Dicuil The Geographer

Dicuil the Geographer, an Irish writer who flourished in the 9th century. His De Mensura Orbis Terrae was written in 825, and published for the first time at Paris in 1807, by M. Walckenaer, from the MS. in the Imperial Library. Another edition, with critical notes, by M. Letronne, appeared in 1814, and one by Gustavus Parthey at Berlin in 1870. He also wrote De Decem Questionibus Artis Grammaticae. There is a full account of Dicuil and of these works in a paper by Rev. William Reeves, D.D., in the Irish Ecclesiastical Journal, October 1848.


192. Irish Saints, Life of the: Rev. John O'Hanlon, vol. i. Dublin, N.D.

233. Manuscript and Special Information, and Current Periodicals.

339. Ware, Sir James, Works: Walter Harris. 2 vols. Dublin, 1764.