Sackville-street, Lower

SourceThom's Almanac and Official Directory for the Year 1862

From Eden-quay to Earl-street, North.

P. St. Thomas, 1 to 48. P. St, Mary, 49 to 56.—1 to 34 North Dock W. 35 to 56 North. City W.—City.

1 and 2 Law, Wm. and Son, gold and silver smiths, jewellers, and watchmakers, & Windsor-house, Monkstown, each 110l.

3 & 4 Bewley & Evans, apothecaries and chemists to the Queen and Lord Lieutenant, each 110l.

„ Brewis, William John, manager for Messrs. Bewley and Evans

„ Hamilton, John T. m.d. of the firm of Bewley, Evans, and Co.

5 New East India Tea Company, 105l.

„ Russell, Wm. & Co. grocers, tea, wine, and spirit merchants

„ Russell, William, esq. j.p. Catherine's-park, Rathfarnham

6 Gowans, David, confectioner and pastry cook—res. Lark vale, Rathgar, 105l.

„ Meade, Mrs. mil. & dress warerooms

„ Meade, Mr. John

7 Hipwell, Geo. D. mer. tailor, 105l.

„ Sweeny, Edmond, hair dresser and patent peruke maker

8 Wright & Oxley, military and naval hat and cap manufacturers, 100l.

„ Twigg, John B. solicitor, and Clogher, Tyrone

„ Geoghegan, Jno. haircutter, peruke maker and perfumer

9 Whyte, Wm. glass manufacturer, and 3 and 4 Marlborough-st. 96l.

10 Mayfield, Jas. watch manufacturer and jeweller, and 30 & 31 Essex-quay, 75l.

11 Sparrow, Jacob, outfitting wareho. shirt maker, and hosier, 120l.

here Abbey-street, Lower, intersects

12 and 13 Browne and Payne, clothiers to the Lord Lieutenant, and 70 Grafton-street, 95l., 75l.

„ Browne, Rob. St. Germans, Rathgar

„ Payne, George F. 26 Lower Gardiner-street

14 Oldham, Brothers, tea, coffee, and sugar merchants, 75l.

15 Kirby, Thos. toy, rocking horse, and general fancy warehouse, and Tritonville-av. Sandymount, 90l.

16 Stark, Brothers, printsellers, artists, colourmen, & picture frame manufacturers, 80l.

16½ Rosenstein, Simon, jeweller, and manufacturer of Irish oak and horse-hair ornaments

17 Hoyte & Son, drug, spice, oil, and colour merchants, 105l.

„ Hoyte, George, esq. j.p. and 10 Pembroke-place

„ Hoyte, Henry C. Hanoverian consul, and 10 Nelson-street

here Sackville-place intersects

18 Smith, Anth. brush warehouse, 44l.

„ Kelly, Eugene, brush warehouse

19 Gros, Samuel, manuf. of vestments and church ornaments, 100l.

„ Thomas, W. F. and Co. sewing machine manufacturers

20 Mitchell, George, importer of cigars, snuff, tobacco, wines, &c. and 66 Leinster-road, Rathmines, 110l.

21 & 22 Imperial hotel—James H. Coleman, manager, 417l.

„ Smith, W. H. and Son, newspaper and advertisement agents, and railway booksellers—Chas. Eason, manager

23, 24, 25, 26, & 27 M'Swiney, Delany, & Co. drapers, silk mercers, hosiers, glovers, haberdashers, jewellers, boot and shoe makers, tailors and woollen drapers, upholsterers and general outfitters, 660l.

„ M'Swiney, Peter Paul, esq. t.c. and Mount Haigh, Kingstown

„ Delany, George, merchant—res. 18 Lower Fitzwilliam-street

28 Allen, Richard, woollen importer, & general tailoring establishment, and 52 High-st.—res. Brooklawn, Stradbrook, Blackrock, 225l.

29 O'Farrell, P. and Son, tobacco and snuff, and soap manufac. &c and 8 Queen-street, 108l.

30 Marsh, Charles, and Co. jewellers, silversmiths, & watchmakers, 85l.

„ Marsh, Joseph, esq.

31 Coghlan, Patrick, silk mercer and general draper

„ Coghlan, Mrs. milliner & dressmk.

