Archbishop Daniel Murray

Murray, Daniel, Archbishop of Dublin, was born at Sheepwalk, near Arklow, 18th April 1768. He received his elementary education in Dublin, under Dr. Betagh, and completed his studies at the University of Salamanca. He was ordained priest in 1790, and appointed curate of Arklow, but was obliged to fly to Dublin in 1798, in consequence of the threats of the soldiery. He became coadjutor to Dr. Troy in 1809, and succeeded that prelate as Archbishop of Dublin in 1823. Dr. Murray has been designated the "De Sales of Ireland, and the Borromeo of Dublin, combining, as he did, the meekness of St. Francis with the episcopal vigilance of St. Charles." He died in Dublin, 26th February 1852, aged 83. Archbishop Murray was a staunch supporter of the system of National Education, and he and Archbishop Whately were intimate friends. He was held in high esteem by Popes Gregory XVI. and Pius IX., and. it is said to have been out of respect for him that the Papal condemnation of the Queen's Colleges was withheld during his lifetime.


78a. Christian Brothers' Handbook of Biography. Dublin. (Pamphlet.) See also No. 42a.

128b. Episcopal Succession in England, Scotland, and Ireland, from A.D. 1400 to 1875: W. Maziere Brady. 3 vols. Rome, 1877.