Bridge-street, Upper

SourceThom's Almanac and Official Directory for the Year 1862

From Wormwood-gate to Corn-market.

P. St. Audoen.—1 to 14 Usher's-quay W. 15 to 27 Merchants'-quay W.—City.

1 O'Rorke, Owen, wholesale hardware merchant, and importer of foreign fancy goods, 15l.

[2 to 6—15l. to 18l.]

2 Tenements,

3 Rigney, Mr. John

4 to 6 Tenements

7 Boyle, William, lodging house, 18l.

„ Boyle, Julia, baby hood & bonnet wholesale warehouse

8 Bakers' Association—Pk. M'Namee, secretary, 17l.

9 Forster, John, cork manufac. 18l.

10 M'Carthy, Patk. house painter, 18l.

11 M'Carthy, M. commercial hotel, 18l.

12 Tenements, 20l.

13 Sinnott, Eleanor, Rose hotel, 21l.

14 Mahood, Adams, L.A. Dub. 22l.

15 Healy, Thomas, comb maker, 10l.

here Corn-market intersects.

16 and 17 Tenements, each 15l.

18 & 19 Plunkett and Sons, wholesale Manchester & Scotch warehousemen, 18l., 30l.

„ Plunkett, Robert, merchant

„ Plunkett, Henry, merchant

20, 21, and 22 Allen, Joseph and Alex merchants, 20l., 35l., 26l.

„ Allen, Joseph, mercht. and Woodville, Dundrum

„ Allen, Alex, merchant, and Woodville, Sandford

[23 to 26—10l. to 20l.]

23 Parker, Rich, tailor & draper,

24 Tenements,

25 & 26 Burke, J. wine & spirit mer. and Commercial hotel at 21 Usher's-quay.

PreviousBridge-street, Lower
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