Index to the Scotch-Irish in America (S-Z)
Sabine, L., historian, 470.
St. Patrick, 49, 50.
Salisbury, Earl of., see Cecil.
Sampson, Rev. Thomas, 326.
Saxey, chief-justice, 67.
Saxons, 48, 121.
Scalps, bounties for, 300, 305.
Schools, see Educational Institutions.
Scot, George of Pitlochie, 177, 250.
Scotch-Irish, origin, 1;
—formative influences, 129-161;
—opposed to Rump parliament, 148;
—threatened with deportation, 148;
—antagonized by government, 150;
—characteristics, 151, 153, 157, 539;
—religious practices, 158;
—morals, 159;
—emigration to America, 165;
—first settlements in America, 170, 179, 181;
—causes of exodus, 182-187;
—start of emigration to New England, 189;
—attempts to restrain, 195-198;
—settlements in Pennsylvania, 199, 248, 260-290;
—effects on population, 211;
—volume of immigration, 219;
—manners and customs, 239-244, 275, 278-285;
—religious and family discipline, 286-290;
—feeling toward Indians, 291-298;
—Conestoga massacre, 308-310;
—march on Philadelphia, 311;
—statement of grievances, 576;
—establish Presbyterian church in U. S., 325-331;
—influence in spreading popular education, 416-457;
—start movement for Independence, 475;
—dominant element in army, 468, 498, 518;
—propriety of term, 520-521;
—importance as a factor in American history, 523-525;
—decisive influence in American struggle, 526;
—influence on national development, 528-533; see also, Ulster.
Scotch-Irish Immigrants mentioned:
—Adams, 254;
—Allan, 216;
—Alexander, 237, 247, 263;
—Allison, 237;
—Anderson, 237;
—Armstrong, 216, 230, 231, 254, 265;
—Baird, 265;
—Barnett, 237;
—Beattie, 251;
—Beatty, 254;
—Blair, 227, 228, 229, 247;
—Blakely, 216;
—Boise, 228;
—Bolton, 231;
—Boyd, 254;
—Bradley, 216;
—Caldwell, 223, 227, 229;
—Carnahan, 228;
—Carswell, 254;
—Clark, 228, 237, 238;
—Clendenin, 237;
—Clinton, 251;
—Cochran, 228;
—Craig, 265;
—Craighead, 189;
—Crawford, 226, 229, 236;
—Crozier, 254;
—Cruickshank, 254;
—Dickey, 216;
—Dobbins, 216;
—Doak, 232;
—Duncan, 229;
—Dunning, 236;
—Erwin, 216;
—Ferguson, 228, 229, 230;
—Fisher, 207;
—Forbush, 227;
—Frierson, 216;
—Given, 236;
—Glassford, 229;
—Gordon, 216;
—Graham, 229, 254, 265;
—Graves, 236;
—Gray, 226, 229, 231, 232, 265;
—Gregg, 237;
—Gyles, 231;
—Hair, 265;
—Hamilton, 216, 229, 236;
—Harshaw, 253, 254;
—Henry, 228;
—Henderson, 228, 254;
—Herroun, 228;
—Hunter, 228;
—James, 216;
—Jameson, 231;
—Jamison, 265;
—Johnston, 236;
—Kelso, 229;
—Kilpatrick, 247;
—Lemon, 216;
—Long, 265;
—Lytle, 254;
—McAfee, 405;
—McClellan, 228, 229, 236;
—McClelland, 216, 254;
—McClintock, 229;
—McCook, 191;
—McCoun, 236, 245;
—McCowen, 228;
—McCracken, 247;
—McCrea, 254;
—McDonald, 216, 231;
—McDougal, 254;
—McDowell, 228;
—McFadden, 236;
—McFarland, 229, 254;
—McGee, 405;
—McGregor, 229;
—McGowen, 236;
—McKeen, 236;
—McKonkey, 229;
—McLean, 247;
—McLellan, 231;
—McMillan, 254;
—McMurray, 255;
—McNish, 255;
—McRae, 216;
—McWhorter, 255;
—Malcolm, 236;
—Matthews, 254;
—Mitchell, 237;
—Morrison, 237, 247;
—Nesmith, 237;
—Newton, 215;
—Orr, 232;
—Patterson, 247;
—Pennell, 228;
—Plowden, 216;
—Polk, 213;
—Porter, 216;
—Pressly, 216;
—Rankin, 229;
—Reid, 245, 255;
—Rowan, 255;
—Simpson, 236;
—Steele, 237, 255;
—Stevenson, 255;
—Sterrett, 237;
—Stewart, 237, 255, 265;
—Stuart, 216;
—Syne, 216;
—Taggart, 228;
—Vincent, 236;
—Wallace, 265;
—Watson, 228;
—Ward, 236;
—Wear, 232;
—Weir, 237, 265;
—Williams, 255;
—Wilson, 216, 228;
—Witherspoon, 206, 216.
