Bandon Borough Directory for 1862

From Thom's Irish Almanac and Official Directory for the Year 1862

Bandon, an inland town and parliamentary borough in Cork county, West Riding, on the river Bandon, 177 miles S.W. from Dublin, lat. 51° 44' 36.3" N., long. 8° 44' 37.5" W. The electoral boundary comprises 447 acres. The population in 1841, including the suburb of Roundhill, was 9,049, of which 8,275 were within the electoral boundary, inhabiting 1,311 houses. Population in 1861, 6,322, inhabiting 982 houses. There are 2 parochial Churches, a Roman Catholic Chapel, a Convent, a Scots' Church, a Presbyterian and 2 Methodist Meetinghouses, an endowed School, Barracks, Court-house, and Bridewell. The manufacture of woollens and cottons has declined ; that of fine stuffs is commenced; there are also manufactures of whiskey, beer, leather, and flour. A limited trade is carried on by means of the river, which is navigable for barges to Innishannon, four miles from the town. The Terminus of the Cork and Bandon Railway is in the centre of the town. There are Fairs on the 6th and 25th May, Ascension-day, 29th October, 8th November, and the first Wednesday of every month, except May and November; Markets on Saturdays; the Fairs and Markets toll free.

The Borough returns 1 member to Parliament, constituency in 1859, 229. Quarter Sessions and Petty Sessions are held here, and a Court of Pleas, under £2, for each of the three manors of the Duke of Devonshire, and the Earls of Shannon and Bandon. The lighting, cleansing, and watching is vested in Commissioners, under 9th Geo. IV., cap. 82. The number of houses valued at from £5 to £10 and rated at 6d. per pound, in 1843, was 145; of those from £10 to £20, rated at 9d., 200 ; of those of £20 and upwards, rated at 1s., 155 ; total rated houses, 500; value of property rated, £9,159. The Borough rates in 1851 amounted to £583, and the total receipts to £727; of which £436 was expended in public works and repairs.

Member of Parliament for the Borough.

Lieut.-Col. the Hon. William Smyth Bernard (1832-35, 1857), The Farm, Bandon; Harbour View, Kilbrittain.

Collector of Inland Revenue, * * *

First Clerk, W. Sillifant.

Second Clerk, Alexander Applebe.

Distributer of Stamps, Mr. George Gabriel.

Postmaster, Mr. Thomas Lovell.

Dispensary, H. B. Ormston, M.D.; J. Jagoe, Apothecary.

Barrack-master, S. A. F. Cary, esq., late 31st Ft.


The Board of Guardians meets every Wednesday.—For List of Officers, &c., see Cork County.