O'Flanagan (No.1) family genealogy

Of Fermanagh

Arms: Ar. a sinister hand couped at the wrist affrontée gu.

CAIRBRE, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages, the 126th Monarch of Ireland and who is No. 87 on the (No. 1) "O'Neill" (of Tyrone) pedigree, was the ancestor of O'Flanagan, of Tuatha Ratha (now the barony of "Magheraboy), in the county Fermanagh.

88. Cairbre: son of Niall of the Nine Hostages.

89. Cormac Caoch: his son.

90. Tuathal Maolgarbh: his son. Some annalists make this Tuathal the 132nd Monarch of Ireland.

91. Cormac (2): his son; had a brother named Garbhan, who was the ancestor of Carleton.

92. Donall Dunn ("dunn:" Irish, a doctor): his son.

93. Flann: his son.

94. Maolruanaidh: his son.

95. Malachi: his son.

96. Lochlann: his son.

97. Ardgal: his son.

98. Longseach: his son.

99. Flannagan ("flann:" Irish, blood), meaning the "red faced little man:" his son; a quo O'Flannagain, of Ulster, anglicised O'Flanagan.

100. Padraic: his son.

101. Brian: his son.

102. Donall an-Fhiona (or Donall of the Wine): his son.

103. Hugh: his son.

104. Dermod: his son.

105. Cormac an-Neach (or Cormac the Apparition): his son.

106. Aodh (or Hugh): his son.

107. Dermod Balbh: his son.

108. Brian (2): his son.

109. Cormac (4): his son; had a brother named Hugh.

110. Murtogh: son of Cormac.

111. Giollaiosa Ruadh: his son.

112. Cormac (5): his son.

113. Giollabrighid: his son.

114. Manus: his son.

115. Padraic: his son.

116. Hugh (3): his son.

117. Murtogh (2): his son.

118. Giolla (or William) O'Flanagan, of Tuatha Ratha: his son.