Scotland, ethnic origins, 80;
—language, 82;
—suppressing disorder, 84-89;
—purging the Borders, 86-89;
—migrations from, 92;
—easy access to Ulster, 93;
—action against pirates, 95;
—transportation rates, 100;
—trade with America, 169;
—Darien expedition, 170;
—emigration, 177, 205, 378;
—legislation against Ireland, 183;
—colony at Port Royal, 215;
—devotion to education, 533
Scott, Sir Walter, 61, 88, 92.
Scottish Privy Council, 34.
Septs, 2.
Servitors, 23, 35.
Sevier, Col. John, 508.
Sewall, Samuel, 221.
Shanachies, 73.
Shelby, Col. Isaac, 508.
Shippen, Joseph, Jr., 441.
Shute, Gov. petition to, 191.
Sidgwick, H., historian, 63, 130.
Smith, James, signer, 419.
Smith, Rev. Joseph, 452.
Smith, J. B., Jr., 447.
Smith, Matthew, 312.
Smith, Robert, 418.
Smith, Samuel, historian, 250.
Smith, Rev. S. S., 447, 448.
Smith, William, trustee, 424.
Smith, W. Peartree, trustee, 424.
Sorning, 85.
South Carolina, 212, 214, 216.
Spain, 9, 143.
Stark, Gen. John, 244;
—his career, 503;
—wins battle of Bennington, 505.
Starved ship, 207.
State, modern, 6;
—formation of, 62, 134, 136.
Steelboy Insurrection, 459.
Stevens, Col. William, 173, 174.
Stewart, Rev. Andrew, historian, 101, 103, 120.
Stewart, Capt. John, 196.
Stirling, Lord, 92.
Stobo, Rev. Alexander, 378.
Stockton, Richard, signer, 441.
Stone, Gov. William, 171.
Strabane Presbytery, 375.
Strafford, suppresses piracy, 97;
—Lord Deputy, 129;
—his policy, 130-136, 140, 184;
—beheaded, 141.
Sueves, 53.
Sweden, 52, 74, 76, 93.
Swordmen, 63.
Taylor, Rev. Nathaniel, 331.
Tanistry, 74.
Tara, Hill of, 44.
Teatte, Rev. James, 191.
Temple, Capt. Robert, 233-236.
Thirty Years' War, 156.
Thomas, Gov., 317.
Thomson, Charles, early career, 481;
—political leader, 482, 483;
—secretary of congress, 484;
—his historical account destroyed, 485;
—connection with Declaration of Independence, 487;
—opinion of Penna. revolution, 497.
Thomson, Rev. James, 191.
Thornton, Matthew, signer, 229.
Torture, 125, 296.
Traill, H. D., historian, 134.
Traill, Rev. William, 172.
Trumbull, Gov., 499.
Tuesday, day of English luck, 16.
Tyrconnel, Earl of, 10, 11.
Tyrone, Earl of, 8-11.
Tyrone Presbytery, 195.
Tunis, 93.
Turks, 93.
Ulster, General Synod, 187, 193, 306;
—collects money for Princeton, 434-436.
