James Haughton - The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps)
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a mob—if it waited on the dictum of a prelate or a Pope—if it could be wrested from us by intrigue—if it were not a thing to be won and kept by honour, and courage, and fidelity,—I would prefer to see the country remain the comfortable servant of England, with a little better food, and a degree of higher wages (cheers)."
It was soon settled, however, that the Rescript had no such power, and presumed that it had no such intention, on the part of the Pope; yet a certain prudent reserve began to be observable in the Repeal speeches of the clergy. So far the Premier's Roman policy had succeeded.
Mr Grey Porter, the dangerous pamphleteer, who wanted 100,000 militia-men, was soon disgusted out of the Repeal Association. In fact, he found that no accounts of the money transactions of that body were ever published, although they were always open to any member who might go to the offices to examine them. He suddenly washed his hands of the whole affair, went to Rome, and hunted all the next season in the Campagna, thinking on accounts.
One word on these accounts. O'Brien, Davis, and all the circle denominated "Young Ireland," were always in favour of a publication of the accounts, because it would take out of the mouth of the enemy a very common taunt against Mr O'Connell—that he was taking the people's money and not telling what he did with it. They knew also that much of it was employed in paying unnecessary salaries, and to very unworthy persons—for it was one singular fatality of O'Connell, that his creatures, dependants, and employés, were always of the rascal species. Yet none of us ever suspected that O'Connell used one farthing of the money for any other purpose than furthering the Repeal cause, according to his best judgment. The man did not care for money, save as a political engine; and I have no doubt, for my own part, that when he died Ireland was in his debt. It was a point gained, however, for the English, to send Grey Porter to hunt in the Campagna of Rome. To create a grudge between Irish Repealers and the Americans was the next point.
There dwelt in Dublin a benevolent-looking, elderly gentleman, of the name of James Haughton; a Protestant of some sect or other; Quaker, perhaps. He joined all benevolent enterprises; interested himself for plundered Indian Rajahs—made temperance speeches—was against "flogging in the army," capital punishments, and in general everything that was strong, harsh, or unpleasant; and being a wealthy man, in a good position in society, his sayings were generally treated with respect. ...continue reading »
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