, Robert, M.D., an Irish nationalist, was born in Kilkenny in 1807. He studied medicine in Dublin, returned to his native city during the cholera epidemic of 1832, and soon rose into good practice. He was the friend of John Banim, and William Smith O'Brien. Although of strong nationalist sympathies, he refused to join in the emeute of 1848; yet he underwent a lengthened imprisonment under the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act. He was afterwards elected Mayor of Kilkenny. Cane projected the formation of the Celtic Union, for the publication of works relating to the history of Ireland. In this series appeared his own Williamite and Jacobite Wars of Ireland, Mr. Supple's Anglo-Norman Conquest of Ireland, and some numbers of a magazine named The Celt. Dr. Cane died of consumption, 16th August 1858, aged 51.
190a. Irish Quarterly Review. Dublin, 1851-'9.