Celtic Families
IN page 412 ¾ of MacFirbis's "Irish Genealogies" the following Celtic names are designated Maghaidh Saxonta ("magadh:" Irish, mocking, jeering); meaning that it was only in jest these names were said to be of Saxon origin:
1. Auchinlek
2. Barclay
3. Barde
4. Biset
5. Blaire
6. Boyd
7. Cambell
8. Cleland
9. Crawfurd
10. Currie
11. Dasse
12. Dowglas
13. Dun
14. Foorde
15. Gordon
16. Grakane
17. Gray
18. Guthrie
19. Haliday
20. Hay
21. Ireland
22. Jardan
23. Johnston
24. Kar
25. Keith
26. Killpatrick
27. Lawder
28. Lennox
29. Lindesay
30. Little
31. Lundie
32. Murray
33. Newbigging
34. Oliphant
35. Ramsay
36. Ruther
37. Ruthven
38. Scot
39. Scrimager
40. Sebon
41. Tints
42. Wallace.