Irish transported as slaves to Barbados

Sculptures at Devenish
The Irish transported as Slaves to Barbadoes—The Three Beasts who were to be hunted: the Wolf, the Priest, and the Tory—Origin and Causes of Agrarian Outrages—Cases of Individual Wrongs—Lord Roche—Mr. Luttrel—Accession of Charles II.—His Base Conduct towards the Irish Loyalists—Gross Injustice towards the Irish Catholic Landowners—The Remonstrance opposed by the Clergy—A Quarrel in the House of Lords—The Popish Plot—Ormonde's Difficulties—Seizure and Imprisonment of the Archbishop of Dublin- Imprisonment and Execution of the Most Rev. Dr. Plunkett, Archbishop of Armagh.
ANY of the Irish soldiers who had entered into the service of foreign princes, were obliged to leave their wives and families behind.
When we recall the number of those who were thus expatriated, it will not seem surprising that thousands of young children were left utterly destitute.
These boys and girls, however, were easily disposed of by the Government; and Sir William Petty states, that 6,000 were sent out as slaves to the West Indies.
The Bristol sugar merchants traded in these human lives, as if they had been so much merchandize; and merchandize, in truth, they were, for they could be had for a trifle, and they fetched a high price in the slave-market.
Even girls of noble birth were subjected to this cruel fate. Morison mentions an instance of this kind which came to his own knowledge. He was present when Daniel Connery, a gentleman of Clare, was sentenced to banishment, by Colonel Ingoldsby, for harbouring a priest. Mrs. Connery died of destitution, and three of his daughters, young and beautiful girls, were transported as slaves to Barbadoes.[3]
[3] Barbadoes.—Threnodia Hib. p. 287.