Richard Ryan
Ryan, Richard, probably an Irishman, son of a London bookseller, was born in 1796. He was the author of some works of but moderate reputation, and assisted in several literary undertakings of other persons. His Dictionary of the Worthies of Ireland, 2 vols., London, 1821, contains some information not attainable elsewhere, and is occasionally referred to in this Compendium. There are in it 326 notices. The early part is much overbalanced, 602 out of 1,136 pages being devoted to lives coming under A, B, C; and D. He also wrote Ballads on the Fictions of the Ancient Irish, 1822, and Poetry and Poets, 3 vols., 1826, the latter said to be "very gossipy and pleasant reading." Mr. Ryan died in 1849.
16. Authors, Dictionary of British and American: S. Austin Allibone. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1859-'71.
349. Worthies of Ireland, Biographical Dictionary of the: Richard Ryan. 2 vols. London, 1821. Wyse, Thomas, see No. 73.