Authorities consulted in “The Scotch-Irish in America”
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ALEXANDER, S. D. The Presbytery of New York, 1738 to 1888.
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BANCROFT, G. History of the United States.
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BOLLES, A. Pennsylvania: Province and State.
BOLTON, C. K. Scotch-Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America.
BOWEN, L. P. The Days of Makemie.
BRIGGS, C. A. American Presbyterianism.
BURKE, E. Account of the European Settlements in America.
BURY, J. B. Life of St. Patrick.
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CAMPBELL, C. History of Virginia.
CARSON, J. The Cahans Exodus.
CHALMERS, G. Political Annals of the present United Colonies.
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CHAMBERS, G. Irish and Scotch Early Settlers of Pennsylvania.
COLLINS, V. L. Princeton.
CRAIGHEAD, J. G. Scotch and Irish Seeds in American Soil.
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