Bangor, County Down
From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910
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Twelve miles from Belfast.
Parish and Urban District. Is the principal Sea Bathing Resort in North of Ireland. The town is very ancient, and was once world-famous as a seat of learning. The Abbey, portion of the remains of which are still visible, was founded in the sixth century by St. Comgall. It was destroyed by the Danes in 821; no less than 900 of the resident monks being put to death by these invaders. Within the last thirty years the town has become noted as a residential district, and during the past few years municipal improvements have been greatly accelerated. The population at the 1901 census was 5,903; it is now estimated at between 8,000 and 9,000, and in the summer months is more than doubled by the large number of visitors who rake up temporary residence. There is a convenient harbour for local trade, and an extensive promenade pier, from which passenger steamers ply in the summer months. The shore of the western side of the bay has recently been laid out as "marine gardens," greatly adding to the beauty of the promenade which skirts the bay. There are numerous fine churches, public halls, and schools, and ample shops for the supply of all requirements. There are also a large number of hotels. The outdoor bathing facilities are very good, and much taken advantage of. The bay is well-known as a yachting centre, and the Royal Ulster Yacht Club and several sailing clubs make it their headquarters. Frequent visits are paid by the ships of the Royal Navy, who find good anchorage close to the shore. The Bangor Golf Club has a fine 18-hole (inland) course and commodious clubhouse adjacent to Hamilton Road, the greens being particularly good. There is also the 9-hole course of the Royal Belfast Club at Carnalea, about a mile from Bangor. There is a frequent service of trains on the Belfast and County Down Railway to and from Belfast.
Fair—May 1st
Area of parish—17,015 acres
Population (1901 census)—9,666; urban district (1901 census), 5,903
—Postmaster, Joseph Breen.
Town Sub-Offices—Ballymagee street and Ballyholme
From 1st October the Merchants' Half-Holiday takes place on Thursdays until end of May following. All the principal shops close from two o'clock on those days
Urban District Council—Castle Ward—John M'Meekin, J.P., chairman; W. C. Severs, John Henderson.
Clifton Ward—John Smyth, James M'Murray, James H. Savage.
Ballymagee Ward—Henry Montgomery, James Fletcher, David Morrow.
Princetown Ward—W. J. M'Millan, Hugh H. Mussen, Captain Nicholson.
Dufferin Ward—Edward Henry, Robert Fegan, Joseph Rea.
Town Clerk—James Milliken.
Surveyor—Henry Bell, A. M. Inst. C.E.
Sanitary Officer—Samuel Coulter.
Rate Collector—James M'Kee.
Town Inspector—Thomas Blakely.
Gas Manager—B. Mitchell, Secretary
Gas Undertaking—A. Skimin
Joint Burial Board—A. Finlay, W. C. Severs, J. H. Savage, R. Henderson, James M'Murray, John M'Meekin, J.P.; John Nicholson, David Henderson, Henry Montgomery, and Henry Orr; Thomas Morgan, secretary. Meets first Saturday in each month
School Attendance Committee—Richard Tilson, chairman; Rev. John Waddell B.A.; Rev. W. A. Hill, Rev. J. Irvine Peacocke, B.A.; Rev. R. J. Morrell, Rev. P. M'Cauley, P.P.; James Crosbie, T. B. Gorman. Secretary—Thomas Morgan.
School Attendance Officer—J. M'Cready. Meets first Thursday in each month
Boarding and Day School—Duniris, Princetown road. Principal—Miss Annie Patton, B.A.
Royal Ulster Yacht Club—Commodore, Earl of Shaftesbury, H.M.L.; vice-commodore, Colonel R. G. Sharman-Crawford, D.L.; rere-commodore, H. Nicholson, Esq.; hon. secretary, William H. Carson, Esq.
Bangor Bay Sailing Club—Secretary, H. M'Mahon, Victoria road
Ballyholme Sailing Club—Hon. Secretary, Mr. N. Paton, 4 Balfour terrace, Ballyholme
Ward National Schools—Manager, Lord Clanmorris; principals, Mr. and Mrs. MacDonagh; teaching staff, J. Smith, Misses Anderson, E. Brice, E. Gorman, L. Stewart, and Williams Conlig National School—Principal, W. S. Clugston, B.A.