32 Tracy, Miss Harriett, 90l.

„ Fitton, Richard, solicitor

„ Tangney, John J. solicitor

„ Cooke's hairdressing rooms

„ Cooke, Henry, photographic artist

33 Elliott, Charles and Robert, wine merchants, forwarding agents, & London and Dublin parcel off. 90l.

34 Fitzpatrick, Richard, gentlemen's outfitting establishment, 110l.

„ Kelly, Geo. hair dresser & perfumer

„ Finning, Henry, photographic artist

„ Kirkpatrick, Thomas, carpenter and builder, and 1 North Earl-st.

here Earl-st. North, & Henry-st. intersect.

General Post Office, 1,500l.

here Prince's-street intersects

35 Robertson, William, bookseller, publisher, & stationer—wholesale warehouse, 23 Sackville-st. up.—res. 17 Rathmines-road (see advertisement), 40l.

36 Appleyard, Henry, Balbriggan hosiery warehouse, and 5 Charleville-mall, 45l.

37 Prince of Wales hotel—Wm. Smith, prop. and 1 and 2 Prince's-st. 180l.

38 Guest, Frederick, hat manuf. 50l.

39 Tweedall, Jacob, manuf. cutler, 46l.

„ Simonton and Millard, photographic artists, 35l.

40 Lesage, Adolphe, printseller, frame maker, and Parisian agent, 92l.

„ Collum, John, and Son, solicitors

„ Collum, John, solicitor—res. 9 Rutland-square, east, and Bellvue, Enniskillen

„ Collum, Archibald, jun. m.a. solicitor—res. 2 Waterloo-terrace, Upper Leeson street

41 Bennett, Jonathan, mer. tailor, 83l.

„ Eisenberg, Jacob, surg. chiropodist

„ Lindley, Mrs. Ellen

42 Wiseheart, John, and Son, stationers, engravers, & music sellers to Her Majesty, & at 23 Suffolk-st. 85l.

„ Operti, Guiseppe, musical director 11th Hussars

43 Lynch, George, portmanteau and camp furniture manufacturer, and 2 Charlemont-ter. Kingstown, 75l.

44 Carroll, D. W. printer, stationer, paper & account-book manuf. & 77 Abbey-st. mid.—res. 1 Eccles-st. 95l.

„ Davis. J. J. esq.

here Abbey-street, Middle, intersects

45 Cohen, Lewis, tobacconist, and 66 Grafton-street, 96l.

„ Lauder, Edmond S. photographer

46 Elvery, John W. & Co. waterproof and gutta percha manufs.—res. Warwick ho. Kenilworth sq. 88l.

47 Webb, Thos. book and print seller, stationer, and circulating lib. 93l.

„ Reardan, Edward G. civil engineer

48 Bridgford, Thomas, & Son, nursery and seedsmen, and Spafields nursery, Ball's-bridge, 88l.

„ Bridgeford, W. B.

Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals— Thos. F. Brady, hon. sec.

„ Wall, John D. silk mercer

„ Wall, Mrs. Mary Jane, millinery, mantle, & court dress warerooms

49 Lemon, Graham, and Co. wholesale confection, lozenge, and comfit manufacturers to the Queen and Castle, & 140 Stephen's-gn. west—res. St. Edmond's, Clontarf, 95l.

50 The Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Soc.—Rich. Perrin, sec. 95l.

„ Perrin, Richard, agent to the Lancashire Fire Insurance Co.

„ Perrin, R. and Son, corn brokers—res. 3 Harcourt-terrace

„ MacDermott, Alfred, solicitor, and Mount Salus, Dalkey

„ Mulvany, John Skipton, r.h.a. architect—res. Alma lodge, Sandy-cove, south, Kingstown

„ Stubbs, Charles Edwin, mercantile agency office

51 Edens and Clarke, boot and shoe manufacturers, 85l.

52 Green, Murdock, solicitor, agent to the Church of England Life and Fire Insurance and Annuity Institution—res. 8 Longford-terrace, Monkstown, and Youghal, 100l.

„ Hall, David, solicitor

„ Foley, Edward Green, solicitor

„ Leech, Edward, sol. & Riversdale, Rathfarnham

„ Macarthy, Alexander, solicitor

„ Julian, John, sol. crown solicitor for Westmeath and King's county, and Parsonstown

Coal Mining Co. of Ireland, limited

53 Butler, Charles, m.d. 108l.

54 Butler's medical hall, 112l.

55 Chancellor and Son, watch and clock makers, 84l.

„ Chancellor,G. W. watch & clock mkr.

„ Chancellor, Jno. optician and photographer

56 Kelly, Martin, & Son, fishing tackle manufacturers, and agents to the Kendal Powder Mills, and John Hall and Son, London, 66l.

„ Kelly, Richard, j.p., merchant

NextSackville-street, Upper
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