Grimley family genealogy

Arms: Ar. a wolf ramp. sa. betw. three human hearts gu.

DONAL, brother of Connor who is No.107 on the "Crean" pedigree, was the ancestor of O'Gairmliacha ("gairm:" Irish, infint. of "goir" to call; and "liach," gen. "liacha," a spoon); anglicised Gormley, and Grimley.

107. Donal: son of Meanmnach.

108. Connor: his son.

109. Dalbach: his son.

110. Donal (2): his son.

111. Niall: his son.

112. Connor (2): his son.

113. Sithric: his son.

114. Melachlin O'Gormley: his son.