
The following are among the Authorities consulted in the compilation of this Volume:

1.—Agnew’s “Protestant Exiles from France in the Reign of Louis XIV.; or, The Huguenot Refugees and their Descendants in Great Britain and Ireland.”

2.—“Annals of Queen Anne.”

3.—Baird’s “Rise of the Huguenots.”

4.—Betham’s “Dignities, Feudal and Parliamentary.”

6.—Boyer’s “Political State of Great Britain.”

6.—Browning’s “History of the Huguenots.”

7.—Burke’s “Extinct, Dormant, and Suspended Peerages.”

8.—Burns’ “History of the Foreign Refugees.”

9.—Cameron’s “History of the Irish College of Surgeons.”

10.—(Lord) Dunraven’s “Memorials of Adare.”

11.—Encyclopaedia, Metropolitana.

12.—Ferrar’s “History of Limerick.”

13.—Fitzgerald and MacGregor’s “History of Ireland.”

14.—Grace’s Annales Hibernia.

15.—(Mr. and Mrs.) Hall’s “Ireland.”

16.—(Miss) Hickson’s “Old Kerry Records.”

17.—Hill’s “Plantation of Ulster.”

18.—“History of Queen Anne.”

19.—Hogan’s “Description of Ireland.”

20.—“Irish Evangelist.”

21.—Kelham’s “Domesday Book.”

22.—Lenihan’s “History of Limerick.”

23.—Lynch’s “Feudal Dignities.”

24.—“Memoirs of Thomas, Marquis of Wharton.”

25.—“Notes and Queries.”

26.—Recherches de la France.

27.—Ryan’s “History of Carlow.”

28.—Hyland’s “History of Waterford.”

29.—Smiles’ “Huguenots: Their Settlements, Churches, and Industries, in England and Ireland.”

30.—Smith’s “History of Cork.”

31.— — “History of Kerry.”

32.— —“History of Waterford.”

33.—“Tracts relating to Ireland:” Printed for the Irish Archaeological Society.”

34.—“Ulster Journal of Archeology:” Vols. I. to VI.: see Papers therein on “The Refugees in Ireland.”

36.—Webb’s “Compendium of Irish Biography.”

36.—Whitelaw’s “Dublin.”