
SourceThom's Almanac and Official Directory for the Year 1862

From Catherine-street to Francis-street.

P. St. Nicholas Without.—Wood-quay W.—City.

1 to 9 Tenements 3l. to 8l.

10 Toole, J. cooper 4l.

11 Red Cross, Doyle, James, innkeeper, and factor, 15l.

12 and 13 Tenements, 8l., 14l.

14 Murphy, Richard, innkeeper and bacon factor, 9l.

15 Manron, Patk. bacon & butter factor

16 Cullen, William, corn factor, 9l.

17 and 18 Tenements each 9l.

19 Kelly, William, bacon factor, 9l.

here Francis-street intersects

20 Tenements 9l.

21 Dillon, Edwd. bacon factor, 9l.

22 to 25 Tenements 6l. to 7l.

here Spitalfields intersects

26 to 31 Lalor, Messrs. stores

32 M'Donough, Jn. paper manuf. 6l.

33 Fennell, Jno. bellowsmaker, 5l. 10s.

NextGarden Cottages
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