Conall Cearnach

Conall Cearnach was a Red Branch Ulster Knight of the 1st century, kinsman of Fergus MacRoigh. He avenged the death of Cuchulaind, and is one of the heroes most constantly referred to in the Fenian tales. He received his military education from Fergus MacRoigh, at Emania. One of Ferguson's beautiful lays is "The healing of Conall Carnach."


171. Ireland, History of, from the earliest period to the English Invasion: Rev. Geoffrey Keating: Translated from the Irish, and Noted by John O'Mahony. New York, 1857.

210. Lays of the Western Gael: Samuel Ferguson. London, 1865.

267. O'Morgair, Life of St. Malachy: Rev. John O'Hanlon. Dublin, 1859.