Arranging Juries to obtain Convictions - The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps)

John Mitchel
Author’s Edition (undated)

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Dublin was held at the Royal Exchange to protest; and Mr John O'Connell went so far as to move this resolution:—

"Resolved—That we consider the right of trial by a jury as a most sacred inheritance—in the security of person, property, and character."

The meeting then proceeded to protest against "the practice of arranging juries to obtain convictions." During the same week the poor-houses, hospitals, gaols, and many buildings, taken temporarily for the purpose, were overflowing with starving wretches; and fevered patients were occupying the same bed with famished corpses: but on every day of the same week large cargoes of grain and cattle were leaving every port for England. The Orangemen of the North were holding meetings to avow hostility to Repealers and to "Jezebel," and eagerly crying, "To hell with the Pope!" Thus British policy was in full and successful operation at every point, on the day when I left my country in the fetters of the enemy.

Henceforth, I know nothing of Irish affairs from personal observation; and must content myself with epitomizing the rest of the dreary story from other authorities. ...continue reading »

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