Brady (No.2) family genealogy
Of Brefny
[1] Arms: Sa. in the dexter chief point a sun, in the sinister vase a hand pointing thereto ppr. Crest: A cherub.
NEAL CAOCH O'REILLY, brother of Donal, who is No. 114 on the "O'Reilly" pedigree, was the ancestor of MacBruide and O'Bruide; anglicised respectively MacBride, and O'Brady.
114. Neal Caoch: son of Charles.
115. Maithan: his son.
116. Gilbruidhe ("bruid:" Irish, a stupid person): his son; a quo MacBruidhe and O'Bruidhe. This Gillbruidhe had a brother named Cathal Caoch ("caoch:" Irish, dim-sighted) who was the ancestor of Clann Caoiche, anglicised Kee, Key, Kay, Kayes, and, some say, Cox.
117. Tiernan O'Brady: son of Gilbruidhe; was the first of this family who assumed this sirname.
118. Giollaiosa: his son.
119. Donoch: his son.
120. Donal: his son.
121. Neal O'Brady:* his son.
* Brady: According to MacFirbis, Cearbhall, a brother of Dubhcron, who is No. 103 on the "O'Reilly" pedigree, was the ancestor of MacBradaigh, of Brefney; anglicised Brady.
103. Cearbhall: son of Maolmordha.
104. Bradach Mgheasdall ("bradach:" Irish, roguish, love-making), his son; a quo MacBradaigh.
105. Domhnall (Donall): his son.
106. Gillbruidhe: his son.
107. Tighearnan: his son.
108. Giollaiosa: his son.
109. Donchadh: his son.
110. Donall: his son.
111. Niall MacBradaigh: his son.
[1] O'Brady: Of this family was Field-Marshal Brady, who was born in the co. Cavan, in the middle of the 18th century. The son of a farmer, he gave promise of ability, and was sent to Vienna to study for the priesthood. One day the Empress Maria Theresa passed the students in review, and, observing the bearing of young Brady, remarked to Colonel Browne, an Irishman: "What a pity it is so fine a young fellow should not be in the army—what was he saying just now?" "Your Majesty," replied Browne, " he said that your were a beautiful lady, and he only wished he had the honour to serve your Majesty." He was taken into the army and rose rapidly in the service; and as Field-Marshal and Baron distinguished himself in the defence of his adopted country against Napoleon. He married an offshoot of the Imperial family, and died without issue, at Vienna, in 1826.