First Presbyterian Church Schools—Principals, David Orr and Miss M'Master; manager, Rev. J. Waddell, B.A.; assistants, R. M'Donald, Miss K. Boyd, Miss Isa Boyd, Miss Rea
Trinity Presbyterian Church Schools, Main street—Principals, C. M'Cormick and Miss Anderson; manager, Rev. R. J. Morrell
Roman Catholic Schools, Brunswick road—Principals, B. Shevlin and Mrs. Dunne; manager, Rev. R. Storey, P.P.
Belfast Banking Company's Branch—C. H. Bowen, manager
Dispensary (under Medical Charities Act), Southwell road—Dr. J. F. Mitchell. The Committee of Management meet at the Dispensary on the first Monday of each month
Bangor Grammar School—Principal, James M'Feeters, B.A.; assistant, Thomas M'Bride, B.A. (Cand.), R.U.I.
Gas Works, Ballymagee street
Constabulary Station, Victoria road—Sergeant Samuel Dickson
Commissioners for Taking Affidavits—H. H. Mussen, solicitor, Hilhall, Princetown road, and James Milliken, Casaeldona, Crawfordsburn road
Fire Brigade, Samuel T. Coulter, chief officer, Emmaville, 52 Queen's parade; William M'Murray, 67 Gray's hill, second officer; Thomas Blakely, Samuel M'Cready. John Agnew, and William Legge, firemen
Ladies' Collegiate School, Bella Vista, Gray's hill—Principal, Miss M'Connell, B.A.
Masonic Hall, Hamilton road—Lodge 746, Jas. M'Neill, P.M., secretary; Lodge 284, Rev. S. S. Holmes, P.M., secretary
Music and Arts School — The Misses Williams, Southwell road
Young People's Guild (First Bangor)—President, Rev. J. Waddell, B.A.; secretary, William Pollock; treasurer, A. Craig. Meets every alternate Tuesday evening
Band of Hope (Trinity Church)—President, Rev. R. J. Morrell. Meets first Friday in each month
Bangor Golf Club (18 holes), entrance at Hamilton road—Captain, D. C. Hutchinson; treasurer, Joseph Miller; secretary, J. G. Harris. Ladies Club—Secretary, Miss L. Campbell; captain, Mrs. Hazley
Petty Sessions Court in Masonic Hall every second and fourth Wednesday in each month, at 10-45 a.m. Clerk, J. H. Barrett, Bangor
Sandy Row Literary and Social Society (Methodist New Connection)—President, Rev. L. H. Cullen; hon. secretary, J. A. Lightbody. Meets every Tuesday evening in Wesley Hall, at 8
Bangor Harmonic Society—Hon. secretary, W. H. Shepperd; conductor, R. Jones
Bangor Parish Mutual Improvement Association—President—Rev. J. I. Peacocke, B.D.; hon. treasurer, W. J. M'Cormick, Battersea; hon. secretary, W. J. Lovett
Y.W.C.A. meets in Pavilion, Southwell road, every alternate Monday—Secretary, Miss Dawson
Royal Belfast Golf Club House—Nine hole course, situated at Carnalea, one mile from Bangor, on Belfast road
Church of Ireland—Rev. J. I. Peacocke, B.D., rector; Rev. J. Quin, B.A., curate; R. Jones, organist
First Presbyterian Church—Rev. John Waddell, B.A., pastor; assistant, Rev. Thomas Patterson, B.A.; organist, A. E. J. M'Creary
Second Presbyterian Church—Rev. R. J. Morrell, pastor
Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church— Minister, Rev. W. A. Hill, B.A.
Sandy Row Methodist Church—Rev. R. S. Lee
Centenary Methodist Church—Rev. James Stewart
Salvation Army Citadel, Albert street—11-15 a.m., 3 and 7 p.m.—Ensign Sophia Arthur
R.C. Chapel, Brunswick road—Rev. K. Storey, P.P.; Rev. Macauley, C.C.
Plymouth Brethren—Holborn Hall, Holborn avenue