Ulster Nativity, American clergymen of:
—Allison, Francis, 418;
—Beatty, Charles, 405, 409, 417;
—Black, Samuel, 387;
—Blair, John, 383, 417;
—Blair, Samuel, 384, 386, 417, 418, 425;
—Boyd, Adam, 369;
—Campbell, Alexander, 412;
—Campbell, Hugh, 353;
—Clark, Matthew, 238;
—Clark, Thomas, 253;
—Craig, John, 381;
—Craighead, Thomas, 189, 338;
—Davis, Samuel, 331;
—Dorrance, Samuel, 351;
—Dunlap, Robert, 353;
—Dunlop, Samuel, 257;
—Finley, James, 410, 418;
—Finley, Samuel, 419, 425;
—Gelston, Samuel, 380;
—Hampton, John, 331, 334;
—Hemphill, Samuel, 374;
—Henry, Hugh, 353;
—Heron, Robert, 216;
—Hillhouse, James, 350;
—Homes, William, 189, 338;
—Houston, Joseph, 363;
—Jarvie, John, 187;
—Johnston, William, 344;
—McCook, Archibald, 370;
—McGregor, James, 237, 346;
—McKee, Josias, 178;
—Makemie, Francis, 175, 331, 333, 364;
—Marshall, Robert, 405;
—Miller, Alexander, 387;
—Moorhead, John, 359;
—Roan, John, 384, 417;
—Rutherford, Robert, 353;
—Steele, John, 410;
—Stevenson, Hugh, 370;
—Tennent, Charles, 368;
—Tennent, Gilbert, 367, 384, 398, 414, 425, 430;
—Tennent, William, 266, 365, 416, 424;
—Tennent, William, Jr., 368, 425, 437;
—Thompson, 354;
—Traill, William, 172;
—Waddel, James, 392; 419;
—Wilson, John, 371;
—Wilson, Thomas, 173;
—Woodside, James, 349.
Ulster Plantation,
—projected 1-5;
—first plan, 22;
—orders and conditions, 25;
—Scottish participation, 33;
—allotments, 37-40;
—chronological record 40-41;
—morality of settlers, 101-108;
—early conditions, 114;
—physical geography, 115;
—population, 118;
—Scotch predominate, 118, 126, 127, 153;
—Irish natives retained, 121-124;
—perils of settlers, 125;
—the Black Oath, 140;
—flax introduced, 141;
—massacres, 143;
—civil war, 147;
—close of pioneer period, 151;
—economic causes of emigration, 168;
—agrarian disorders, 458;
—sympathy with America, 462;
—high standard of literacy, 535.
Ulster Scots, see Scotch-Irish.
Undertakers, the, Bacon, on, 2-5;
—Scotch applications, 34;
—obligations of, 3;
—Scottish list, 98, 548;
—character of English, 119.
United Irishmen movement, 464.
Venetians, 94, 133.
Vergil, 43.
Visigoths, 50.
Voltaire, 132.
Waldo, Samuel, 247.
Ward, John, pirate, 94.
Washington, Gen., portrait for Nassau Hall, 446;
—gift to Washington Academy, 449;
—contributed to Kentucky Academy, 452;
—Boston campaign, 494;
—in New York and Jerseys, 496;
—surprises Hessians at Trenton, 500;
—battle of Princeton, 501;
—defeated at Brandywine, 502;
—regarded American success as almost a miracle, 526.
Watson, J. F., historian, 267.
Watson, John, President of Jefferson College, 454.
Webb, Rev. Joseph, 363.
Webster, Rev. Richard, historian, 325, 372.
Wentworth, see Strafford.
West Indies, 28.
Whitefleld, Rev. George, 333, 367, 398, 416, 419, 421, 433.
Widcairn, see Kerns.
Williams, Rev. John, 299.
Williamsburgh township, N. C., 201, 216.
Wilson, James, statesman, 412, 518.
Wilson, Rev. John, 331.
Wilson, Rev. Samuel, 286.
Wilson, Rev. Thomas, 173.
Winthrop, John, 193, 222.
Wirt, William, account of Waddel's oratory, 393.
Witherspoon, Rev. Dr. John, President of Princeton, 438-441, 465.
Wolves in Ireland, 114, 116, 117.
Woodburn, Rev. J. B., historian, 127 n., 144.
Woodburn, Mrs. Margaret, 207.
Woodside, Rev. James, account of Indian raid, 235.
Young, Arthur, economist, 202, 208.
Young, John, oldest immigrant, 226.
Zante, 94.