Dungiven, County Derry

From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910

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There are a number of Freestone Quarries in the district.
Market Day—Saturday
Fair Day—Second Tuesday each month
Petty Sessions held third Thursday each month


—James Fallows, Postmaster


Beatty Bros., grocers
Begley, C, grocer
Begley, John, saddler
Boyle, Patterson, baker, grocer, china, delf, hardware and timber merchant, house-furnisher
Brolly, Jane, grocer
Campbell, Mrs., crochet agent
Campbell, R. M., cattle dealer
Carlin, J., teacher, Cashel
Carlin, Mrs., teacher
Carlin, Mrs., lodging-house keeper
Carlin, W., Horse Shoe Bar
Crockett, ———, teacher, Drumneecy
Cunning, J., lodging-house keeper
Dallas, George, cattle dealer
Dallas, Joseph, cattle dealer
Dallas, Wm., cattle dealer
Davison, Rev. Thomas
Dean, Joseph, carpenter
Dee, Rev. Thomas, C.C.
Deeny, James, mason
Deeny, James, grocer and draper
Donaghy, Henry, barber
Donaghy, Thomas, publican
Douglas, Miss, dressmaker and milliner
Douglas, John, clerk of markets and commissioner for oaths
Douglas, R., law clerk
Dunbar, W., teacher
Dunn, David, land valuer
Fallows, J., bookseller, draper, haberdasher
Farran, John, blacksmith
Gibson, Rev. Andrew, B.A.
Gilmartin, M., teacher, Gortnaghey
Glasgow, C. H., teacher, Rallagh
Harkness, John, teacher, Boveva
Harper, Jos., gardener, Pellipar
Hasson, Miss, dressmaker
Heaslip, W., gardener, Strangemore
Higgins, Dr. Michael, dispensary doctor
Jervis, Alexander, Knockan
Jervis, Henry, Knockan
Kane, John, cattle dealer
Kane, Mrs., teacher, Carn
Kealey, P., carpenter
Kealey, James, butcher
Kelly, R., boot and shoe maker
Kennedy, John, baker
Kenny, H., stationmaster
Kidd, William, butcher
Kilmartin, M., teacher
Lamb Bros., drapers and haberdashers
Lamb, M. & M., drapers and haberdashers
Lane, Dr. B., coroner, Limavady
Logue, Edward, publican
Longmore, J., law clerk
Magee, J., china and delf merchant
Magee, Joseph, grocer
Magee, James, posting establishment
Martin, King, French & Ingram, solicitors
Mercer, Thomas, petty sessions clerk
Meenagh, B., farmer, Knockan
Milliken, Mrs., agent for Pullars' dye works, draper, milliner, dressmaker and newsagent
Mitchell, A., law clerk
Monaghan, William, butcher
Moore, William, Killunough
Moorehead, John, process-server
Morris, J., grocer
Morris, John, carpenter
Mullan, P., grocer
Murray, S., saddler
M'Cartney, S., deputy surveyor
M'Caughy, John, carpenter
M'Clenaghan, J., boot and shoemaker
M'Colgan, Charles, baker
M'Colgan, James, baker
M'Conalogue, Rev. C. C.
M'Cool, Mrs., pound-keeper
M'Cormick, Wm., painter and paperhanger
M'Closkey, H., teacher, Dernaflaw
M'Closkey, J., tailor
M'Closkey, J., lodging-house keeper
M'Closkey, James, posting establishment
M'Closkey, Joseph, carpenter
M'Closkey, Matthew, cattle dealer
M'Closkey, Miss, bonnet maker
M'Closkey, Mrs., dressmaker and milliner
M'Closkey, P., grocer
M'Closkey, P., cycle agent
M'Closkey, Rose A., grocer and lodging-house keeper
M'Dermott, Michael, publican, grocer, and cycle agent
M'Farland, Miss, dressmaker and milliner
M'Farland, Mrs., dressmaker and milliner
M'Farland, Mrs., grocer
M'Fettridge, B., mason
M'Henry, James, grocer
M'Ivor, Miss, teacher, Terygoland
M'Kenna, B., Arcade, spirit grocer
M'Kenna, B., grocer, china, delf, boot and shoe maker
M'Kenna, Mrs., crochet agent
M'Laughlin, James, grocer
M'Laughlin, Mrs., dressmaker and milliner
M'Loughrey, Rev. Edward, P.P.
M'Nicholl, M., publican
M'Nicholl, Mrs., crochet agent
M'Nicholl, Patrick, publican
M'Reynolds, James, grocer, draper, haberdashery, hardware, timber, house-furnisher, and posting establishment
M'Shane, George, railway porter
M'Sparron, W., gardener, Knockan
M'Sparron, James, grocer and posting establishment, Knockan
M'Veigh, Peter, tailor
M'Veigh, James, tailor
M'Vey, Miss, dressmaker
M'Vey, J., draper and haberdasher
Orr, Miss, private tuition
O'Kane, John, commercial and family hotel
O'Neill, H., grocer
O'Neill, A. L., spirit grocer
Poston, R., grocer. Agent for Convoy Woollen Co.
Quigley, Daniel, publican
Ross, John, carpenter
Ross, J. A., teacher, Ballyhargan
Semple, A. & W., millers
Somers, James, railway porter
Steele, Miss, dressmaker, milliner, and haberdasher
Stevenson, J., J.P., gentleman farmer, Knockan
Stewart, Miss, crochet agent
Stouppe, Mr., cashier Northern Banking Co.
Summers, William, tailor
Temple, Wm. manager Northern Banking Co.
Thompson, Rev. S.
Wafer, Lloyd, sergeant R.I.C.
Warren, Rev. Canon H. G.
White, James, blacksmith & cycle mechanic
White, R., grocer
Young, John F., solicitor

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