Muckamore, County Antrim
From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910
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Nineteen and three-quarter miles from Belfast by rail.
Bleaching and Dyeing Works in vicinity.
Population, 218
POST OFFICE, having three inward and three outward mails daily. The surrounding district within a radius of five miles have their correspondence delivered from this office daily
Ainsworth, Frank
Allen, William
Armstrong, M.
Ashe, Alexander
Ashe, Eliza
Ashe, Margaret
Barr, John
Beattie, George
Bell, Thomas
Bingham, Jane
Black, Sarah
Bleakley, Daniel
Boal, John
Boyd, Catherine
Boyd, Joseph
Boyd, William
Branagh, Thomas
Brown, James
Brown, John
Brown, Robert
Brown, Robert
Casor, Hugh, jun.
Christie, W. H.
Clarke, John C.
Close, Charles
Close, William
Cooper, John, Moylena
Coulter, Thomas, sen.
Coulter, Thomas, jun.
Craig, H. R., schoolmaster
Craig, Jack
Craig, John
Crawford, Edward
Crawford, John
Dodd, Robert
Doherty, Frank
Donaldson, James
Dunlop, James
Entwistle, John, Westend house, Muckamore. Hon. secretary Muckamore Cricket and Lawn Tennis Club
Entwistle, John G.
Ervine, Joseph, sub-postmaster
Erwin, John
Ewart, James
Finlay, Charles
Finlay, James
Finney, Lindsay
Fordie, James
Galbraith, Thomas, publican
Geddis, Michael
Gordon, William
Goudy, John, sub-postmaster
Greer, Archibald
Greer, John, Shavaguestown
Gregg, James
Groves, Henry
Groves, Joseph
Hamill, Hugh
Hamill, W. J.
Harbinson, David
Harper, James, Elnor
Hart, Thomas
Hawthorne, schoolmaster
Higgins, William, Summerhilt
Hillis, John
Hope, M.
Houston, David
Hughes, Samuel
Humphrey, Samuel
Jackson, George, Moylena
Jackson, Joseph
Jeffery, Thomas
Johnston, Alexander
Johnston, Isaac
Johnston, James
Johnston, John
Johnston, Mary
Johnston, Robert
Johnston, Thomas J.
Johnston, William
Kane, Mrs.
Kane, Robert
Kane, W. J.
Kelly, John
Kelly, Thomas
Kernaghan, F.
Kirkwood, James E.
Kissick, George
Laughlin, Sarah
Leach, James
Lee, Norman A. H., J.P., Moylena cottage
Lilly, Richard
Livingstone, James
Logan, James
Logan, John
Lough, James
Maglll, Samuel
Mairs, William
Manning, Rev. C. C., rector
Meenan, B., J.P., Ballycraigy
Millar, John
Millar, Robert
Mullan, John
Mulholland, Arthur
Mulholland, James
M'Afee, Mary
M'Ateer, William, Oldstone
M'Cabe, Robert
M'Clintock, John
M'Clintock, William
M'Clure, John
M'Clurkin, John
M'Donald, Edward
M'Dowell, George, Tirgracey
M'Dowell, James
M'Erlean, Martha
M'Fadden, James
M'Grath, David
M'Kelvey, William, Boghead
M'Keown, William
M'Nally, James
M'Quillan, John
Nicholl, James
Parkes, G. A.
Potter, John
Potter, W. J.
Rainey, John
Rainey, W. J., grocer
Ramsey, David, Trancey
Rankin, Mary
Reade, G. S., director York Street Flax
Spinning Company, Ltd., Fingrove
Reid, Andrew
Reid, James
Reid, T. H. M., Townpark
Richardson, John
Robinson, Adam
Robinson, John
Roberts, William
Salmond, Rev., Loan Ends
Semply, James
Stephens, George, publican
Stevenson, Richard
Stirling, Samuel
Stuart, Rev.
Taylor, James
Thompson, Robert, J.P., Muckamore Abbey
Walker, John, Islandbawn
White, George
Wilson, James C.
Wilson, John
Williamson, David
Wright, John
Alexander, Thomas, Summerhill
Allen, Hugh
Ansley, John, Tirgracey
Bell, James
Boal, Robert, Woodhill
Boyd, C.
Boyd, W. R., Lisnataylor
Brown, Alex.
Brown, Hugh
Brown, James
Bryson, James, Ballyrobin
Carlisle, William, Ballyrobin
Clarke, Alex., Ballyharvey
Clarke, Henry, New Lodge
Clarke, John, New lodge
Clyde, William
Coleman, Samuel
Dickey, W. P., J.P., Ballyscully
Downey, Robert, Oldstone
Drummond, Samuel, Ballyharvey
English, James
Erskine, A.
Erskine, William, Seacash
Faulkner, James, Ballytweedy
Ferguson, Adam B., Muckamore
Ferguson, Thomas, Muckamore
Fisher, Hugh, Islandbawn
French, George
Gilland, William
Gilmore, Jane, Ballyharvey
Gordon, Thomas, Beechgrove
Gordon, W. J.
Goudy, John
Grahame, David, Oldstone
Gray, James
Harper, Robert
Johnstone, Alexander
Killen, James
Kirkpatrick, Samuel
Lewis, Thomas, Ballyrobin
Lyle, Samuel
Lynn, Thomas, Ballyrobin
Mackey, Samuel, Killaley
Marcus, John, Oldstone
Millar, James
Millar, Robert
Milliken, William, Ballyrobin
Minford, Robert, Ballyarnott
Moody, John C, Ballyharvey
Moore, Thomas K., J.P., auctioneer Crookedstone
Morrison, James, Crookedstone
Murphy, Samuel, Tully
M'Alister, Hugh, Crookedstone
M'Bride, John
M'Comb, Thomas
M'Clughan, Joseph, Ballyarnott
M'Dowell, James, Tirgracey
M'Farland, James
M'Pherson, Joseph, Killaley
Neeson, Thomas
Nett, Francis
O'Neill, John, Oldstone
Rea, Alexander, Ballymather
Robb, James, Cormavey
Scott, James
Scott, Robert
Semple, Henry
Sloan, W. S., Boghead
Smyrl, W., Crookedstone
Stevenson, John, Ballyrobin
Stewart, Samuel, Killaley
Templeton, James
Thompson, Alexander
Thompson, W., Killaley
Walker, William
Wallace, R., Ballyrobin
White, George
White, James
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