List of Books belonging to the Library of Gerald, Ninth Earl of Kildare, 1526

Eleanor Hull
Volume I, Appendix V

Boks remayning in the Lyberary of Gerald Fitzgeralde, Erle of Kyldare, the xv day of ffebruarij, anno Henrici VIII, xvii

Hugo de Vienna super iiii euangelistas

Tria volumina Cronice Anthonini

Tria volumina operis Sancti Anthonii cum glosa

Quatuor partes Nicholai de Lyra

Hugo de Vienna super spalterium

Jacobi locher opera poete laureati

Opus Cornelii vitelli poete

Virgilius cum iiii commentis

Tabula vtilissima super lyra

Juuenalis cum glosa

Theodulus cum commento

Dialagus sancti Grigorii

Boecius de consolacione philosophie, etc.

ffrench Boks

The cronicles of England in frenche

A frenche boke in parchment

The trye of battails

Parte of the Bible in french

The cronicles of ffraunce in french

Maundvile in ffrench

Lalas d’amour de viegne [divine]

Le Brevier dez nobles

Le quatre choses toutz cestz au vn lyuer

Le tryumph de damez

A boke of ffarsses [farces] in ffrench

Yet Boks, Englysh boks

The polycronicon

Bocaas, The Fall of Princes


The siedge of Thebes

The cronicles of England

The feettis [feats] of armes of chyualry made by Christian de pyce [Pisa]



Saltir Casshill

Saint Beraghans boke

Another boke wherein is the begynnyng of the cronicles of Irland

The birth of Criste

Saint Kateryn’s lif

Saint Jacob [h]is passion

Saint George [h]is passion

The speech of Oyncheaghis

Saint ffeghyn [h]is lif [St Fechin]

Saint ffynyan [h]is lif [St Finnian]

Brislech my Moregh [Magh Murthemne]

Concullyn’s actes, Irishe

The monkes of Egypte’s lif

ffoilfylmey [?]. The vii Sages

The declaration of Gospellis

Saint Bernardes passion

The history of clane lyre [Clan Lir]

The leeching of Kene [Cian] [h]is legg.

There is in the British Museum a second copy of this catalogue, which adds the names of a considerable number of other books, such as in the Latin section the Book of Alexander the Great, Cæsar’s Commentaries, the Summa Angelica, the works of Terence, Juvenal, Virgil with four commentaries, parts of Livy, the dialogues of St Gregory, The City of God of St Augustine, Josephus, etc.

In the French section are included Froissart’s Chronicles in four volumes, Of the Holy Land, Illustrations of Gaul and Singularities of Troy, Lancelot du Lac, Ogier the Dane, The Garden of Plaisance, the Romance of the Rose, etc.

In the English library are to be added. The Siege of Thebes, The Destruction of Troy, The Siege of Jerusalem, Charlemagne, The Shepherd’s Calendar, Gesta Romanorum, Troillus, The Order of the Garter, The King of England [Henry VIII] his answer to Luther, Sir Thomas More his book against the new opinions that hold against pilgrimages, An Old Book of the Chronicles of England, etc.