Adam Duff O'Toole
O'Toole, Adam Duff, one of the few persons who have suffered at the stake in Ireland for the expression of religious convictions. The case is thus mentioned by Holinshed, under date 1327: "A gentleman of the familie of the O'Toolies in Leinster, named Adam Duffe, possessed by some wicked spirit of error, denied obstinatelie the incarnation of our Sauior, the trinitie of persons in the vnitie of the Godhead, and the resurrection of the flesh; as for the holie Scripture, he said it was but a fable: the Virgin Marie he affirmed to be a woman of dissolute life, and the apostolike see erroneous. For such assertions he was burnt in Hogging [College] greene, beside Dublin."
164. Holinshed, Ralph: Chronicles. 6 vols. London, 1807-'8.